
Chapter Forty-Two: End of the Rainbow

Earlier this year...

Shizuka was busy getting her daughter dressed in her bedroom. Saori had a big smile on her face as she was picked out a dress and some elegant shoes by her mom.

"Mommy? Are we going to the Festival this year!"

"Of course, dear! You're eight now, so you'll be able to come with me this time!"

"What's it like, Mommy? I'm nervous!"

Shizuka held up the dress in her hands, before lying it on the bed. "It's really fun! You can do so many things. You can sing, you can check out the booths, you can dance—-!"

"Dancing? Isn't that what you do, Mommy?" Saori tilted her head, curious.

Shizuka smiled. "That's right! Maybe when you get older, you'll be able to dance too!"

She turned back to the closet, picking out some shoes. "Maybe even a better dancer than me..."

She turned back around, setting the shoes down, and she saw her daughter had created a mini rainbow in the room.

"Mommy, what's up with this magic?"

The rainbow as she moved her hand up, the rainbow shot towards the roof, denting it like a blade.

"Hey, hey, careful!" Shizuka blurted out, as she held her daughter's hands. "That magic is dangerous!"

"Really? It's just a rainbow."

Shizuka gave a soft smile. "A powerful rainbow, Saori. You may not know it..."

She stood up, looking at the rainbow stuck in the roof.

"...but you're far more special than you could ever imagine."

Present Day...


Ossix was knocked to the ground, and the rainbow that hit him was embedded deep into his chest. Everyone looked at Saori, who kept her hands up.

"That's for my mom, monster!"

"Saori...?" Hikari asked, confused.

Ossix got up, ripping the rainbow out and crushing it to pieces. "I had no idea her ability was so powerful. If I did, I would have picked another child for my spy work."

He touched one of the bone pillars, and it formed a giant bone spike. "Doesn't matter."

Then it shot out, straight at Saori. "You'll just die here!"

Hikari and Luca both ran to try and stop it, but a charged fist slammed into it and sent it flying away. "YES! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!"

Arata gave Saori a pat on the back, which almost knocked her over. "HIT HIM WITH THAT AGAIN! LET'S KILL HIM!"


Hikari helped her to her feet. "Hey, don't hit her so hard!"

Arata got into a fighting stance, fists raised. "Now, weaklings! Do your jobs!"

Marachii's car shot a ton of rounds at one of the pillars, beginning to crack it, and Luca charged into it in his Gorilla form, damaging it further.

Ossix launched spikes at the both of them, but they evaded it. Arata picked Saori up, putting her on his back.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Hikari asked.

"Hold on tight, little girl! Hit the man as hard as you can!"


Arata charged his body up, and with a powerful shockwave, he took off in a burst of speed, right towards Ossix.

"That idiot is using that girl to help him? For creatures who claim to be so intelligent, that's an incredibly DUMB move," he wondered.

One of the intact pillars formed a bony tendril to stab the pair, but Arata sidestepped it.



She fired another rainbow, and it slashed the tendril clean off. Arata laughed. "YES!"

When another tendril came at them, Luca wrestled it to the ground, shifting back into his normal form. "We gotta put pressure on him! Marachii, start firing again!"

"Elara, is there any way you can blow up those bones?"

"Do you wish to enable Nuclear Artillery Mode?"

"Yeah...yeah! Do that!"

"Nuclear Artillery Mode enabled. Preparing now."

The car replaced all the other guns with grenade launchers, rocket launchers, and even HOMING LAUNCHERS.

Luca and Hikari took notice. "WOAH."

"Elara, fire at those bones!"

"Firing." The car let off a multitude of shots at the pillars, and the damaged one completely collapsed, and another one nearly fell as well. Ossix groaned.

"Such a PAIN. I can't believe that human is bothering to help so much anyway. They've brainwashed him."

"HEY, EAT MY FIST!" Ossix looked to his right and saw Arata preparing to punch him. He used one of his bones to bat him away.

"Terrible attempt."

Arata laughed as he fell. "Dumbass." Right after, Ossix turned around and Saori shot a giant rainbow at him, knocking him down.

"They made a strategy on the fly? A little child and a brute?"

Ossix tumbled over before landing on his feet. Arata caught Saori, remarking:

"Not too bad! At least you're one of the useful ones!"

Hikari folded her arms. "I heard that!"

Ossix stood up, taking a deep breath. "All we need to succeed is the Holder. Then I can move up. Then I can show them all who I REALLY am."

He stomped the ground, and a HUMONGOUS bone pillar emerged from beneath his feet, taking him into the air with it. "So, I MUST WIN."

Luca, Arata, and Marachii all looked up at him as his skin began to shift to black. "I WILL WIN!"

Meanwhile, the other part of the battle...

"Now then, hand it OVER!"

Nullus charged at Dachii, who just barely managed to throw himself out of the way. Fujii got up and quickly moved to stand in between the two.

"Whatever you're looking for, he doesn't have it!"

"Oh, I'm VERY positive he DOES."

He pointed a finger at Dachii and a concentrated blast of dark energy shot out. Fujii reacted quickly and repelled it with one of his katanas, but it melted in his hand.

Fujii quickly formed another one, standing firm against Nullus. "Now then, I have QUESTIONS. And I want ANSWERS!"

"Too bad!" Nullus swung at Fujii, who dodged and tried to kick him, but his foot was slashed off.

"So much for the Top General! You give them a bad reputation!" Nullus laughed as he continued to assault Fujii, who quickly regenerated his foot and dueled with the man.

Their ruthless battle took them off the roof and they crashed all around the area. Dachii stood up, looking for any sign of them.

"Why the hell are they moving so fast?"

A giant dark energy beam burst through the window of another building, and Fujii was thrown out of it, landing hard on the ground.

"End of the line, General!"

But before he could launch another attack, a wave of energy hit him and made him stumble. He looked to his right to see Akari, jumping up and down.

"What are you—-?"

Her body began to glow a bright white, and she seemed to be overflowing with energy.

"Okay, I think I've charged up enough."

She stopped jumping in the air and rushed at Nullus, much faster than she'd moved before.

"She got so fast!" he thought. Her punches were much faster as well, she threw them fast enough to break the sound barrier.

Nullus managed to avoid them, but every attack she threw let off a wave of energy, making it harder for him to dodge.

The hits were so powerful they both went flying in opposite directions, but immediately both rushed to each other and clashed fists again. Nullus unleashed a dark energy wave and Akari countered it with her own wave of energy.

"Stupid girl. You're going to hand over the Holder, NOW!"

Akari jumped up and tried to kick him in the side. "I'm not going to do a damn thing."

He swatted away her leg, but she spun around and kicked him with her other one, making him back up. As he recovered, a massive ice dragon flew towards him.

"Not this AGAIN."

He used his power to melt the dragon, but Fujii came sliding towards him, using his feet to turn the ground below him into ice.

"Let's finish him, Akari!"

"Right, sir!"

Nullus laughed, and his skin began to change to black. "Wow, I really have to hand it to you. You guys are tough."

The moment his skin fully turned black, a powerful dark energy wave came out of him that completely shook the entire area and knocked Fujii and Akari away.

"Now it's time to get serious. This is a prize WE CANNOT LOSE!"

He chuckled as he heard a noise behind him. He turned around and saw Dachii, still in his aggressive state, climbing on top of a roof.

"Well, Dachii. Glad you could join us!"

Dachii squinted at him, expression unreadable.


Meanwhile, the other part of the battle...

Hikari ran up to the others. "How do we catch him up there?"

Arata began to charge up again. "Easy. We JUMP."

"Wait! Not all of us can jump up there!"

Arata laughed. "TOO BAD!" He grabbed Saori and used his shockwaves to boost himself into the air. Ossix shot some bones at him, but Arata used another shockwave to change direction and then boost himself up further.

"AHH! I'm scared! I don't like heights!" Saori yelled out, as they got closer to the top. Arata took her off his back, holding her in front of him as if she were a weapon.

"Well, you'd better like them now!" They landed on the platform, and Arata held up Saori. "NOW KILL HIM!"

She fired a giant rainbow at him, but he easily dodged it and used a bone to stab Arata in the side. "Damn it! Bastard got me!"

Hikari turned her attention to Luca and Marachii. "Luca! I can use my Magic to try and get us up there! It won't be perfect, but it should work!"

"Alright, do it!"

As she held out her hands, she looked back at Marachii. "Marachii! As soon as we get up top, destroy that pillar immediately!"

"But what about you guys and the girl?"

"I'll use my magic again to save us, so make sure you do it!"

He hesitated for a moment, but he nodded. Hikari put one hand out and used another to touch Luca, bringing him into her portal realm. They landed on the platform in her void, and Luca admired the view.

"Cool. So is this like your personal dimension, or...?"

"Focus, Luca! I haven't been able to precisely teleport someone like this before, so be ready to land on the pillar!"


She put her hands out and not long after they were falling right over the pillar, landing on it with a THUD.

Arata ripped the bone out his side, wincing. "Oh, look who made it! Now let's jump this guy! Wolf-man and pink girl, you cover us! Me and the child will rush him!"

Saori pointed to the wound in his side. "But you're hurt..."

"Don't care!"

"Here, let me help." Hikari tried to touch his side, but he took off with Saori before she could heal him.

"Hey, wait!"

Ossix shook his head and launched more bone tendrils from his back. Arata used a powerful shockwave to shake the bones off course and tried to punch Ossix in the stomach, but he blocked it.

Hikari called down. "Marachii, NOW!"

"Elara, FIRE!"


The car bombarded the pillar with rockets and other explosives, bringing it down. Ossix felt the floor beneath him give way, and everyone began to the ground.

Luca summoned his axes, diving towards Ossix.

"Guys! The chest! Fujii was aiming for it, so it must be his weak point! Hit him, Marachii!"

The car fired more missiles at Ossix, cracking and severely damaging his armor.

Arata, holding his side, used a shockwave to close the distance between them, using a full-force punch to strike Ossix in the chest, further breaking his armor.

Ossix shot more bones out, stabbing Luca in the neck and Arata in the arm. "So, this is it, then!"

Luca swung his axes at Ossix's chest, turning into a gorilla. They began to cut through, but just barely.

"Not enough!"

Hikari, holding Saori, aimed her at Ossix. "Do it, Saori!"

Saori held out her hands, and with all her effort, she formed a rainbow twice as big as a car.

"This is for my MOTHER!"

She fired it, and it helped Luca's axes slice right through Ossix's chest, right through his heart. Some black blood came out of his mouth.


He hit the ground, as Hikari transported everyone else into her storage realm. He sat up, as his body began to shake.

"Damn. I wanted to move up so bad. I doubt they'll even take me seriously, losing to a bunch of teens and a little girl."

He looked at his hand, just as Hikari and the others all landed on the hood of Marachii's car.

"It's fine, you got this, Nullus."

He stood up. "When...I see you again...don't you dare hold this against me."

Then he seemed to explode and disappear in a puff of black smoke, and everyone watched in horror. Arata was the first one to speak up.

"Did...he just die?"
