
Chapter Seventy-Four: Thunderous

After the training was complete, the squad dispersed around the mansion. Marachii and Saori went into the living room to play with Fido, Luca went outside to sunbathe, and Akari remained in the training room, continuing to practice.


Dachii walked up to his room, but as he did, Hikari's room door opened, and she stepped in front of him. "Dachii, do you have a minute?"


He nodded. "Yeah, what's up?"


She led him into her room, closing the door behind them. Dachii looked around, noticing everything in her room was colored pink.


"Normally, this would be cool, but why are you acting so weird?" Dachii asked.


Hikari looked outside her window for a moment before closing the blinds. "Dachii, you fought more Zharians, right?"


"Yeah?" he replied. "Why?"


She held up a note, which read:


"Dear Hikari. If you ever want to see your sister again, you will BRING Dachii Jones to the gate of the Asuka District, RIGHT AWAY."


Dachii analyzed the note, and Hikari looked at him expectantly. "So, did one of them mention any plans to take my sister?"


"I don't think so," Dachii stated. "They were more focused on trying to take ME."


Hikari crumpled the note and tossed it. "So stupid. Maybe if we take you there and set a trap for whoever wrote this, we can find my sister."


Dachii scratched his head. "Yeah, but that's risky. Should we tell Fujii—-?"


There was a knock on the door, and Dachii could recognize the voice behind it. "Dachii? Marachii? Are you guys inside?"


Dachii turned toward the door. "That's my Mom!"


"Wait, I wasn't finished!" Hikari called out, but Dachii was already outside her room.


Marachii opened the door, and both Kia and Morino were behind it, bags in their hands.


"Grandfather? Mom?"


Morino patted him on the shoulder. "Yep, kiddo. Your mom volunteered to bring food for you two, so we made a quick stop."


Kia set the bags down on the table, just as Dachii came down the stairs.


"Here, kids! Come and eat."


Saori looked at the bags. "That smells good! I want some!"


"Oh, sure! You can have some—-!" Morino began to grab a bag, but Kia took it out of his hands.


"NO, father. NO."


"Come on, won't you give the little girl a piece—-?"




Dachii and Marachii watched as Saori curiously tilted her head. "Mmm? That lady seems SUPER MAD!"


Kia glared at her. "You're damn right! You may be a little girl, but I'm sure you and your family have done horrible stuff!"


Saori put her hands behind her back, looking innocent. "Like what? Can you please explain to me, ma'am?"  


 "For a girl who was kidnapped and watched her mom get murdered, she's surprisingly cheerful," Dachii noted.


Marachii nodded. "I think it's her way of coping. Hikari says she cries in her sleep some nights."


Saori tried to grab a bag from Kia, but Kia held it up. "Go away, you little freak!"


"Speaking of Hikari, she's been acting weird as of late. I think she's worried about her sister," Dachii said.


"Can't blame her," Marachii replied.


As Fido began to bark, Fujii walked into the living room, sensing the commotion. "Morino and Kia? What are you guys doing here?"


"Kia came to bring food for the kids, and on a side note, I need you to come with me, Kenshi. Another meeting is required."


Fujii groaned. "Great. More political drama?"


Morino began to head outside. "Who knows, but don't be late this time."


Kia approached her kids. "Can I speak to you two real quick, alone?"


They shared a look and nodded. Kia led them to the backyard. Once they were gone, Fujii picked up a bag. "Mmm! Chicken and rice!"


Saori jumped up and snatched it out of his hand. "Mine!"


Luca, Hikari, and Akari entered the living room.


"Sir, what's going on?" Akari asked.


Fujii wiped his face and sighed. "Gotta head to the castle for another meeting. Don't screw anything up while I'm gone!"


He left, leaving the others alone. Luca opened a bag and grabbed a piece of chicken, tearing into it. "Delicious."


Akari slapped her forehead in response, but Hikari tapped her shoulder and pointed to the backyard. "Look, what do you think they're talking about?"


Outside, Kia leaned close to her sons. "You guys remember how those Zharians tried to kidnap me and Dachii?"


"Yep," Dachii answered. "Kind of hard to forget."


She took a deep breath. "I'm not sure, but I may know a reason why. You're father…he…might have been tied to them in some way…"


They gasped.


"DAD?" Marachii blurted out. "How could he have had any ties to them?"


Dachii had a conflicted look on his face. "The girl, Alterna, said if I came with them, I'd be able to see him again."


Kia stepped back, partially shocked, but she quickly recomposed herself. "Look, while they may have been trying to trick you, one thing they say is true. These creatures you both hang around want nothing more than power and dominance. Even your father knew, and was wary because of it."


"Dad knew about the Voltians?" Dachii asked, taken aback.


Marachii took in the information, coming to a conclusion.


"So…could they have had something to do with…you know…?"


Kia nodded. Marachii gulped. "But they seem to be nicer as of late, don't they?"


Kia lowered her voice even further. "They may seem nice now, but that's because they need you both, especially YOU, Dachii. Take it from me, they only act in their own self-interest. If neither of you had any powers, you'd be beaten and tormented like the rest of us."


She noticed Luca, Akari, Hikari, and Saori staring at them, and she muttered under her breath before standing up.


"I'm not saying to trust the Zharians, but don't even for a SECOND think that these people are your friends. The only one I see any transparency in is Lukas, as for the rest….you're just walking into a dangerous trap. I only wish your Grandfather would listen to me."


She straightened and began to leave. "Bye, children! Don't hesitate to get in contact with me if you need me!"


She made a point to walk around the mansion, avoiding the others. Dachii whispered to Marachii.


"If what Mom said is true, does that the note Hikari showed me could have been faked?"


"What note?" Marachii asked.


"A note about trading me for her missing sister. No way she'd fake it to try and trick me, would she?"


Marachii looked over at the back door, and Akari, Hikari, and Saori immediately hid in a nearby room. Luca just straightened up.


"Well, we should keep an eye on them, just in case," Marachii said.


They walked back inside, and Luca greeted them. "We were watching you. Was it a good talk?"


"Yeah, good talk," Dachii replied.


As all three went into the living room, the girls crept out of the room.


"Something's off," Akari noticed.


"Trust me," Hikari said, narrowing her eyes. "I know."


Saori giggled, skipping after them. "Ooh! Mysteries! I love mysteries!"


Dachii walked up to his room, plopping onto his bed. "Ugh, so much stuff today. Why can't it ever be simple? Why?"


His door creaked open, and he saw Hikari standing behind it. "Dachii, we need to finish discussing what we talked about."


He put a pillow over his face. "Oh right, your sister."


"Yeah, I was thinking we should tell Fujii and the other Generals, and lure whoever took her into a trap. Will you help me?"


He remembered his mother's words, but he looked at Hikari's worried face for a long while, and he relented.


"Okay, okay. So we all head to the gate?"


"Yeah, let me inform the rest of the squad, and I'll call General Fujii."


Meanwhile, in the Castle of Voltiana…


King Ayrad waited on his throne as Xar let the Generals inside.


"Welcome, welcome. My wife is using the meeting room, so this will have to make do."


The Generals all knelt, bowing. Nakada lifted her head. "What is the topic of the meeting, Your Majesty?"


King Ayrad stood up. "I know Himeka has gone off somewhere, and that will be addressed soon. But before that, have any of you managed to awaken Dachii's power?"


They all shook their heads. King Ayrad remained silent for a moment. "Perhaps time will have our answer. Elements are abilities one naturally grows into, anyway. This one must be the same."


He looked over the Generals. "As for Himeka—-"


Fujii heard his watch ring, and he checked it out. "Sorry, just got a text from Hikari." He read it, and a serious expression crossed his face. "WAIT, we have to GO. NOW."


"What is it?" Toru asked. "It had better be good if it's disrupting the meeting."


"It's Dachii. She's using him as bait to draw out the enemy!"


Morino stood up.  "WHAT? Where?"


"The Asuka gate! We have to hurry! Sorry, Your Highness!"


King Ayrad raised a hand. "It's fine. Go, and don't lose the boy!"


They all dashed out of the castle, and King Ayrad could almost hear a storm coming. "I have a bad feeling….Xar."


Meanwhile, at the Asuka Gate…


"Hikari, are you sure this will work?" Akari paced back and forth, looking for any suspicious signs. "Everything seems regular."


"That's what they want us to think," Hikari remarked. "Lower our guards, then snatch Dachii."


Dachii was sitting in front of the gate, and the others stood around him. "Can I go yet? There's no mysterious kidnapper or anything, so maybe we just scrap the plan."


"Dachii, please," Hikari begged. "Just a few more minutes, the Generals are on their way!"


Dachii groaned and lay down on the ground. "Whatever. I hope your sister shows up soon, my back is hurting—-"


"DACHII! Get away from there RIGHT NOW!"


Everyone turned around and saw Kia running toward them, the Generals right behind her. "What evil plot are you bastards involving my kids in?"


"It's to find my sister—-!" Hikari started to say, but Kia cut her off.


"Find her yourself! My children are not your tools!"


Fujii stepped forward. "She's right, Hikari. This is too dangerous of a plan. If something goes wrong…"


"It'll work! Just trust me—-!"




A bolt of lightning struck behind Dachii, and everyone jumped back.




Fujii and the other Generals drew their weapons. "Dachii, get back!"


A portal opened above Dachii, and a wave of shadows came out of it, sending everyone flying.


"Father!" Kia cried. "They're going to take Dachii!"


Morino launched an axe at the shadows, but it passed right through. "Crap! I've got him!"


He quickly grabbed Dachii and jumped out of the way and lightning began to fire from the portal. Hikari stepped in front of it, yelling.


"Give me back my sister!"


In response, a powerful lightning bolt fired at her, and Akari grabbed Hikari, summoning a forcefield to deflect it.


"Hikari, we've got to fall back! It's too dangerous!" Akari ordered.


Hikari began to shed a tear. "Alright…!"


As they backed up, a figure stepped out of the portal and landed on the ground: Ionix.


"Who is that?" Nakada asked, pointing her gunblade at him.


"I don't know! Keep him away from Dachii!" Fujii responded.


Shinjii slammed his axe into the ground. "You picked the wrong day, buddy! You're not getting the kid!"


Ionix zipped up to a rooftop, his glowing yellow eyes staring right at the Generals. "I don't need to get him. He'll come to me."


A shadowy tendril reached out, and just as it headed for Dachii…


"Get ready!" Fujii called out.


…it switched courses and GRABBED MARACHII.


"What the hell? Guys, what is this? What the—-?"


And it pulled him right into Ionix's grasp.


"You want your brother, Dachii?"


Ionix began to charge up with lightning. "Come and get him."


And just like that, he zoomed away.


"NO!" Dachii screamed, glowing gray and jumping after him.


Kia screamed, pointing after Ionix. "MARACHII! What the hell are you all DOING? Go after my child!"


As the others began to run after them, Ionix began to take Marachii through various portals, disappearing and reappearing all over the place as Dachii chased after him.


"Stop!" Dachii yelled. "Give him back!"


But all he got in response was terrifying laughter from Ionix, as he continued to run through various portals that appeared.


"Move, move, move!" Dachii thought. "He's not taking my brother!"


As Dachii's body began to move faster, a giant portal appeared in front of Ionix, and he jumped through it. Right before it closed, he turned back to look at Dachii.


"We'll be expecting you, Dachii Jones."


As Marachii was dragged through the portal, he locked eyes with Dachii….and he smiled, giving him a thumbs up.


"You…got this…bro…"


And then he was pulled in, and the portal closed.




Dachii slammed the ground repeatedly. "Open! Open right now! OPEN, DAMN YOU!"


Almost as if it heard him, a portal opened below him. All he could see on the other side were dark shadows, and one grabbed his leg and began to pull him in.




As he began to fall through, someone grabbed his hand, trying to pull him back up.


"Hikari?" Dachii recognized her immediately, tears on her face. "What are you doing?"


She gripped his hand tightly. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't want this to happen!"


Dachii glared at her. "Congratulations! You got your wish! Now we know who took her, aren't you happy?"


She began to slip, and she grabbed onto the edge of the portal as the shadows began to drag them down further.


"Let go, woman! We'll both fall!"


Hikari's grip began to slip, and she looked up at the sky one more time. "No! I refuse!"




Her grip finally gave out, and they both fell into the portal as the others watched. Kia fell to her knees, crying.




Dachii and Hikari began to fall through a dark void, and they saw multiple portals around them.


"Dachii! You're falling too fast!" Hikari called out, reaching for him. "Wait for me!"


But all he had was one moment to look at her before he fell into a portal, leaving her behind.


He landed on a cold floor, and he got up, hearing a loud cheer.


"Ladies and Gentlemen, DACHII JONES has crashed the party!" a woman's voice announced.


Dachii looked around and noticed he was in an arena bathed with shadows, and on the opposite side of him was a Voltian girl with ponytails sitting cross-legged on the ground, facing away from him.


Instantly, Dachii realized she had a katana similar to Fujii's. When she turned around, he noticed she was wearing an S-1 Uniform.


"Dachii Jones," she spoke, drawing her blade. "I've been waiting for you."

