
Chapter Seventeen: Transgressors

Kia rushed into her son's room, but no trace of him was found. Immediately, she called Morino's phone, but there was no answer.

"Damn! He's still at that event!"

She looked out the broken window. A trail of black smoke led down the road, but after that, it disappeared. She immediately rushed out, attempting to find the black smoke trail. It was late afternoon now, and she figured she could still see him if he hadn't gone too far...

...but still, he was nowhere to be found.

Back at the Tryout stadium, Fujii had tapped his ear to accept a call. "Yes? What's up? A WHAT?"

He cleared his throat. "Ahem, well yes, that's the end of the tryouts, folks! I'll have to run soon, but not before we introduce the selections to their new homes! My squad! Follow me!"

Everyone cheered as Akari, Hikari, and Luca followed Fujii out of the stadium. More confetti and music appeared. Himeka did the same, and so did Morino, Nakada, and Shinjii. Toru and Naito walked together.

"Maybe next year will hold even better prospects." He took a sip from a bottle. Naito opened her eyes a little, really feeling the heat of the sun. "I'm just glad it's over. Finally."

As they left, and Fujii motioned for his squad to get in an elegant-looking limo, he appeared a bit nervous. He told the driver in front: "Alright! Back to the S-1 Mansion!"

"Yes sir!"

The man drove off, and Akari, Hikari, and even Luca all seemed excited. The limo cruised out of Shonora and into the next district: Asuka, home of Royals and Nobility.



In front of his cell, Marachii saw his own BROTHER, standing in front of him. STANDING, on his own two feet. He had just broken into this jail, just punched a steel door off its hinges, and just knocked out a Voltian with a single blow. And the bars...

Dachii spoke quickly, and his voice sounded deeper than before. "Come on Marachii, grab on!"

He grabbed Marachii's hand as more guards rushed through the door. "Stop! Stop, both of you!" They aimed guns at the pair. Dachii, in one quick motion, began to glow a faint gray color, and he PUNCHED a side of the wall, holding Marachii with JUST ONE ARM.

Then he ran out, moving at EXTREME speeds the guards couldn't even believe, and he punched more and more walls until he saw a light. With a well-placed kick, they were in the open, right in the middle of various facilities. They were free, and Marachii was horrified.

"How are you...??"

"No time! We gotta go—-!"

Plasma blasts rained over their heads. Dachii began to glow gray again and he rammed his free shoulder into the side of one of the other walls, causing the tunnel he made to crumble, trapping the Voltians.

Then he grabbed Marachii and JUMPED. He didn't just JUMP, he jumped MANY feet into the air, so high it shouldn't have been possible. He jumped again, and again, and again, from building to building, escaping with Marachii.

Red lights had appeared all over the jail and the buildings around it, but by then Dachii and Marachii were long gone. They landed in an unknown district, with the coliseum from the Tryouts in the far distance.

"Okay! If we head that way, then Batango and the house should be close by."

Marachii nearly fell over. "What. The. HELL? What's happening to you? What is this?"

"Oh, uhhh. Well. Long story short—-LOOK OUT!"

A wall of ice surrounded them. Dachii looked around, hearing a voice, both serious and playful at the same time.

"Well, sorry, I can't just let you guys walk out! Imagine how bad that would be?"

"You again?"

Dachii slammed his fist into one side of the wall, and it shattered. Fujii landed on the ground, surprised. "Woah, when did you pick up THAT?"


"Rude! Okay then!"

Dachii tried to punch Fujii away but the man dodged and stepped to the side. Marachii watched it all, unable to move.

"Hey! Woah, relax!"

Dachii grabbed Marachii and began running again, and Fujii sighed. "Didn't want to have to do this, kids!"

With a stomp of his foot into the ground, a small patch of ice made its way to the boys. Once he picked his foot up, it trapped them in a HUGE mountain of ice. Neither Dachii nor Marachii could move.

"Well, I'll have to take you guys somewhere. Hold tight, okay?"

30 minutes later...

Akari, Hikari, and Luca were all checking out the S-1 Mansion. Hikari was looking at the various clothes it had in the closets, Akari was looking at its numerous training rooms, and Luca was...sitting in the backyard, scratching himself.

Hikari and Akari both met back up in the living room. There was a massive TV in the middle, one that nearly stretched from wall to wall.

Hikari had a bathrobe in her hands. "Wow! This is SOOOO cool!"

Akari had found a plasma sword, clicking it on and off. "That's true. I like this place."

Hikari looked around. "Is General Fujii gonna be back soon? He's been gone for a little minute now."

Immediately, the TV turned on and popped up the news. "Breaking News, two boys with mysterious abilities have been abducted by General Kenshi Fujii. One displayed technology-based powers in the 500th Annual Voltian Tryouts, and the other has a mysterious power that allowed him to tear through steel and titanium like paper."

The caption read: "Are they humans? Or monsters?" This caught both girls' attention.

Akari dropped her sword. "Wait, that kid I fought, and his brother?"

Hikari covered her mouth. "No way..."

Luca came from out the garden, tracking dirt into the house, to Akari's annoyance. "Really, Luca?"



He looked at the TV. "Huh. Both of them. Who would have guessed."

The reporter continued. "They are set to have a formal trial in the capital, Alora, where the King and Queen will decide what to do with them. Stay tuned for more updates, since this story is the hottest in town!"

Akari got up. "Wait, my parents are judging them? The hell?"

Hikari shrugged. "Isn't this type of stuff their expertise? Weird and abnormal occurrences?"

Fujii busted open the door. "Well guys, I'll need you to attend this trial. Wait, is that my robe?"

"You have like two hundred!"

Meanwhile, in Alora, a bunch of well-dressed Voltians were talking in a limo.

"Two of them? Are you kidding me? Not only is this completely unprecedented but to deal with TWO?"

"Well yeah, one broke out the other!"

"Ugh, stupid humans!"

The limo took off for a large courthouse right near the castle. A bunch of Voltians were gathered outside of it, trying to push their way in. Guards had to try and control the chaos.

"Let us in!"

"We wanna see the freaks!"

"Calm down, calm down!"

The crowd became more frenzied. It was only when the various generals, except for Morino, and their chosen members showed up that calm began to be restored.

"Oh my GOSH! Is that Kenshi Fujii?"

"Just look at him! He looks amazing!"

"He's got the Princess with him!"

Fujii smiled and winked at the crowd. The other generals followed him and his team inside. Inside, a bunch of nobles were seated in various chairs around the center area, where two chairs were prepped.

As Fujii, Akari, Hikari, and Luca sat in their designated areas, more nobility began to fill the stands. Everyone was dressed formally and elegantly, even the new military members. After a short while, every seat was filled, and the spotlight turned to the judge's table. There were two seats: one silver, labeled "Queen," and one golden, labeled "King." The golden one was slightly higher than the other one.

As people began to gossip, they quieted down when a voice rang out. Everyone looked up and saw the royal family's guard, Xar.

"Everyone! The King and Queen have arrived!"

From backstage, came out two Voltians. The first one, the woman, had long silver hair, sparkling silver eyes, and a face that resembled her daughter's, with a soft but sharp smile. She took her seat.

"Welcome, Queen Ayame Asato!"

As the crowd clapped she waved her hand, before resuming her sharp demeanor. Luca had an amused laugh, trying to keep it hidden. "Guess we know where her kids get it from."

Akari used a small amount of energy to zap him. "Oh, hush."

The other Voltian was a tall and well-built man, with straight and waist-length teal hair,  teal eyes, and a more natural and friendly appearance. He almost looked a little like Fujii. He sat down.

"And welcome, King Ayrad Asato!"

He clapped with the crowd. "Yes, yes! I'm happy to be here with you all! This surely will be an interesting trial!"

Akari slapped her head. "Ugh. Dad."

"Now then, let's bring out the reason WHY we are here!"

As he clapped his hands twice, Dachii and Marachii were pushed out a side door, both in chains. They were brought to sit in their chairs by Kamenashi. He looked at the King and Queen and bowed.

"Don't worry, my lords. They can't use any powers. If they do, those chains will teleport them into my dungeon."

Marachii perked his head up. "HUH?"

Dachii was looking around. Hundreds, maybe even thousands of eyes were on them. He had finally been able to walk normally, and now...

"I just want to GO home!"

"Shut up, freak!"

"YOU shut up! This is ridiculous! What, did we commit a crime just for existing?"

Guards aimed guns at the two.

"Umm, Dachii, I don't know what's going on, but I don't think we should anger the crazy elf-people."

"What'd you call us?"

The King slapped his hand on his table. "Now, now, let's hear out the humans before we bring out the witnesses."

He stood and pointed at Dachii. "You, with the dreadlocks. Speak."

"Look man, I just wanna go home!"

"And where is your home?"

"Depends, cuz it really ain't here—-"

The crowd began gossiping.

"He's from those other lands! He's a monster!"

"I knew he was some foul creature! To mask yourself as a weak human, shameful!"

"Let's kill them now!"

The King had to slap his hand on the table again to quiet them down. "Wait a moment. So where ARE you from?"

"Well, a place called Estrium?"

This only sparked more gossip. The king grabbed his chin. Akari nudged Fujii. "Sir, isn't that on the other side of the Ocean?"

Fujii scratched his head. "Yeah. Interesting..."

Both boys stayed quiet as the murmurs grew louder. Queen Ayame gently slapped the table three times, waiting for quiet.

"Now then, may I ask you where you got your powers from?"

Marachii immediately yelled out: "We don't know!"

Dachii seemed like he wanted to say something, but he kept his mouth shut while the Queen addressed Marachii.

"What is your name?"


"And you?"

"Uh, it's Dachii. Same last name."

The Queen began to secretly converse with her husband. When they looked back at the two boys, they had a serious look in their eyes.

"We shall now call the witnesses. Daughter! Come to the stand!"

Akari looked surprised. "Me?"

Her mother nodded. "Yes, you've fought against one of them, from my reports. Tell us what you saw."

Hikari squeezed her shoulder as she got up. The room was dead silent, but as Dachii watched her walk up the steps, all he could whisper was:

"Wow, she IS FINE."

Marachii slapped his head. "We're gonna die."

Akari cleared her throat and spoke once she reached the stand. "Well. That one, Marachii, I think his power is Tech. Based on what he did, shooting missiles, forming robot arms, all that, yeah. I think he has that power."

The crowd whispered.

"The Tech Element?"

"That's one strong power! How can it end up in a human's hands?"

"How can ANY of them end up in human hands, this is just outrageous! Are they modified experiments?"

As the King and Queen tried to call for order, Akari finished her speech. "But, I don't know what the other one, Dachii, can do."

"That's what Kenshi is for. Please, come to the stand." Her tone seemed even more stern than before. Akari went back to her seat, with Hikari whispering to her: "What do you think is gonna happen?"

"I don't know."

Fujii went to the stand. "Well now, seems Mr. Dachii here has a special type of Element."

Dachii had already zoned out at this point, but Marachii was still listening intensely. King Ayrad spoke. "What makes you say that?"

"Because he didn't use any outward attack on me. He used only his tons of raw strength and speed, which he didn't have before, to break out and break my ice."

Dachii groaned. "Ugh, are they gonna let us GO? I'm finally normal again, I just wanna be—-"

Marachii looked at him. "You think this is normal?"

"More normal than being unable to move without your little brother in the room."

King Ayrad used his hands to sort of "frame" the boys and study them deeply. "Mmm. So a Tech Wielder and an unknown Wielder. What should we do with them?"

The Queen stood up. "They could be disposed of—-"

Dachii sighed. "And here we go with this."

"Hey, our lives are on the line!"

"Oh, these hypocrites know what they're doing."

The Queen lifted an eyebrow. "Or...they could join our ranks. Especially with the big mission planned soon."

People began to gasp and stare in shock. King Ayrad turned to his wife. "What do you suggest?"

"They are like our daughter and her teammates, who are in Fujii's squad. If we add them to the ranks, that will make it five Element Users we have control over. That Tech power will prove very useful, and whatever the other boy can do, it sounds like a powerful ability."

Akari, Hikari, and Luca all seemed a bit taken aback. "Join us...?"

Queen Ayame addressed Fujii. "Kenshi, would you accept them into your ranks?"

Fujii gave a charming smile. "Sure! Why not?"

She then looked at her husband. "And, dear, are we in agreement on this?"

"Well, those little creatures have been a pest these past few years, so any added help, even from humans, won't hurt. I accept."

"Then Dachii and Marachii Jones, you shall now be a part of Fujii's Squad."

Dachii tried to leave. "Ugh, don't you have any other witnesses? I don't wanna join any military now that I'm—-"

"Now take them with you, Kenshi!"

"Yes ma'am!"

The trial ended, and the boys were released into Fujii's custody, while Xar led the King and Queen away, but not before bowing to both Akari and Atomu. They were led out of the stands by guards, along with the other military members. 

An armored truck took the boys to their destination, dropping them off with:

"GET OUT, human FREAKS!"

Dachii rubbed his face. "Oh, that's one big mansion."

The S-1 Mansion.

In the next second, Fujii was standing in front of them.

"Hey look, it all worked out great! Welcome, kids, to the most powerful squad in Voltiana! I'm sure we'll get along nicely."

He motioned for them to come in. Luca, Akari, and Hikari were all inside. Dachii stood up.

