In the S-1 Mansion…
Hikari, Akari, Luca, Saori, and Marachii were gathered around the living room TV, watching Queen Ayame give her speech.
"And I promise, this Masquerade will be the biggest event on the planet this year! Bigger than the Asuka Festival! Bigger than Umego and their new project! Bigger than it all!"
"She certainly sounds confident," Luca noted.
"That's my mom," Akari agreed. "She can be a bit in over her head sometimes."
"It's good they're inviting other races to be part of this," Hikari remarked. "That should increase its popularity."
"How does this work?" Marachii asked. "Is it just like, some party?"
Akari and Hikari gasped.
"SOME party?" Akari repeated, almost taken aback.
"It's a nationwide event! All the royals, nobles, higher-ups, anyone with importance will be there!" Hikari explained. "It's like a hub for Voltiana's elite! You thought the Asuka Festival was big? NO ONE is allowed in Alora but the ELITE OF ELITE."
"Like me," Akari pointed to herself.
"And me!" Hikari added. "And Saori too. Her mom was very famous."
"Really?" Saori wondered. "Is she a celebrity?"
Both Akari and Hikari nodded. Luca and Marachii just shared a look.
"What are they talking about?" Marachii whispered.
"Don't bother," Luca answered. "I've been in those things countless times over the years. It's not all as it's cracked up to be."
"How'd you get in?"
"I turned into an ant."
"You can turn into an ant? Why don't you ever do it?"
"Because I don't want you guys to step on me."
"Ahem," Akari cleared her throat. "We can hear you."
"I know," Luca stated. "You just weren't supposed to respond."
"Can common folk get inside that thing?" Marachii asked. "Or is it off limits to regular people?"
"Well, usually they only let royalty and nobility in," Hikari pointed out. "But since you guys are in Squad S-1, they'll probably let you guys in too! If not, then you can wait for us outside!"
Luca shook his head. "Royals."
Marachii had to hold in a laugh. "Back where I'm from, we call them rich girls, or simply 'privileged.'"
"What's THAT supposed to mean?" Hikari asked, accusingly.
On the TV, Queen Ayame finished her speech. "And thus, I will personally invite all of Squad S-1 to attend! The greatest squad in the history of this nation!"
"Yay," Luca said. "We get to go."
"Not all of us," Marachii interjected. "My brother still doesn't wanna leave his room, even after all this time."
"Aoki should be working on that," Akari said. "But knowing her, that idiot is getting turned down as we speak."
Meanwhile, at Morino's house…
"Come outside. Come outside. Come outside. Come outside. Come outside. Come outside. Come outside."
Aoki repeatedly knocked on Dachii's window, but Dachii refused to open the blinds. "Dachii Jones, I know you're in there. Don't make me force my way in."
"Do it, then."
"Don't think I won't, child!"
Kia came outside, glaring at Aoki. "Can you stop making all of this noise? Some of us are TRYING to sleep! Go away!"
Aoki ignored her. "Come outside. Come outside. Come outside. Come outside."
After half an hour more of the same thing, to no avail, the others showed up outside of Morino's house.
"Any luck?" Hikari asked.
Aoki shook her head.
"Told you, she got turned down," Akari remarked.
"Okay, smartass. You give it a shot!" Aoki snapped back.
Akari rolled her eyes. "Whatever."
She jumped up to Dachii's window, knocking gently on it. "Dachii. It's time to rejoin the team. Your place has been empty for six months now, and we've got a massive opportunity here with the Masquerade we can't mess up. So don't hang your head, and come join our—-"
"Seriously, Akari?"
Dachii pulled back his blinds. "Why must you torture me? Can I die alone in peace?"
"Well, can you kill me?"
Dachii shut his blinds. "Then can you go away?"
"Nope. Now open this window."
"I'm a princess. If I say yes, that means you're gonna open this damn forsaken window, you hear me—?"
Akari's hand charged up with energy. "Okay, then. I'm breaking in."
Dachii pulled back his blinds again. "WHAT? What do you want? Why won't you go away? Why? Why? Why?"
"Because we're worried about you!" Akari admitted. "You haven't left this house—-this ROOM, in six months!"
"Good, so you understand," Dachii said. "Now goodbye."
Akari glared at him. "Dachii, if you don't come out of this room, I swear on my royal power, so help me—-!"
Below her, Kia welcomed Marachii into the house. "Hello, son! I'm glad you're back. After all, spending too much time with these creatures can't be good for your health."
"Wow, she still doesn't like us," Hikari sighed.
"Us? She doesn't like you guys. She's fine with me," Luca shrugged.
Akari continued knocking on Dachii's door. "Come on, Dachii! Talk to me!"
Aoki laughed. "See, you can't do anything either! All of you royals are so useless! Useless, little, good for nothing, stuck-up—-!"
Akari, angry, fired an energy blast at her, which she easily side-stepped. "Oh, now you wanna fight?"
"I don't appreciate you running your mouth, WOMAN. So if it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get, you crazy bastard!"
Hikari and Luca both groaned as Akari and Aoki began to attack each other, and Kia immediately rushed out of her house, shocked by the chaos.
She noticed Akari and Aoki trading blows. "You both get off my property! Right now!"
Marachii watched the chaos from behind the door, while Dachii put earphones in his ears, still locked up in his room.
"Yay. They still don't like each other."
After a while, Hikari and Luca managed to get them separated, and Kia pointed them off of the property. "All of you, leave! You're not helping my son one bit!"
"We're trying, Ma'am!" Hikari pleaded. "We're sorry, we know it's hard for you, but we really need your help!"
"Help? HELP?" Kia exclaimed. "Where was your help when my father got stabbed through his chest, defending the children you monsters swore to protect? Where was his help when he was bleeding out, leaving a final message to his grandchildren? Where was the help when he was in a life or death battle, with NO ONE ELSE to depend on?"
They all seemed taken aback by her outburst. "You all show up at the wrong time, but never at the right time. I can see why Dachii wants nothing to do with you all. Nothing good ever comes from a Voltian."
She stormed back into the house. Luca burped. "Well. She's definitely not happy."
"That's okay," Akari replied. "They'll see! We're gonna get Dachii out of this house, one way or another!"
"But how do we get him out?" Saori asked.
"Follow my lead," Akari said.
Later that day, Dachii left his room to use the bathroom, and as soon as he opened his door, he found his squad sitting on his bed.
"Great. What do you all want?"
Akari stood up. "You know exactly what. Now come on! Back to the S-1 Mansion we go!"
She grabbed his arm before he could react, but he simply pulled it away.
"Excuse you? Okay, time for plan B!"
Hikari used her storage magic and dropped a wagon into the room, and Akari and Aoki helped put Dachii in the wagon, strapping him in with a seatbelt.
"What is this…" Dachii murmured.
"It's your ride out of here," Akari answered. "Pull, Hikari, pull!"
Hikari pulled him out the door and down the stairs, crossing paths with Kia and Marachii, who were eating dinner.
"Mom…what did I just see?" Marachii asked.
"Son, go save your brother, please."
Not long after, they were at the gates of Batango, but to their horror, Dachii was no longer in the wagon.
"Aww, crap!" Hikari moaned. "Who lost Dachii?"
"Wasn't me!" Akari immediately answered. "Aoki was supposed to be watching him!"
"Me? You blame me?" Aoki exclaimed. "It's four of you! None of you four idiots realized the person the wagon was for is no longer INSIDE the wagon?"
"Okay, okay," Akari interrupted. "We just need to find him. That's all."
They scouted the streets for Dachii, but there was no trace of him. After some time, they regrouped back at the wagon.
"Any luck?" Akari asked.
"Nope," Luka replied.
"Negative," Hikari stated.
"Didn't see him!" Saori blurted out.
"Of course not. What a dumb question. If we saw him, we'd have had him back here by now, and not talking amongst ourselves, would we, Princess?" Aoki mockingly said.
Akari ran a hand over her face. "Not today…not today…"
"What? Did I UPSET you?"
"Okay, that's it—-!"
They all whirled around, where Marachii was standing, with one hand around Dachii's arm, who looked as if he wanted to die. "Is this who you're looking for?"
"Dachii! There you are!" Akari stated, relieved. "Good job, Marachii!"
Hikari quickly grabbed Dachii's arms. "Come on, buddy. It's time to get back in the wagon."
"I'm fifteen. Not five."
Hikari gently set him inside and strapped him again. As she pulled him along, Aoki stayed back and watched for a moment.
"Royal Masquerade in two days, and this is what our Squad has to offer. Pathetic."
Then she begrudgingly walked behind them as they pulled Dachii out of the gate.
When they arrived at the S-1 Mansion, Fujii was sleeping on the couch, a bowl of popcorn in his lap. Aoki rolled her eyes.
"Sir. Please wake up."
Fujii quickly got up, his bowl hitting the floor. "Attack? Who's attacking? Everyone, get your weapons ready!"
Then he realized who it was. "Oh."
Akari and Aoki shared a look, both shaking their heads. Fujii noticed Dachii in the wagon behind them. "Dachii, is that you? Wow, you look terrible. Good to see ya, pal!"
Dachii didn't even look at him. "Help. I've been kidnapped against my will. I want to go home and never be a part of this squad again. Let me go."
Fujii put a hand on his shoulder. "C'mon, don't say that! It's a fun week ahead! Masquerade coming up, and lots of special guests gonna be there! WOMEN are gonna be there!"
Aoki, Hikari, and Akari slapped their foreheads. Dachii simply continued to blankly stare.
"We're just gonna get attacked and die. Let me go. I want to go home."
Fujii tapped his chin. "I see. Bring him to the training room! Let's get our old Dachii back!"
"Good idea!" Akari agreed. "Let's go, Dachii, let's go!"
"Oh boy."
They pulled the wagon into the training room, leaving Marachii and Luca behind.
"Is that gonna help him?" Luca asked.
"Knowing him, not at all. Not at all. But we should probably make sure they don't hurt him."
"Good idea," Luca said.
Meanwhile, in Titan's Castle…
Outside of Titan's Castle, Runea walked down the path leading to the front door, where Radiux was waiting for her.
"Last one here?" Radiux remarked. "Don't tell me you're losing your edge."
"Never," Runea replied. "I assume the Master is inside?"
He nodded. "Along with some of our..other friends."
"Should be fun."
When he opened the door, she found Melodar, Sirena, and Mysteria, who were waiting in the hallways.
"There you are, sister!" Mysteria cheered. "Glad you could make it!"
"I'm…happy you're safe and sound," Sirena added.
"♪ Yeah, yeah, yeahhhh! ♪" Melodar sang. "♫ Time to go insideeee! ♫"
Runea stared at him before sighing and chuckling. "In we go."
The three walked into the throne room, finding Titan sitting on his throne, his eyes closed. Once they entered, the air became much colder.
"You summoned us, Master?" Runea asked.
"Yes…it's been some time…since we've made a move…"
Mysteria smiled. "I agree! We should go slaughter them all! Blood! Death! Chaos! All of the above!"
"Sister…" Radiux scolded. "Let the Master speak."
"Aww, okay!"
One purple eye opened, taking in his followers. "I'm impressed…with what you all have been able to accomplish…will you be able to complete the most daunting task of your lives…?"
"Of course, Master," Runea immediately responded. "Whatever you need. But may I ask something of you?"
"Yes…" he stated.
"Why us? Why not the others? Their power exceeds even our own," Runea pointed out. "It would be child's play for them."
"He already sent out Ravos," Radiux recalled. "And Akuma was on the scene. The job didn't get done. Is power alone really enough to capture Deity?"
"No…" Titan answered. "I'll need something more. Much more…but the question is…"
He looked back toward his forces. "Who can provide?"