
Chapter Sixty: Kiana Masato

Many years ago, in Batango…


A thirteen-year-old Kia was busy watching a romance movie in the living room of Morino's mansion. Her father had already left to go oversee the Voltian Tryouts.


"I'm hungry…I wonder if he has any food in the kitchen!" she thought to herself.


She opened the fridge door and to her chagrin, she found nothing at all.




She plopped back onto the sofa, folding her arms. "I guess I wait."


Just then, the TV changed to a different channel, showing the Voltian Tryouts. Kia immediately picked up the remote and tried to change the channel.


"No! NO! I don't want to watch this!"


A young girl who had long green hair and eyes was taking the stage against a young boy with a buff appearance. The announcer, Jukai, stood in the middle.


"And now, we've got Kumagai Shinji VS Azusa Asato!"


While the two began to fight, Kia attempted to switch back to her movie, but couldn't.


"Ugh! Stupid technology!"


Soon after, the TV announced:




Just then, she heard a knock at the door. "Dad?"


There was no response. She nervously got up and peeked through the window, and she saw a group of Voltian boys, armed with a baseball bat.


They knocked again, and Kia nervously tipped open the door. "Hello? Can I help you?"


The biggest boy, the one in the middle, laughed. "Yeah, you can! We were looking for the General, but I guess his weak daughter will have to suffice!"




But before Kia could question any further, they pulled her outside and began to beat her.


"Hey! Ow! Stop!"




Kia tripped one by pulling his leg down and he fell on his back, fuming.


"You'll regret that!"


He took the baseball bat from his friend and prepared to hit her with it, but just then, a voice rang from the house.


"Excuse me. Please step away from my child."


The boys looked up and immediately bowed their heads. "Oh my gosh, we're so sorry!"


Without a moment's hesitation, they all ran away. A pale white hand, covered in a robe, helped Kia up.


"Are you okay, my child?"


Kia wiped her face. "Yes, but mom…I hate them! I hate all of them! They treat me like this every day, it's not fair!"


The woman turned back inside the house. "I'm afraid they don't like humans very much. I'll lock the door, and do not open it for anyone other than your father, understand?"


"Yes, mom…"


The woman put a hand on her daughter's head, and Kia began to feel light and her pain melted away.


"Relax, my child, for I am here."


And with a final pat on the head, the woman walked down the hall.


Kia sighed and sat down, putting back on her movie.


"One day, I'll move away from here. Then I'll be in a much better place, and I'll take Mom and Dad with me," she thought.


 A few days later, Kia was walking the streets of Batango with her best friend, Kenta, a pale-skinned boy with red hair.


"How's your Dad?" Kenta asked.


"He's…always so busy," Kia replied.


"And what about your mom?"


Kia took a moment to respond. "She stays inside often. She rarely leaves her room. I feel as if something is wrong with her, but I can never tell what!"


Kenta stopped in front of a convenience store. "Well, I wish you all the best."


"Thanks. Let's get some snacks."


Once they stepped inside, they could see how decrepit and dirty the place looked. Dust was everywhere, and even spider webs began to grow.


"Yuck, it's even worse than last time," Kenta pointed out.


The shop owner, an elderly African-American man, was at the counter, sleeping. Kia walked over to him and gently tapped the counter.


"Mr. Shimada?"


The man continued to snore in her face, and Kia groaned and banged her hand on the table.


"Mr. Shimada!"


The man woke up with a start, nearly falling out of his chair. "Kia! Kenta! Good seeing you!"


"Hi, Mr. Shimada!" Kenta greeted him warmly. "Kia and I wanted to know if you still sold those chocolate gumballs!"


Mr. Shimada sat up, running a hand across his face. "Sorry, kids. Those Royals came in here and robbed the entire stash last night."


Kia's eyes widened. "They WHAT?"


Mr. Shimada pointed to a nearby shelf, which was empty. Then he lifted his shirt, showing a deep gash under his chest.


"Yep. They took everything they wanted and stabbed me when I didn't comply."


Both kids gasped. Kia slammed her hand on the table again. "Damn it, why can't they just leave us alone? What have we ever done to THEM?"


Kenta put a hand on her shoulder. "They respect your dad, maybe they'll change their views on the rest of us too?"


Kia scoffed. "That's only because he's strong and useful to them, we regular humans don't stand a chance—-!"




They immediately stiffened when they heard a noise outside. Glass clattered to the ground.


"Who—-?" Kia couldn't see the attackers.


"Pfff! Did you see that old man jump? It was HILARIOUS!"


Before any of them could react, the door was kicked open, and Kia saw the SAME group of Voltian boys who bullied her the last time, with an even BIGGER boy as their leader.


"Ha. Insects."


Kia and Kenta backed away, and Mr. Shimada grabbed a gun. "Get out of here! This is trespassing—-!"


One of the boys snapped their fingers, and Mr. Shimada's gun began to glow white and its parts rearranged to face him.


"Stupid old man."


The leader grabbed Kia by her collar. "So you want to disrespect my group, is that right?"


"No! They started it! Let GO!"


As Kia tried to squirm out of his grip, Kenta grabbed his arm.


"Leave her alone! Bully someone your own size, or better yet, species!"


He easily pushed Kenta away, sending him flying back and hitting a shelf with a loud CRACK.


"KENTA!" Kia cried out. She balled a fist and punched the giant boy in the face. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?"


The boy's head didn't even flinch from the punch, and he squeezed even harder and began to laugh.


"You got guts, little girl! Now let's rip yours out!"


He prepared to punch Kia in the stomach, but an unseen force crashed into him, sending him flying.


"Who the hell—-?"


All the boys looked behind them and saw a pale woman draped in a white dress, with a shroud covering her face, standing at the entrance to the shop.




"It's…you…" Mr. Shimada realized.


"Mother!" Kia said, relieved.


The boys began to tremble in place, but the one with the bat mustered the courage to swing it at the woman.


"Go AWAY!"


But before the swing could even land, she was already behind him, giving a small chuckle.




The bat was taken out of his hands in an instant and she snapped it in half.


"Wait, wait—-!"


She took him and threw him into a boy running up behind her, armed with a broom from a nearby closet.




The other boys stared at her in shock and backed away. Soon after, they picked their friends up and they all left the store in a hurry.


"Run, RUN!"


The woman helped Kia up, stroking her face. "Are you alright, dear?"


Kia coughed before clearing her throat. "Yes, but Kenta! They hurt him!"


She pointed at him, sprawled on the ground. He weakly groaned.


"Ugh…I think…I hurt my spine…."


 The woman approached him and knelt, gently putting a hand on his shoulder. "Do not fret, my dear child."


Immediately, the damage to his body healed, and he was able to stand up again. "Woah, Ms. Masato! What did you do?


She just gave him a bright smile, and he immediately bowed down.


"Thank you so much!"


She chuckled again. "No need. Take care, Kenta."


"Mom, you've fixed him!" Kia exclaimed, happily.


Mr. Shimada nervously waved, and Ms. Masato waved back.


Then she took Kia and left the store. Mr. Shimada and Kenta shared a look.


"What a wonderful woman…" Mr. Shimada noted.


"I know, she's really amazing!" Kenta added.


Outside of the shop, Ms. Masato stopped walking and began to cough violently. "Oh dear, seems I've expended too much energy…"


Kia stopped abruptly. "Mom, are you alright?"


Ms. Masato fell to her knees, but she managed to turn and put a hand on Kia's head. "My child, what is your name?"




Ms. Masato shook her head. "It's a nice nickname, but I mean your real name."


Kia gulped and took a breath. "Kiana."


"That's right. And do you know why I named you this?"


Kia shifted to the side, looking down. "To make Dad upset for forgetting your anniversary, since he didn't approve of it…"


Ms. Masato laughed, before clearing her throat. "That IS a benefit, yes, but it's not why I chose that name. Do you know what it means?"




She stood up, cupping Kia's face. "In my language, 'Kiana' means 'divine.'"


Kia gasped. "Really? But why give me that name?"


Ms. Masato's shroud fell off, revealing her face: beautiful, pale, softly glowing skin, white hair, and violet eyes.


"Because," she began to say, smiling. "You are my divine butterfly, Kiana."


Before she could continue, they both heard a voice from down the street.


"Hey! Why aren't you both home?"


Morino began to run toward them, still in his S-3 outfit. Ms. Masato waved him off. "Typical. Always so worrisome."


Before he reached them, Ms. Masato turned back to Kia, lowering her voice.


"I don't have long left in this world, Kiana. So I ask you one thing, that I know you can accomplish."


"Y…yes, Mom?"


She gently put both hands on Kia's face, looking at her with warmth.


"Go out there and touch this world, be free, and spread your wings, my divine butterfly. No matter who picks on you, who shuns you, or who ridicules you, you are KIANA, child of Astari…"


As her mother began to cough and stumble again, Kia put a hand on her back. "Mom?"


"…Humans are such beautiful creatures, Kiana, and you are the most beautiful one. I'll always…love…you…"


Present Day…




Kia had tears coming down her face, but she woke up to find Dachii holding her in his arms, worried.


"Mom, are you okay?"


Kia immediately sat up. All around them was smoke, and she could see two figures fighting inside of it.


"Dachii…what happened?"


Dachii immediately relaxed. "Mom, they've dragged you into the fight! That Vapron guy, he's fighting the Prince!"


Inside the smoke, Atomu struggled to breathe and defend himself against Vapron's attacks simultaneously.


"You made the wrong choice, cursed Prince!" Vapron gloated.


Atomu put his arms up to block a plume of smoke heading toward him, but it knocked him backward and sent him crashing into Dachii.






The sight snapped Kia back to reality. "What on earth?"


She looked to her right and saw a figure emerging from the smoke. One with black skin and a malicious grin.


Kia widened her eyes and gasped, and Vapron stared at her with a mix of emotions.


"Kia, may I have a chat with you?"


As he spoke, he used some of the smoke to form chains around Dachii, and Kia immediately hardened her eyes in anger.


"That's Kiana to you! How dare you try and harm my son?"


Vapron appeared taken aback. "It's not harm, Kiana, it's—-"


"I don't care what it is! You put him down RIGHT NOW!"


Vapron raised a hand, preparing to capture Kia as well. "I knew this would happen. Either way, people want to speak with you as well."


Dachii struggled against his binds as a coil of smoke restrained Kia. "No, leave my Mom alone!"


As Vapron prepared to jump out of the broken window, a shard of glass passed through his body.


"Get back here, you're not taking them."


Vapron turned around to see Atomu with his shirt off, with hollow eyes and black lines on his body. His final form.


"Hmm?" Vapron said, amused. "Look at you, still pretending to be your sister."


Atomu's eyes began to glow, and in his hands, he summoned a glass spear.


"I don't need to be her."


He leveled the spear at Vapron.


"If you're ranked 15th, and I beat you, it just means I'm BETTER!"


And without hesitation, he threw the spear at Vapron with all his force, and it IMPALED HIM.

