The servant problems

Archer Emiya paused for a moment, his gaze meeting MHX's inquisitive stare. With a faint smile, he replied, "That's right. My name is indeed Shirou Emiya. But how did you...?"

MHX interrupted him with a grin, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Ah, so I was right! You're the legendary hero from another world," she exclaimed, clearly pleased with herself. "I knew there was something special about you."

Archer chuckled softly, a hint of amusement in his voice. "I suppose you could say that," he replied, his tone laced with a mixture of humility and pride. "But I'm just doing what I can to help out around here."

As Artoria observed the exchange between her self Servant and MHX, a sense of curiosity flickered in her eyes. Though she remained silent, her interest was piqued by the revelation of Archer's true identity, and she couldn't help but wonder what other surprises the Servant Verse held in store.

Wait what are you saying. Archer sid looking at her. Wait don't tell me

Simples, the servant verse also has you. MHX said blushing. Hahahaha, ok that is enough, bye

As she runs away she, then thought of the shiro if the servant as her mind went to will less then holy thought (well he becomes this hot in the servant verse as well) she thought to her self.

What just happened shiro. Artoria siad looking at Archer as she saw her servant verse self running. What just happened

Archer Emiya couldn't help but chuckle at MHX's sudden departure, a bemused expression crossing his features. "It seems MHX has quite the imagination," he remarked, shaking his head slightly. "But as for what happened, I'm not entirely sure."

Artoria regarded her Servant with a curious expression, her brows furrowing slightly in confusion. "It seems she mistook you for someone else," she ventured, her tone thoughtful. "Though I must admit, the idea of another version of you existing in the Servant Verse is intriguing."

Archer offered a wry smile in response, his gaze flickering with amusement. "It wouldn't be the first time I've encountered alternate versions of myself," he mused, his mind briefly drifting to memories of past encounters with counterparts from other worlds.

As the two Servants pondered the implications of MHX's unexpected encounter, the mysteries of the Servant Verse continued to unfold, revealing new surprises and challenges with each passing moment.

But I do remember does event. Artoria said seating next him. After all you and I are the only one that remember every holy grail war in Fuyuki after all, and all the times to tried to kill the younger version of your self

Archer nodded in agreement, his expression thoughtful. "Indeed, our memories of the Holy Grail Wars in Fuyuki are unique among the Servants," he acknowledged. "But it seems there are still many mysteries surrounding the Servant Verse, even for us."

Artoria regarded her Friend/lover with a knowing look, a faint smile playing at the corners of her lips. "It appears that even in this alternate reality, our adventures are far from over," she remarked, her voice tinged with a hint of anticipation.

As they contemplated the enigmatic nature of the Servant Verse and the unexpected encounters it brought, Artoria and Archer knew that they would face whatever challenges lay ahead with the same determination and resolve that had guided them through countless trials before.

So will you finally answer the question. Artoria said looking at Archer. Who do you like for as girlfriend me, Rin or Sakura

As then from the corner Archer saw Sakura/Parvati, and Ishtar/Rin glarring at him as he looked at Artoria who was also glarring at him

Hahaha will you look at that. He is a look at the imaginary clock. I have .... Shit don't have excuses ready

As he just ran, in the speed of fucking light, as Rin, Artoria and Sakura chased him, as Kid Gilagmesh, Caster Gilagmesh and Gilagmesh just watched each of the having different reactions do to them being from different part of there life

As Archer made a hasty retreat from the impending confrontation, Artoria, Rin, and Sakura gave chase, their determination evident in their expressions. Meanwhile, Kid Gilgamesh, Caster Gilgamesh, and Gilgamesh observed the chaotic scene with varying degrees of amusement and bemusement.

Kid Gilgamesh, ever the mischievous one, chuckled at the spectacle unfolding before him, finding entertainment in the antics of his older counterpart. Caster Gilgamesh, with his more refined demeanor, observed with mild interest, perhaps contemplating the complexities of human relationships. Meanwhile, Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes, watched with a mixture of amusement and exasperation, accustomed to such displays.

As the chase continued, Archer found himself dodging obstacles and narrowly evading his pursuers, his mind racing as he tried to come up with a suitable excuse for his predicament. But try as he might, he knew that there was no escaping the inevitable confrontation that awaited him.

With each passing moment, the distance between Archer and his pursuers grew smaller, their determination unwavering as they closed in on their target. And as Archer glanced back over his shoulder, he couldn't help but wonder how he had managed to find himself in such a precarious situation once again.

Meanwhile in the servant verse as everyone was talking a breath ready for the next battle Mash Finally notice

Miss Aozaki you also here. She knew da Vinci came but her. Oh no

Um teacher. Ritsuka said looking at Aozkai. Is good for both you and da Vinci to be here I am Dr Roman is good and everything but are you sure he can handle all the servant, I mean sure he is Solomon, but still

Aozaki looked at Ritsuka with a faint smile, her gaze carrying a sense of assurance. "Don't worry, Ritsuka. While Dr. Roman is indeed capable, having additional support can only benefit us. Da Vinci and I will lend our expertise to ensure that everything runs smoothly."

Mash nodded in agreement, her expression reflecting a sense of relief. "That's right. With both of you here, we'll be better equipped to handle whatever challenges come our way."

Aozaki's smile widened slightly. "Indeed. Together, we will face whatever trials lie ahead and emerge victorious. Now, let us focus on the task at hand and prepare for the battles to come."

Will ok. Ritsuka said looking at them. Hopefully Chaldea is ok

Meanwhile Chaldea was not ok it was pure chaos as Dr Romani was trying so everything in his power to stop everything, as Olga and Gudako were also helping.

Yeah I ma pretty sure they are ok. Ritsuka said looking at them. I mean what is the worst that can happen

As Ritsuka's words hung in the air, a sense of unease settled over the group. Despite their efforts to remain optimistic, the chaos unfolding in Chaldea cast a shadow of doubt over their reassurances.

Mash glanced at Ritsuka, her expression tinged with concern. "I hope you're right, Senpai. But with everything that's happening, I can't help but worry about everyone back at Chaldea. We need to make sure they're safe."

Ritsuka nodded solemnly, his gaze reflecting a mixture of determination and concern. "You're right, Mash. Our priority is to ensure the safety of everyone at Chaldea. No matter what challenges we face, we'll find a way to protect them."

With renewed resolve, Ritsuka and the group prepared to face the trials ahead, their thoughts lingering on the safety of their comrades back at Chaldea. For as long as they stood united, they knew that they could overcome any obstacle that stood in their way.

We still need to deal with Oberon. Sigurd said looking out rh window. What is out plan space Ishtar we randomly decide to teleport to this plant is there anyone that can help us

Space Ishtar nodded thoughtfully, her brow furrowed in concentration. "There might be a way," she began, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "I have a contact who possesses knowledge of interdimensional travel. If we can reach out to them, they might be able to assist us in locating Oberon and devising a plan to confront him."

Ritsuka nodded in agreement. "It's worth a try. We need all the help we can get if we're going to stand a chance against Oberon and Jacques Da Molay. Do you know how to contact your contact, Space Ishtar?"

Space Ishtar closed her eyes, focusing her thoughts as she accessed her connection to her contact. After a moment of concentration, she opened her eyes and nodded. "Yes, I believe I can reach out to them. It may take some time, but I'll do everything in my power to make contact and secure their assistance."

With a plan in motion, the group prepared to wait for Space Ishtar's contact to respond. In the meantime, they remained vigilant, knowing that the fate of not only Chaldea but all of humanity hung in the balance.

Who is this contact. BB said looking at her. Who is they.

Will they are arigent, self centered, but have recently cooled down. Space Isha said singing. He is very powerful

By any chance his name is gilagmesh. Ritsuka said already figure out who it was. It Gilagmesh isn't it

Wow yes. Space ishtar said looking at him. Your univer also has him doesn't it.

Our universe is a mirror of eachother. Ritsuka said looking at her. I won't be suprise if there was servant verse Verison of me

Space Ishtar nodded in agreement. "Indeed, the similarities between our universes are quite remarkable. It wouldn't be surprising if there were a Servantverse version of you as well."

BB, intrigued by the idea, chimed in. "Imagine the possibilities! A Servantverse version of Ritsuka, fighting alongside us against the threats that arise. It would certainly make for an interesting dynamic."

Ritsuka chuckled at the thought. "Perhaps. But for now, let's focus on reaching out to Gilgamesh and securing his assistance. With his power and knowledge, we may stand a better chance against Oberon and Jacques Da Molay."

With a sense of determination, the group prepared to contact Gilgamesh, knowing that their next actions could shape the outcome of the battle ahead.

With resolve in their hearts, Ritsuka and the group activated the communication device to reach Servantverse Gilgamesh. Moments later, a holographic image of Gilgamesh appeared before them, exuding an air of arrogance and regal authority.

"Ah, so you seek my assistance," Gilgamesh declared, his tone dripping with haughty confidence. "I suppose even fools such as yourselves recognize the necessity of my presence in dire situations."

Space Ishtar rolled her eyes at his arrogance but remained composed. "Indeed, Gilgamesh," she replied. "We are facing a formidable enemy and could benefit from your unparalleled strength and knowledge."

Gilgamesh smirked. "Of course, you require the aid of the King of Space Heroes. I shall grace you with my presence, but know that you owe me a great debt for this."

Ritsuka nodded, understanding the terms of their agreement. "We are grateful for your assistance, Gilgamesh. With your help, we may have a chance at overcoming our adversaries."

As the communication ended, Ritsuka turned to the group with determination. "Gilgamesh will join us. Now, let us prepare for the coming battle. Our fate hangs in the balance, but together, we shall emerge victorious."

With renewed purpose, the group made their final preparations, knowing that the confrontation with Oberon and Jacques Da Molay would test their strength and resolve like never before. But with Gilgamesh by their side, they faced the challenge with unwavering determination, ready to fight for the future of the Servantverse.

He is literally Gilagmesh. Aozkai said remember the time she meet Gilagmesh in Chaldea. But in space, it is hilarious.

Trough. Ritsuka said lapping. But if we also summon him let's not put him, Ozymandis and our Gilagmesh in the same room

As then everyine ears started to hurt because of the imagination of the 3 of them in the same room and lapping The mere thought of Gilgamesh, Ozymandias, and their own Gilgamesh in the same room was enough to send shivers down everyone's spines. The clash of egos, the competition for superiority, and the sheer magnitude of their arrogance would undoubtedly create chaos of epic proportions.

"We'd better make sure to keep them separated," Mash said with a nervous chuckle, glancing around at her companions. "Otherwise, Chaldea might not survive the aftermath."

Ritsuka nodded in agreement, a wry smile playing on their lips. "Agreed. Let's just focus on the task at hand and leave the diplomacy to someone else."

With a collective sigh of relief, the group set aside thoughts of the impending meeting between the three kings of arrogance and turned their attention back to the mission ahead. Though the prospect of facing Oberon and Jacques Da Molay loomed large, they faced it with newfound resolve, bolstered by the knowledge that they had the support of Gilgamesh and their fellow allies.

As they prepared to depart for their next confrontation, the memory of their conversation with Gilgamesh brought a smile to their faces. Despite his arrogance, there was no denying that his presence would be a valuable asset in the battle to come. With the King of Space Heroes on their side, they stood ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in the Servantverse.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones