Battle agents Goetia

Ritsuka's demon commander mystic code emanated a brilliant glow as he drew forth Albion, its blade crackling with potent energy. With a swift motion, he cleaved through Goetia's shield, shattering it into pieces, and severed the dark mage's arm in one decisive strike.

Goetia staggered back in disbelief, his gaze fixed on the stump where his arm had once been. "What... How?" he stammered, incredulous at the sudden turn of events.

"It's quite simple," Ritsuka replied calmly, his eyes focused on his mystic code. "After our encounter during Singularity F, I realized the need for greater strength. That's when I devised this mystic code, drawing upon the power of many servants to enhance my abilities."

In Chaldea, the onlookers observed the scene with a mix of shock and fascination. Romani turned to Da Vinci with a questioning expression, silently asking if she had been aware of Ritsuka's newfound power. Da Vinci simply raised an eyebrow, her gaze reflecting both surprise and admiration for Ritsuka's ingenuity.

As Goetia struggled to comprehend the situation, Ritsuka stepped forward, his presence exuding confidence and determination. "Your reign of terror ends here, Goetia," he declared, his voice resolute. "Humanity will not be shackled by your tyranny any longer."

With a flick of his wrist, Ritsuka unleashed a barrage of attacks, each strike fueled by the combined strength of his summoned allies. Lightning crackled around Tesla as he unleashed bolts of energy, while Mordred's sword danced with deadly precision, carving through the demon pillars with ease. Scathach and Brynhildr fought side by side, their spears weaving a deadly dance that left no pillar standing in their wake.

Meanwhile, Tametomo and Marie Alter unleashed their own formidable powers, raining down destruction upon the enemy forces. As the battle raged on, Ritsuka's shadow army surged forward, overwhelming the demon pillars with their sheer numbers. With each passing moment, Goetia's forces dwindled, their once-mighty ranks falling before the relentless onslaught of Chaldea's defenders.

Back in Chaldea, Romani and Da Vinci watched with bated breath as the battle unfolded. Despite the odds stacked against them, they could sense a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos. Ritsuka and his allies fought with unwavering resolve, their determination unwavering in the face of adversity. As the final showdown approached, the fate of humanity hung in the balance, poised on the edge of victory or defeat.

Did you know about this. Romani said looking a Da Vinci. Did you know about what the mystic coded does.

Da Vinci sighed, her gaze fixed on the screen displaying the intense battle unfolding before them. "I had my suspicions," she admitted, "but I couldn't be certain until now. Ritsuka has always been resourceful, but this... this is beyond anything I could have imagined."

Romani nodded, his expression a mix of awe and concern. "It seems our Master has been keeping a few tricks up their sleeve," he mused. "But if it means putting an end to Goetia's reign of terror, I'm willing to trust in their judgment."

As they continued to watch, the full extent of Ritsuka's power became evident, each strike carrying the weight of countless sacrifices and battles fought. It was a testament to their resilience and determination, a beacon of hope for all of humanity.

"We'll need to be prepared for whatever comes next," Romani said, his tone somber. "Goetia won't go down without a fight, and we can't afford to underestimate him."

Da Vinci nodded in agreement, her eyes never leaving the screen. "Agreed," she said. "But for now, let's have faith in Ritsuka and their allies. They've come this far; I believe they can see this through to the end."

Back in the fight Ritsuka was using his holy flame, Goetia was going back he need time to hell his arm, and he heated to do this but no time was left.

Temble of time. Goetia siad screaming as he did everyone was teleport. Know defeat me here

As Ritsuka was surprised they were in the temple of time this didn't make any sense, it looks like Goetia got really desperate. As they group just looked at him as hundred of demon god Piller came as then they were attack as landing done was every servant Ritsuka had meet during the 4 singularity he had been through.

Um senpai. Mash siad looking at him. Things are moving way to fast we haven't even done the 7th singularity

Yeah. Ritsuka siad surprise remember the previous timeline. This is skipping a few hundreds steps

The sudden shift to the Temple of Time caught everyone off guard, leaving them scrambling to adapt to the new battlefield. Ritsuka's mind raced as he tried to make sense of the situation, the weight of responsibility pressing down on him more heavily than ever before.

"We'll need to act fast," Ritsuka said, his voice tinged with urgency. "We may have skipped ahead, but that doesn't change our objective. We still need to defeat Goetia and put an end to his plans."

Mash nodded, her determination unwavering despite the chaos surrounding them. "Right," she said. "We've come too far to let this setback stop us now. We'll fight our way through, no matter what."

As the demon god pillars closed in, each servant sprang into action, their movements a symphony of skill and determination. Ritsuka called upon the full might of his allies, their combined strength becoming a beacon of hope amidst the darkness.

"We can do this," Ritsuka said, his voice cutting through the chaos. "Together, we can overcome any obstacle. Let's show Goetia what we're made of!"

As the battle raged on within the Temple of Time, each servant unleashed their most devastating attacks, the air crackling with magical energy and the clash of weapons. Ritsuka stood at the forefront, his determination unwavering as he directed his allies with precision and resolve.

"Keep pushing forward!" Ritsuka shouted, his voice cutting through the chaos. "We can't let up now!"

Mordred charged ahead, her sword cleaving through demon god pillars with unmatched ferocity. "For the future of humanity!" she cried, her battle cry echoing throughout the temple.

Meanwhile, Tametomo unleashed a barrage of arrows, each shot finding its mark with deadly accuracy. "No retreat!" he called out, his resolve unyielding as he fought alongside his comrades.

Mash wielded her shield with unmatched skill, deflecting attacks and protecting her allies from harm. "Stay close to me!" she shouted, her voice a beacon of reassurance amidst the chaos.

Tesla's lightning crackled through the air, striking down demon god pillars with unstoppable force. "Feel the power of the storm!" he roared, his eyes blazing with determination.

Scathach moved with unmatched grace, her spear slicing through the ranks of their enemies with lethal precision. "There is no escape from my blade!" she declared, her voice ringing out with authority.

As the battle raged on, Ritsuka's resolve only grew stronger. With each passing moment, they drew closer to victory, their determination shining bright amidst the darkness of the Temple of Time.

As multiple bullet were sent flying as it was Nobunaga, as one of the demon god Piller tryed to attack her as then it was cut was it was Okita.

Next time Nobu. Okita said looking at her friend/lover. Look around when your firing

The two warriors shared a brief nod before returning their focus to the battlefield, their movements fluid and precise as they continued to unleash a relentless barrage of attacks against their enemies. With their combined strength, they carved a path through the demon god pillars, their determination unwavering as they fought side by side.

"We've got this, Okita!" Nobunaga called out, her voice filled with confidence as she unleashed another volley of bullets.

"Right behind you, Nobu!" Okita replied, her blade flashing in the dim light of the temple.

Together, they moved as one, their attacks synchronized as they worked together to overcome their adversaries. With each strike, they pushed back the demon god pillars, inching closer to their ultimate goal of defeating Goetia and restoring peace to humanity.

As the battle raged on, their bond only grew stronger, their trust in each other unwavering as they faced the greatest challenge of their lives. With their combined strength and determination, they knew that victory was within their grasp, no matter the odds stacked against them.

Meanwhile a dragon was cutting domon god as it transformation back to Kyohime as then a blast of sound was sent as Elizabeth landed next to her, both nodded as they went one the attack as multiple crystal horse attacked as blast of dark Excalibur went as well as so did dark flames as they were Maria, Saber alter and Jeane alter, as they were going get attack they were saved by Maria alter.

Look around this war not tea party. Maria alter siad looking at her normal. Never thought I will see the were I will world with a younger version of my self

Maria nodded in agreement, her gaze sharp as she surveyed the battlefield. "Indeed, things have taken a rather unexpected turn," she replied, her tone resolute despite the chaos surrounding them.

With a fierce battle cry, they charged back into the fray, their weapons flashing as they clashed with the demon god pillars. Maria Alter unleashed torrents of dark energy, her attacks tearing through their enemies with devastating precision. Beside her, the older Maria Alter fought with equal ferocity, her blade slicing through the air with lethal accuracy.

As they fought, the two versions of Maria Alter exchanged brief glances, a silent understanding passing between them. Though they hailed from different points in time, they were united in their determination to protect their allies and defeat their common enemy.

Despite the odds stacked against them, they fought with unwavering resolve, their determination fueling their every strike. With each enemy they vanquished, they drew closer to their goal of bringing an end to the reign of Goetia and restoring peace to the world.

As in a different place Archer/Emiya was shooting done arrows as, lifgthing was coming down protecting him and so was blast of light, standing next to him was Saber/Artoria and Parvati/Sakurak.

You know. Archer siad looks at the. Figitng beside you two, your know forget it

Archer's words hung in the air, a fleeting moment of camaraderie amidst the chaos of battle. Despite the tension of the situation, there was a sense of mutual respect between the three Servants as they fought side by side.

Saber/Artoria regarded him with a nod, her expression determined. "We fight together, for the future of humanity," she affirmed, her voice resolute as she unleashed a powerful strike against their foes.

Parvati/Sakura, her bow drawn taut, offered a small smile. "Indeed," she agreed, her eyes sparkling with determination. "We may come from different paths, but our goals align in this moment."

With renewed determination, they continued their assault, their combined efforts proving to be a formidable force against the onslaught of demon god pillars. Each arrow loosed by Archer found its mark, while Saber's blade cleaved through their enemies with precision and Parvati's divine energy surged forth, enveloping their foes in a blinding light.

As they fought, a sense of unity settled over them, a shared purpose driving them forward. In the midst of battle, they found strength in each other's presence, a testament to the bonds forged in the crucible of combat. Together, they pressed on, unwavering in their resolve to confront the looming threat of Goetia and bring an end to his reign of terror.

Meanwhile in another place Artoria lancee alter was also fighting as she saw Saber alter, as they both just looked at each other and nodded as they left, as Sigurd and Siegfried were working together with Sir Georgios as he was using his Noble phantasm to turn everything into a dragon, as then fought Siegfried was almost attack but another servant was summoned as she looked at him, she was wearing a pure black dress, yellow hair, snow white skin holding a red Verison of Siegfried sword.

Kriemhild. Siegfried siad surprise to see that she also became a surprise. This is supires

As then he was hit on the head by her as she looked at her.

What the hell wer you think. She yalled cutting done a few demon god Piller. Planing your own death thinking no one will miss you, I did I went killed so many people for you

As Kriemhild confronted Siegfried amidst the chaos of battle, her anger simmered beneath the surface, fueled by years of resentment and betrayal. She wielded her sword with a fierce determination, her movements fluid and precise as she dispatched demon god pillars with deadly efficiency.

Siegfried, taken aback by her sudden appearance, could only watch in stunned silence as Kriemhild unleashed her fury upon their enemies. The weight of her words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the pain and suffering she had endured in the name of their twisted love.

"I never meant to cause you harm," Siegfried protested, his voice filled with regret as he attempted to reason with her. "I only wished to protect you, to keep you safe from the dangers of this world."

But Kriemhild would hear none of it, her eyes blazing with righteous indignation as she continued to strike down their foes with unwavering resolve. "Your actions speak louder than your words," she retorted, her voice laced with bitterness. "You may have thought you were protecting me, but in reality, you only brought destruction and despair."

As the battle raged on around them, Siegfried and Kriemhild found themselves locked in a tense standoff, their conflicting emotions swirling beneath the surface. Despite the chaos and carnage surrounding them, their shared history and unresolved grievances cast a shadow over their reunion, a painful reminder of the scars left behind by their tumultuous past.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones anyway have a nice day everyone