
Name : Karna

Age : 16

Race : Human (Partial Divine)

Ultimate skill : None (For now)

Unique Skills : [Archer] [Divine One]

Extra skill : [Control flame] [Cancel flame attack] [Magic Sense] [Thought acceleration] [All-Seeing Eye] [All of Creation] [Thought communication] [Ranged barrier]

Resistances : [Pain Nullification] [Spiritual Attack Resistance] [Holy Attack Resistance] [Physical Attack Resistance] [Flame attack Nullification]

[Unique skills]

Archer : The user can always hit anything they recognize as a target, no matter where they fire their projectile from, while also providing partial magic concealment. The only condition is that the user must have seen the target at least once.

It also increases the power behind the object shot/thrown by the user tenfold. The user can also produce arrows completely out of magicules and can see optimal lines in their vision as to where to shoot their arrows.

[Sub skills]

Observing Eye : Observing Eye enhances the users visual capabilities, even allowing them to see Magicules and other spiritual matter directly with their own eyes. Using Observing Eye in conjunction with Magic Sense allows the user to see faint traces left by Magic that most individuals would fail to notice with Magic Sense alone.


Divine one : The body and soul of the user will slowly transform into divinity toward their most compatible element, giving them the highest authority over that element. This transformation also increases strength, adaptability, and the ability to 'bless' those who are weaker with pure energy, either temporarily or permanently.

It also purifies the user's Magicules into a more refined form of Magicules.

[Sub skills]

Master of arts :Can analyse the opponents and copy their fighting style, After successful analysis of the opponent, their arts can also be copied. However, since experience can't be taken, training is required to master the art.

Haki : It allows the user to exert spiritual pressure over targets in the surrounding area, freezing their body in place and bending them to the user's will. The only way to overcome this without exerting a Haki of one's own, is through sheer willpower.

[Extra skills]

Control flame : Can control flames produced by the user and surrounding flames.

Cancel flame attack : The user gets complete immunity towards flame based attacks.

Magic Sense : It allows the user to perceive the surrounding magicules to see a full 360 degrees around them, without leaving a single blind-spot. By observing the fluctuation of light and sound waves, they can be processed and converted into perceptible data, allowing the user to see and hear their surroundings.

Thought acceleration : It significantly increases the user's thought processing speed. {× 1000}

All-Seeing Eye : All-Seeing Eye is capable of providing the user with visual information beyond their eyes regular line of sight. The skill's perspective can freely change in 360° and is described as "similar to a video game screen". The skill directly beams sensory information into the ocular nerve, allowing for an increase in reaction time in critical situations

All of Creation : It allows the user to comprehend anything as long as they have a basic understanding of it and it is perceivable to the user.


Pain Nullification, Flame Attack Nullification, Spiritual Attack Resistance, Holy Attack Resistance, Physical Attack Resistance.

Equipments : [Sword—Unnamed Katana] [Bow—Unnamed Unique grade Bow]

Ep : 570,000