
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Visionary

"How have you been, Dachii? I missed you!"


As Mihina began to hand him a soda, Dachii looked around the room. He was sitting in his living room, and the TV was playing a romantic movie. The sun shone bright outside.


"Hey…Mihina? Where'd you come from?"


She laughed. "You're so funny!"


"Oh, I'm serious. It's nice to see you and all, but I was just in the middle of a war between some glowing alien elves and some revenge-crazy dwarves, so it's kinda confusing—-"


She laughed even harder, cutting him off. "Oh, Dachii! You always know just how to make a girl laugh!"




She seemed different this time around. She sat down next to him, clasping his hand in hers.


"So silly! Anyway, we should get ready soon!"


"Ready…? Ready for what?"


"For our date, duh! You forgot?"


Dachii's eyes widened. He looked around, trying to make sense of it all. "Wait, where's your boyfriend?"




"Okuda? The tall, buff guy who's somehow good at everything? The one who boldly asked you out in front of me? A terrible friend who stole you from me?"


"Oh, him? Oh, I cut him off."


"You WHAT?"


"Yeah. To be honest, I never did like him. I just needed to practice dating someone for my real crush."


"And who is your real crush…?"


"You, of course!" Her words, the words he'd been wishing to hear for as long as he could remember, shook him to his core.




Her bright smile in response drew Dachii in closer. He almost felt as if this was his perfect world, a world he never wanted to return from.




She leaned to his ear, her words nothing more than a whisper.


"And just so you know, I believe you. I believe everything."




But before he could question further, she was now in a nice pink outfit, which complimented her hair, and she prepared to walk out the door.


"Come on! It's time!"


As he followed her outside, she began skipping on her way down the street. The town of Silver Oak looked normal, just as it did before he left.


Mihina had stopped by a park, waving for Dachii to come on.


"Hurry up, slowpoke!"


"I'm coming, I'm coming!"


As Dachii caught up to her, he recognized the park, and so did Mihina. "Remember, Dachii? This is where we first met!"


"Yeah, that feels so long ago…"


She began to walk through the park, looking at the pond in the middle. "Doesn't this just seem so…peaceful?"




"I think, once we get married and all, we should bring our kids here one day to enjoy this, just like we used to—-"




"Yeah? I've got all the plans ready for when we grow up! It's gonna be amazing, just you and me!"


Dachii couldn't help but smile, but the true reality began to dawn on him.


"This…isn't her, is it…" he thought to himself. Mihina gave him a look of both confusion and concern.


"Are you okay, Dachii? Why do you seem so different all of a sudden? Do you not feel the same?"


"No, I do! It's just…"


"Just what?"


She seemed to grow more menacing. "Is it because you've made new friends? New friends who bully, hurt, and MURDER who they please?"




"You're a HUMAN, Dachii. You're not one of those…animals! You'd rather help them than be here with me?"


"It's not that! I don't even know where here is! There's nothing I want more than to go back home and live with you!"


Then he looked at his hand, which began to glow gray. "But this isn't the truth. You're with Okuda, safe and happy, while I'm fighting for people who probably couldn't care less if I'm dead."


Mihina began to cry, tears flowing from her eyes. "Then why? Why don't you come back home and change this? Why are you letting this happen?"


"Letting what happen?"


She turned away, proceeding to walk further into the park. "Come, follow me. I have more to show you."


He walked behind her, as the landscape seemed to shift. They were now seemingly at a birthday party, thrown at his house. Dachii couldn't see inside the house, but one look at the decorations told him all he needed to know.


"No…no! Not this…not THIS!"


As he began to stare at the house with a look of disbelief and (pain?), Mihina slowly walked up in front of him, putting a hand on his shoulder.


"You will understand, Dachii. You'll realize soon, just how cruel the world is to those who are too naïve to seek its true answers."


"What does that mean?" As she began to leave, he called out to her. "Mihina! Wait! Come back!"


But she seemingly vanished into thin air. As Dachii closed his eyes, with a sad look on his face, he surprisingly found another hand on his shoulder.


"What's the issue, Dachii? Everything okay?"


His eyes widened as he recognized whose voice it was. He slowly looked back and he saw:




Meanwhile, in the Dwarf Kingdom…


"Let's do this, guys! Let's end this war!"


Kenshi held up his Ice Katana and pointed it at Alarax as everyone cheered and got into position. Alarax lifted his hammer up and motioned for them to come.


"All of you, creatures of madness and death. I'll end it here!"


He summoned a horn again, and he blew it into it. A massive army of golems, even taller than the first ones he'd used, came out of the ground, formed from wood.


He tapped his hammer twice on the ground. Soon after, Ironbeard, Gormund, Betheal, Durin, and Rufius all showed up, each in their own wooden golems. Many other dwarves also came from out the forest. Nukuri rushed over from the left side of the town.


"No sign of that Voltian General, sir!"


Alarax gripped his hammer tight. "It's okay. They'll all be put down! Right here! Right now!"


Fujii laughed. "Alright, enough talking."


He took a deep breath, and then a serious look appeared on his face. "ATTACK!"


Immediately, the Voltian Squads all charged at the dwarves. Alarax got into a fighting stance. "Dwarves, let's get 'em!"


He immediately jumped into the action as Fujii came at him with a slash attack. "You! YOU KILLED MY MOTHER, YOU BASTARD!"


He dodged the strike and tried to hit Fujii, who evaded the attack. "Oh, did I? Who was she?"


Alarax, even more angry than before, tried to punch Fujii, who slid under his attack and slashed him from the back, slightly damaging his armor.


"Queen Odina! The finest Queen our Kingdom ever had! And you MURDERED her! Don't you recognize me, you fake champion!"


"Oh, yeah! You're that kid from back then, hiding in the trees! Nice job getting so strong!"


"Don't you mock me, fool!"


"As for your mother, that was business. Just like THIS!"


Fujii took a deep breath and focused, gripping his sword with purpose. "Just so you know, this may get a little ICY."


Then he began swinging his sword so fast that Alarax couldn't even see the blade, only the ice as it struck him again and again.




As he continued the attack, the other generals began to do battle. Morino scanned the area.


"No sign of Dachii, Marachii, or Tomoko. I'll have to—-"


Before he could finish, Gormund's golem immediately swung its mace at him, and Morino had to jump backward to dodge it.


"I told you, no LEAVING!"


"Not this again!" Morino spun his axes around like nunchucks as Gormund tried to stomp on him. Morino slid under the attack and wrapped the chain around the golem.


"Now, FURY!"


This time, the chain began to glow, and the axe that was wrapped around Gormund's golem began to heat up and emit flames, burning the wood.


"Nooooo! Stop it! Stop it!"


Morino wrapped his chains around the golem's legs, tripping it and making Gormund fall out of it, face down in the dirt.


"Owww! You are a mean human! MEAN!"


As Morino prepared to restrain him, a tungsten sword stabbed the ground next to him.


"You look just like that boy with those tentacles! Tell me where he and the girl went!"


"Marachii!? You've seen him?"


Faldor grabbed his sword and went head to head with Morino, both of them deflecting and matching each other's attacks.


Gormund got up. "Faldor! Best friend!"


As Morino kicked him back, Faldor looked at Gormund and smiled. "Yes! We'll crush this man and slaughter all the tyrants! We must help the Prince!"


Gormund grabbed his mace from off his back and he and Faldor charged Morino together. Morino fended them both off at the same time, blocking their attacks with his axes.


"His movements are too precise!"


"Let's crush him faster, then!"


Gormund ran back to his golem as Faldor kept attacking Morino to keep him occupied. "If you and the boy are human, you would side with murderers?"


Morino quickly deflected all of Faldor's attacks. "The situation is more complex than you think! I'll have to ask you to stand down—-!"




As Faldor's attacks grew more wild and rampant, Gormund raised the golem's giant mace and began to bring it down.


"Watch out, friend! I'll destroy him!"


Faldor jumped out of the way, but as Morino prepared to do the same, a double-bladed sword was holding the strike at bay.


"Sir, are you alright?" Nakada asked, using the blades of her gunblade to hold firm and repel the strike. Gormund stomped his feet, as the golem did the same.


"No, no, NO! A monster came to help!"


Morino caught his breath. "Nakada, good to see you!"


She smiled.


"Okay. I'm getting old. Which one do you want?" He sat down, taking a minute. She pointed towards the golem.


"The big fat one. I'll let you take the easy one, since you ARE an elder."


"Rude, don't gotta point it out."


She helped him stand as both dwarves approached. "Okay, let's do it."


Meanwhile, Fujii continued to relentlessly assault Alarax, who was doing all he could just to block and lessen the impact of the strikes.


"You think you're so tough? You heartless TRASH!"


Fujii effortlessly evaded another hammer strike by Alarax, and he used the hammer to propel himself in the air.


"Well then, let's solve the issue, shall we?"


He spun around upside down, slowing just enough to aim his katana straight for Alarax's neck.




Alarax tried to put his hand up to block the strike, but even as he did, a massive wave of ice came from the sword, trapping him hundreds of feet in the air. He struggled to break free of the giant ice wall.


"Are you kidding me? You're the worst of them all!"


Fujii looked up at him, sporting his trademark smile again. "There you go, now you can't hurt anyone!"


"You're one to talk!"


Alarax looked around at the other generals fighting his men, and it was clear they were losing the battle. His mask began to open and reveal his face again, as his eyes gave off unimaginable hatred.




Meanwhile, in Dachii's mind…


Dachii was sitting at the table in his home with Kuroten, who gave him some soup.


"Eat, son. You look hungry."


Dachii was busy looking at the ground, hands gripping his knees, as he shook in place. "Oh…right…sorry…"


"Something wrong? You look pale."


"It's…nothing. Where's Takashii?"


"Oh, he's busy in basketball practice. Why?"




Kuroten had a stern and weary look on his face, watching Dachii carefully as he ate his soup. "Are you sure you're okay? Is something wrong? Okuda being a pest? Mihina not talking to you? Let me guess, you had a long day."


"No, no! I…I'm just surprised to see you, that's all. It's…nice."


"Why would you be surprised? We see each other every day. You are my child, so…"


Dachii looked out the window, avoiding the question. "I don't know what to do, Dad. My life is turned upside down and now I'm in a bad situation that I never thought possible or know any way out of."


Kuroten stood up with his hands behind his back, turning away from Dachii.


"Oh, you mean the Voltians? Oh yes, yes…"


Dachii's eyes widened.


"I do wonder what you'll do about them. They don't seem too friendly, do they?"


"It's just a dream…it's…not him…" he thought to himself, eyes beginning to water. "Oh, no they don't."


"It's a shame really. But can't help it." He looked back at Dachii. "But you will be the one who ends this for good. The chaos they cause shouldn't be unanswered."


As Kuroten began to fade away, Dachii immediately got up and reached out for him. "Wait! Dad, don't go!"


Kuroten's expression became much more serious, looking directly into Dachii's eyes.


"Save us all…Dachii. Stop them."




But then he was gone.


Meanwhile, back in the Dungeon…


Tomoko was busy doing push-ups now, counting them. "113! 114! 115! Haha! 116! 117…"


But then Dachii's eyes began to open.


"Haha, you're awake!"


But his eyes resembled his right arm: a swirling, black void, akin to the everlasting darkness of space. He lifted his arm, and a blue and yellow disk began to swirl around it.


"Haha, Dachii! What's going on?"


But all that came out, was something completely unlike him. He smiled, and spoke one word.




Immediately, the entire dungeon began to crumble, from the bars to the walls to the roof. Tomoko looked around, watching as Dachii's arm sucked everything into it.


"Woah! What's that?"




Outside, the castle itself began to fall apart as everyone looked on in horror.

