Chapter 1

For people who've read the rewrite of the original one, it doesn't matter if you don't read this chapter since this chapter is the same as the first rewrite.


My name is Karna. My parents, who are great devotees, named me after the demigod Karna, the son of the Sun God Surya Deva.

Growing up, I was considered a little genius. People would look at me with envy, and my juniors would always praise me with their first-class bootlicking. However, some people would occasionally make fun of my name. Because of that, I decided to join an archery class, and I excelled in it.

I am currently traveling to the Asian Games archery competition. I was selected from my country, and at sixteen years old, this is a significant achievement for me.

Suddenly, air rushed into the flight, and I felt like I was suffocating. Before I could even blink, a piece of the exploded chair plunged into my chest. Small beeping sounds and glaring alarms from the flight rang out, and I closed my eyes and passed out.

The next time I opened my eyes, I saw fire and destruction everywhere. My legs were crushed under the rubble, with only my upper body free.

'I'm going to die, aren't I? I wish that I could've participated and won the archery competition.'


Wha! Now I'm hearing voices too. I'm going insane from trauma; that's the only conclusion I could come up with.

'I am going mad, aren't I? I'm low on blood, my vision is going dark, these flames will consume me. No! I don't want that! At least let them find my body, please!'


'If only I had the foresight to see things like this happening. Though if I had been invulnerable, then this would've never hindered me. Heh.. What am I even thinking..'


I once again closed my eyes, unable to say anything more. My limbs went numb, and my mind went blank. I... died.




"Ugh." Shifting around slightly, I sat up in the bed. I opened my eyes. Wait? What! Why am I in a bed? Didn't I die in the explosion that happened in the flight? I looked around and saw a small moderate room with a bed--In which I'm currently sitting-- and a chair next to it.

Hearing the creaking of the door opening, I looked at the door as a stunningly beautiful teenager, likely 16-17 but she had a mature and slightly sorrowful expression as she came next to me and sat down on the chair.

"You must be confused." Her voice was soft and light, somehow making me feel at home. I don't know why, but she seems like a pure soul.

"I am, where am I? And why am I not dead?" I asked her, and I saw how her expression became downcast as she explained the situation to me. I keenly listened to her.

"So, you are saying that I died and am transported into another world, and you took care of me?" She nodded. I understood that I'm not in my world anymore, and I am immensely thankful to her for taking care of me.

"Thank you for taking care of me. If I was left in the place I initially appeared, who knows what would've happened to me." She had said that I was found in the forest without anything, not even clothes. I'm thankful that she did not molest me or anything.

"It's not really a problem. By the way, what's your name? My name is Shizue." She said as she smiled and accepted my gratitude. She had such kind eyes.

"My name is Karna. Nice to meet you, Shizue." I said as I joined my palms to greet her formally. After all, I am taught these manners from my childhood, and I won't be able to forget them, even if I'm in a different world.

"It's a good name. Well, nice to meet you too, Karna-san." She bowed her head a bit as she also greeted me formally.

"So, what do you plan to do next?" She asked me once again, and I am currently at a loss for words because I don't know what to do.

Before I died, I wanted to be the champion of archery. But now that I am no longer in that world, and in a new and more dangerous world–Shizue told me about this world, how there are monsters and magic– if that's the case.

"I want to explore this world and enjoy the small good things which come from it while also helping people to the best of my abilities."

"I see, that's a noble goal," Shizu said, looking at me. "If that's the case, I would like to invite you to be my adventuring companion and as an apprentice as well. I'm sure you got one too, right?"

Got one? What is? I was about to ask when she once again said, "Unique skill, people usually acquire a unique skill when they are transported here from other worlds."

"I heard something like that, but I can't put a finger on it. I heard a voice saying something to me," I said, and I saw a look of recognition appear on her face.

"Voice of the World," she said as my expression morphed into confusion and I asked her about it. "Voice of the World? What is that?"

"Oh, you don't know. That's right, how could I forget." She had a small red tint on her cheeks as she shook off the embarrassment. Did she forget that I'm new here?

"It is a voice we hear when we acquire skills and such, sort of like a reminder." As she said that, I remembered that the voice did say something about construction- construction of the body!

I quickly jumped out of the bed--startling Shizue in the process--and ran toward the mirror on the other side of the room. I hastily looked at it and was stunned beyond words.

There stood a young man with long, white, unkempt hair that almost appeared transparent. His light blue eyes and sharp, handsome face were a stark contrast to the ominous dark aura he was emitting, standing there menacingly.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!" Was the only words I have, the only problem was the ominous dark aura the person who I thought was such a gentle person was emitting, she was standing there, menacingly.

"Were you never taught language?" She said that darkly while slowly approaching me. She looked like a pissed-off mom. I shivered, thinking about my mom with slippers. I remember--Oh... Right, I cannot see her again anymore--seeing that, my expression took a nosedive. Shizue patted my shoulder and comforted me.

Surprisingly, she was calm about this. I wonder what she has seen in this world. I got a unique skill—two of then in fact— from the voice of the world; it's called «Divine One» and «Archer». I guess I have to find out, huh?

I closed my eyes and reached into my mind. I used to meditate before I competed in national-level archery, so I reached my subconscious, where the information about my unique skill came rushing to me.

It came with a slight pain in my head. Information about my unique and extra skills poured into my brain. Now I know that my skills relate to my desires.

"I'd love to become an adventurer and go with you. Please take care of me!" I said as she smiled once again. "I knew that you would say that!" She beamed as she began to talk about what we are going to do from now on.

I am quite sad because I won't be able to see my parents again. I can't see my friends too, but I am also happy to have met her and I look forward to traveling with her.


— A Few hours later —

After I decided to become an adventurer, some things happened, and I also found out that we were currently in a country named The Kingdom of Blumund.

We went shopping and found some of the necessary items I needed. We first went to a shop that was selling clothes and bought a white long-sleeved shirt with black jeans, a black cape that draped over my shoulders, and a pair of boots.

Currently, we are walking to the blacksmith's. I need to buy a bow for fighting. If I want to be an adventurer, that is, I refuse to be a weak burden for my companion.

Shizue was strong; she was very strong, and I could sense that. She was also polite and kind, so I am trying not to burden her more than I already did.

"Will you train me in the way of swords?" I asked her as we walked by many people who were currently busy fangirling over Shizue; apparently, she's a legendary hero, the "Conqueror of Flames."

"If you want, then yes, I will train you." Yes! That's just what I wanted. "But remember that I will not tolerate slacking, and I will work you to the bone." All my enthusiasm left just as it came because she was covered in a slightly dark aura as she said it. She meant business.

We finally saw the shop and entered it. There was an old man who was practically dead, and he was hitting a blade with his hammer. The hammer met the blade with quite impressive power for someone this sickly.

"Hello," Shizue greeted the man. He grumbled as he turned around, stopping his smithing and walking over to us. "What is it that you want from this senile old man?" he asked, very casually for someone who had been vigorously working just a moment ago.

"A bow that would suit him." She directed her gaze to me as she said that, and I nodded along with her. I needed a bow that would work for me. I don't want it to last forever, but for quite a long time.

"Hm." He placed his right hand with his thumb and index finger under his chin and thought for a moment. "I have the perfect weapon for you, young lad." He suddenly seemed quite enthusiastic as he said that.

He returned with a bow that emitted a slight ominous aura for a moment, which put me and Shizue on alert. The bow had a golden color and sharp edges, two red gems on either end, and a black string.

"This weapon is almost a unique grade; I have a feeling that you can use it; it was my family heirloom, but I can't use it because I am not compatible, so give it a try," he said with such a face that screamed excitement.

I looked at Shizue for a moment, and she just nodded. I sighed as I took it from his hands; it felt just right in my hands. I pulled the string, and an arrow made out of magic appeared, surprising the old man. Shizue seemed like she expected this; well, she did know the name of my Unique skill, well at least one of them.

I slowly withdrew the string, and the arrow disappeared. "Um, this feels just right; I'll take this." I looked at Shizue, and because I am broke in this world, she's paying for it.

She was about to ask how much we should pay when the old man waved us off with an annoyed face, saying, "I don't want any money for it; I will die in a few months anyway." He grumbled as he went back to strike the blade.

We shrugged as we left. Before we left, though, Shizue placed a small pouch of coins on the table.

"That bow seems dangerous," she said. What she said is also valid: this thing is dangerous. It also ceased emitting any type of aura the second I placed my hands on it; it was as if it had a will.

"True, but I think I can handle it. Don't worry." I don't actually believe that I can handle this because it seems ridiculously powerful for a bow bought from some middling shop.

"Hm." She nodded as we saw the training grounds for the military; we could enter here only because of her legendary Hero status.

The place was divided by sections, with the preferred weapons as a base; there were swords, spears, bows, axes, maces, and even shields. We went to the bow section, and I took a stance.

Placing my left foot forward and my right foot backward, I took the bow with my left hand and drew the string as an arrow appeared nocked in the bow. For a moment, I could see the gems on the bow glow a bit.


With a swish sound, the arrow was released. In the blink of an eye, the arrow also had a serene golden glow to it. The released arrow went through the target and through the wall that was between the forest and the training ground. The people who were training there, along with me and Shizue, went wide-eyed.

"What the hell is that?"

"How did he do that?"

"That's so cool."

People began to murmur about it, and before I knew it, "How did it come to this?" I asked her. We were sitting in a cafe eating some freshly baked bread, and the old lady was kind too. Is everyone in this country like this?

"It is not so bad, you know." Yes, it is. Being known as the apprentice of a Hero, I anticipated that, but to think it would happen this fast is what I did not expect.

Finishing the delicious meal, we left shortly after, paying for the bread as we left. After walking for a few minutes, we saw a building that looked like it was from the medieval period—it was still mostly the medieval era in this world—and people who were entering and leaving. The Mutual-Aid Association.

We entered the building, looked around, and saw many tables and chairs with people drinking and talking cheerfully. They went silent as we entered, most likely because they saw Shizue with a man, as she was mostly a loner-type adventurer. She did have some friends, but they rarely met. We went to the front counter.

We went to the lady who was at the counter; she looked at us once, and when she spotted Shizue, she immediately had a smile on her face.

"Hi, what can I do for you?" She had a professional smile when she asked us that.

"I want to register as an adventurer, please," I said as Shizue placed five copper coins on the counter. "He will need to take the test for it." Another voice came from the side as we saw a man who looked like a noble walking towards us.

"First, you will have to take the novice exams; the exam contains four tests, starting from novice, beginner, intermediate, and advanced." He said it with a smirk on his face as he looked at Shizue.

"Can't we ignore the first three and proceed with the last level?" She ignored the noble and said to the lady at the counter. She's quite confident in me; well, I'm confident too, but isn't this supposed to be tough?

"Well, you could, but that would require a silver coin." Before the lady could talk any further than that, a white-gloved hand placed a silver coin on the counter. Everyone looked at Shizue. "I would like him to take the advanced rank test."

"If you are that confident in this lad, come along to the exam grounds and do know one more thing. His safety is not our concern, and you will be the sole one responsible for his possible demise." The noble bastard is irking me off, first with the lecherous look he gave Shizue and now with this.

"No problem by me, I will crush the exams." I declared as he walked off, and we followed behind him as his face scrunched up.

We were led to an open ground with a complex magic formation that, if I had to guess, was meant to block any means of escape.

As if I would run away after witnessing what my arrows can do. My Unique Skill can turn my arrows into weapons of mass destruction if I so wish, not to mention the [Divine One].

After getting a look of encouragement from Shizue, I stepped inside the magic formation. As expected, it tried to restrict my movement, but I casually ignored it, possibly thanks to my Unique Skill.

The noble had attempted to sabotage this test by using restriction magic on the hero's apprentice. Before he could even move, a sword was placed at his neck, held by hands in white gloves.

'What did he think he would get?' I thought, watching the spectacle unfold. It was quite amusing. The noble really believed he could escape the consequences of his actions just because of his status.

"Trying to kill off my companion before he takes the adventurer test? What kind of noble does such shameless things?" Shizue's voice was stern as she looked at the soldiers on the side who had been present since our arrival. They promptly detained him and dragged him away like trash.

"The test will be to defeat a lesser demon. I hope that's acceptable to you?" Another man, with black hair tied in a ponytail and standing over six feet tall, asked.

"Yes, that's no problem for me," I nodded in response. The proctors and adventurers stepped back, and he began summoning the demon. It appeared as an ugly goat-headed creature with long limbs and claws, the epitome of ugliness.

Disliking its appearance, I did what any logical person would in that situation: I drew my bowstring and unleashed an arrow of pure energy, decimating the demon and causing a massive explosion in the process.

"That's..." I heard the voice of the proctor shaking as I began looking around at the stunned expressions of the people. I was confused. Why were they looking at me as if I were a ghost? I'm strong, but there are people like me adventuring, right?... Right?

'Ah, shit... here we go again!'