Well hello father

As Ritsuka was with Mash he made sure BB was ntk here our all of his servant he summons him self and not by the holy grail, as he looked at Mash.

I think I have Theory on the second files. Ritsuka said looking at Mash. I have already told you about the reset, I think one fail is he before the reset and another the correct me

Mash listened intently, intrigued by Ritsuka's theory. "So, you mean one file represents the you from before the reset, and the other is the current you, post-reset?"

Ritsuka nodded thoughtfully. "Exactly. It would make sense, considering the timeline alterations we've experienced. The Ritsuka from before the reset would have a different set of experiences and history compared to the one we know now."

Mash furrowed her brow, trying to process the implications. "But if that's the case, does it mean there are two separate versions of you existing simultaneously in the Moon Cell's data?"

Ritsuka shrugged, acknowledging the complexity of the situation. "It's possible. The Moon Cell's capabilities are vast, and its data storage is extensive. But whether these two versions of me have any tangible impact on our current situation remains to be seen."

Mash nodded, absorbing the information. "It's certainly something to consider. But for now, our priority is dealing with the threat at hand. We can revisit this later when we have more information."

Ritsuka agreed, though the mystery of the two files continued to nag at him. As they prepared to face the challenges ahead, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this puzzle than met the eye. But for now, they had a Singularities to resolve, and that demanded their full attention.

"Right," Ritsuka replied, a sense of determination in his voice. "Let's focus on the task at hand."

Mash nodded in agreement. "We'll need to stay vigilant, especially with the presence of multiple threats in this Singularity. But I trust in your leadership, Senpai."

Ritsuka smiled appreciatively at Mash's vote of confidence. "Thanks, Mash. Together, we'll navigate through whatever challenges come our way."

Just then, a familiar voice interrupted their conversation. It was BB, her mischievous grin hinting at a hidden agenda. "Speaking of challenges, have you two considered the implications of having two versions of you floating around in the Moon Cell's data?"

Ritsuka exchanged a knowing glance with Mash before turning back to BB. "We've been discussing it. It's definitely a curious phenomenon, but our immediate concern is addressing the threats in this Singularity."

BB's grin widened. "Ah, always the pragmatic one, aren't you? But don't forget to indulge in a little curiosity now and then. You never know what secrets you might uncover."

Ritsuka chuckled, recognizing BB's playful nature. "We'll keep that in mind. But for now, let's stay focused on our mission."

With that, Ritsuka and Mash resumed their preparations, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in the enigmatic realm of the Moon Cell.

As Ritsuka and the group walked up to the middle of London Sigurd was ready to break the ground as then a powerful blast sent them flying as they saw someone wearing a pure black armoured with a helmet riding a black horse holding spear, as thr Knight Removed there helmet, as this was Artoria Lancer Alter or Lancetoria alter.

Let gess. Ritsuka said already know who she was. King Arthur but was Lancer hey, Mordred your dad is here, I can believe that is a sentence I said

Continuing from there:

Mordred chuckled, seemingly amused by the situation. "Well, well, well, if it isn't father dearest paying us a visit. What brings you to London, old man?"

Artoria Lancer Alter narrowed her eyes, her gaze piercing through the group. "I am here on official business. You, Ritsuka Fujimaru, are interfering with our plans. It's time you learn your place."

Ritsuka raised an eyebrow, unfazed by Artoria's ominous demeanor. "And what plans might those be? Trying to cover the sky with dark clouds and block out the sun? Quite the nefarious scheme."

Artoria's grip tightened on her spear. "You speak too boldly for one who stands before the King of Knights. You will regret crossing me."

As tension thickened in the air, Mash stepped forward, her shield at the ready. "We won't back down. We're here to stop whatever dark machinations are afoot in London, no matter who stands in our way."

With both sides poised for confrontation, the clash between father and child, master and servant, seemed inevitable.

As the battle ensued, swords clashed and sparks flew, each strike resonating with the weight of their shared history.

Ritsuka, Mash, and the group fought valiantly against Artoria Lancer Alter, exchanging blows in a dance of blades and magic. Amidst the chaos, Ritsuka seized a moment to speak, his voice cutting through the din of battle.

"You know, Artoria, it's ironic," Ritsuka said, parrying a thrust from her spear. "All this power, all this strength, and yet it led to the fall of your kingdom. Isn't that the tragedy of it all?"

Artoria's eyes blazed with a mixture of fury and sorrow as she continued to press her assault. "Don't speak to me of tragedy, Ritsuka Fujimaru. You know nothing of what it means to bear the burden of a kingdom's fate."

Mordred, fighting alongside Ritsuka, couldn't help but interject. "Oh, but I think I do, father. After all, it was your obsession with power that tore Camelot apart. You were too blinded by your own ambitions to see the consequences."

The clash of steel echoed around them as Artoria's lance clashed against Mordred's sword. "You dare speak of ambition, Mordred? You, who betrayed your own king and kin? You are no better than the traitors who sought to bring down Camelot!"

Meanwhile, Mash engaged Artoria in a fierce exchange of blows, her shield deflecting each strike with precision. "Artoria, please, there must be another way," she pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation. "We don't have to keep repeating the mistakes of the past."

Artoria's resolve remained unyielding as she fought on, her words laced with bitterness. "You speak of redemption, Mash Kyrielight, but some sins cannot be undone. Camelot fell because of me, and I will bear that burden until the end of time."

With each clash of swords and each burst of magical energy, the echoes of their past reverberated through the streets of London, a reminder of the scars that time could never fully heal.

As the battle raged on, Artoria Lancer Alter's attacks grew more relentless, fueled by the weight of her regrets and the anguish of her past. With every strike, she sought to unleash the full force of her power, a desperate attempt to drown out the voices of doubt and remorse that haunted her soul.

Ritsuka, Mordred, and the others fought with all their strength, their determination unwavering even in the face of Artoria's formidable might. Each blow they exchanged carried with it the weight of their convictions, a testament to their resolve to forge a new path, free from the shadows of the past.

"You can't keep running from your mistakes, Artoria," Ritsuka called out amidst the chaos of battle, his voice cutting through the clash of weapons. "You have to face them, confront them, and find a way to move forward."

Artoria's lance flashed as she countered Ritsuka's words with a fierce attack, her eyes burning with an intensity that matched the flames of her resolve. "Do not presume to lecture me, Ritsuka Fujimaru. You know nothing of the sacrifices I've made, the choices I've been forced to bear."

Mordred, fighting alongside Ritsuka, saw an opening and lunged forward, his sword meeting Artoria's spear with a resounding clang. "But what about the sacrifices others have made because of your choices, father?" he challenged, his voice ringing with defiance. "Do they mean nothing to you?"

The clash of weapons echoed through the streets of London, a symphony of steel and magic that spoke of battles long past and struggles yet to come. With every strike, every parry, and every spell cast, Ritsuka and his allies sought to break through Artoria's armor of sorrow and reach the heart of the woman she once was.

But as the battle raged on, it became clear that their fight was not just against Artoria Lancer Alter, but against the shadows of their own pasts, and the sins that threatened to consume them all.

Did you ever feel bad. Mordred said block Lancetoria alter spear. Did you even regret killing me falling all your people, falling the knight.

Lancetoria Alter's spear trembled in Mordred's grip, the weight of his words sinking deep into her heart. For a moment, the ferocity in her eyes wavered, replaced by a flicker of remorse.

"I..." Lancetoria began, her voice faltering as memories of battles lost and lives shattered flooded her mind. "I have carried the burden of those regrets with me for centuries, Mordred. Each life lost, each dream shattered—it weighs heavily upon me, a chain that binds me to the past."

She paused, her gaze meeting Mordred's, a silent plea for understanding in her eyes. "But regrets alone cannot change what has been done. No amount of remorse can undo the choices I've made, the lives I've taken. All I can do now is bear the weight of my sins and strive to atone for them, in whatever way I can."

Mordred felt a pang of sympathy for the woman before him, a once-proud king brought low by the weight of her own failures. Despite their differences, despite the pain she had inflicted upon him, he couldn't help but see the shadow of his father in her eyes—a broken soul, burdened by the sins of the past.

"Then let us help you bear that burden," Mordred said, his voice softening as he lowered his sword. "We may not be able to change the past, but together, we can forge a new future—one where redemption is possible, even for those who have lost their way."

Lancetoria's gaze softened, a glimmer of hope shining through the darkness that had consumed her. For the first time in centuries, she dared to believe that perhaps, just perhaps, there was a chance for redemption—for her, and for all those who had been lost along the way.

I don't think so. Lancertoria Alter said looking at Mordred. I will destroy London with trh help of Goetia and after that the rest of humanity

Yeah not having that. Ritsuka said looking at Sigurd and Tametomo. Use your Np full power

As Sigurd and Tametomo unleashed their Noble Phantasms, unleashing devastating attacks on Lancertoria Alter, Mordred prepared for her final strike. With a fierce determination, she charged forward, her sword crackling with lightning.

"This is for all those you've hurt!" Mordred shouted, her voice filled with anger and sorrow as she unleashed her Noble Phantasm, "Clarent Blood Arthur!"

A massive wave of energy surged forth from her sword, crashing into Lancertoria Alter with unstoppable force. The ground shook, and the sky seemed to darken as the attack engulfed her.

As the dust settled, Mordred stood, breathing heavily, her sword still crackling with remnants of the powerful attack. Lancertoria Alter lay defeated, her armor cracked and broken, her spear shattered beside her.

"It's over," Mordred said, her voice softer now, tinged with a hint of sadness as she looked down at her fallen foe. "I hope you find peace now, Father."

With Lancertoria Alter defeated, the group took a moment to catch their breath, knowing that their battle was far from over.

Alright that was a lot drama. BB said as the fight was finally over. Like I expected a fight not a Indian drama.

As everyone just looked at her with the face can you just shut up for 5 minutes

BB's comment brought a momentary break in the tension, drawing a mixture of chuckles and exasperated sighs from the group. Ritsuka shook his head, unable to suppress a small smile despite the gravity of their situation.

"Yeah, well, you know how it is," Ritsuka replied, his tone light as he glanced around at his companions. "Just another day in the life of a Master, right?"

Mordred rolled her eyes, her expression a mix of annoyance and amusement. "Some of us prefer a bit less drama in our lives," she muttered, casting a pointed glance at BB.

BB shrugged, unfazed by the reproach. "Hey, I'm just here to keep things interesting," she said with a mischievous grin. "Can't let things get too dull, now can we?"

With a collective sigh, the group began to regroup, their focus turning to their next steps in the battle against Goetia and his forces. Despite the challenges ahead, there was a sense of camaraderie among them, a shared determination to see their mission through to the end, no matter what obstacles they might face.

Alright let go done. Tesla said looking at the hole. Goetia is there waiting for us.

With a nod of agreement, Ritsuka and the others gathered their resolve, ready to face whatever awaited them on the other side of the portal. As they stepped forward, their determination was palpable, each one prepared to confront Goetia and bring an end to his reign of terror once and for all.

As then a spear hit them ground as the group saw Scathach walking up to them

Fight or help. Ritsuka said ready to summon his umbrella summons. Becuse everything depends on that

Scathach looked at the group, her gaze piercing and calculating. "I'm here to help," she said firmly. "Goetia's ambitions threaten all of humanity, and it's in all our best interests to stop him." With a nod of agreement, Ritsuka and the others accepted her assistance, knowing that they would need all the help they could get to face the powerful enemy ahead.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones