
Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Eight: The Hunt

Outside the castle…

There was a large crowd outside of the entrance to the castle, watching as the lights shined bright and the music played in the background.

"Hey, excuse us! Coming through!"

Two pink-haired twins, a boy and a girl, tried to slip inside the castle, but they struggled to squeeze through the bigger adults, who were eagerly awaiting to enter.

"Hey, let us in!"

"Don't tell us you're all filled up!"

"I've been waiting out here for hours now, damn it!"

Xar and a few guards were standing at the entrance, checking the paperwork of each guest who entered. "Patience, all of you. We have to make sure you all belong."

"Of course, we belong, fool!"

"This line is way too long!"

"I'm going home!"

The pink-haired twins managed to get to the front of the line, surprising Xar. "What are you two doing here? I don't recall inviting youngsters like yourselves."

The boy spoke up. "We need to see our sister! It's urgent!"

"Allowing guests without the proper clearance is against the rules, even for nobility."

"But we need her now!"

"I'm sorry, I can't—-"

A gruff-looking man pushed his way forward. "Hey! Those children skipped the line! This isn't fair!"

Taking advantage of Xar's confusion, the kids dashed right past him, leading the guards to attempt to give chase. Xar held up a hand to stop them.

"Leave them. If they're thrown out, it will be their own fault."

The guards nodded, and angry citizens began to complain and yell, causing a riot outside of the castle. Xar noticed this and walked away. "Finish up here. I…have to go check on the Royal Family."

Meanwhile, inside the Ball Room…

Marachii, Luca, Hikari, and Saori were sitting at a poker table, while Malkrith watched them with curious eyes. "Greetings, once again. Surprised to see me?"

"No," Luca answered.

"Not really?" Marachii replied.

"I'm surprised they got you in here," Hikari remarked. "You've gotta weigh at least a thousand tons!"

"Who's this?" Saori asked.

"Rude," Malkrith stated. "Let's play some games, shall we? All this royal gossip is boring me to death. Have any of you played…poker?"

They all shook their heads. Malkrith motioned over to a dealer. "Come, come. Hand these children their cards."

The dealer gave each of them two cards, and Marachii looked up to see her watching him expectantly. "Well? Are you going to place your bets?"

"Wait, no, no, no, I'm not supposed to do that kinda stuff—-!"

Malkrith grinned. "Let's go all in."

While they continued, Aoki watched from the other side of the room, tugging on Fujii's arm. "Sir. Sir. Sir. Sir."

"What?" Fujii answered, still drunk. "Are they serving the food yet?"

"Your teenage soldiers are playing poker with the giant monster king."

"That sounds awesome…give me five minutes…I'll join…"

Then he passed out in the chair, making her sigh. "I love you and all, but you're a mess, you know that?"

He snored in the chair.

"Fine. I'll stop this myself," she thought, approaching the poker table, where the game had already begun, but she got caught up in a gossiping crowd.

At the table, Marachii was looking at his cards awkwardly.

"Elara," he whispered. "I have NO idea what to do."

"You can either call, raise, or fold," she replied in his head. "Which would you like to do?"

"Well, the giant monster just bet everything, so I'm screwed."

Malkrith picked his teeth. "If none of you have any money, we could always trade limbs, wouldn't you agree?"

The four of them gulped, shaking their heads. "Hehe."

Marachii whispered to the others. "Can someone make up an excuse so we can leave?"

"Hikari, you're rich," Luca pointed out. "How about you take care of this?"

"WHAT? Me?"


While they argued, Saori was standing beside Malkrith, petting one of his heads. "Aww, you're just like the dog we have back home!"

"What a sweet girl you are. I wonder how you taste…"


"Nothing, nothing."

Hikari grabbed her head. "I don't know what to do! Someone find Akari, or Fujii! Or Aoki, for heaven's sake!"

Just then, the two pink-haired children crashed into the table, hitting the ground hard and shocking everyone. The moment they got up, they immediately grabbed Hikari.

"Sister! Sister!"

"Hana? Hikaru? What are you guys doing here? How did you get in?"

Hikaru started pulling on her arm. "You need to get home, quickly! It's Mom and Dad!"

"What? What happened?"

"They need your help! Come on!"

She got up from the table, her siblings basically dragging her along. "Sorry, guys. I have to go, I'll be back as soon as I can!"

Luca took one look at the Monster King and stood up. "I'll come with."

Marachii raised a hand. "Me too!"

"But this is a family thing!" Hikari protested.

"They can come too!" Hana affirmed. "I'm sure Dad would love to speak to your Squad! Especially the boy who can fly!"

"Well…um…in that case…"

The kids pulled her outside the door, and Marachii and Luca took Saori and followed, leaving Malkrith alone at the table. He looked at the dealer.

"Wow, I think I've been ditched," he said.

The dealer shrugged.

Aoki finally got to the table, and she noticed her teammates missing. The second she locked eyes with Malkrith, he motioned to the table. "Want to play?"

Then she sliced it in half.

The group made it through the hallways and to the entrance, where the guards were still checking the paperwork of angry citizens. Hikari cleared her throat, causing both of them to whirl around.

"Squad S-1!" one spoke. "Aren't you supposed to be at the Masquerade?"

"Personal matters came up," she replied. "We have to leave."

"But the Queen—-!"

"Has everyone there that she needs," Hikari interrupted. "Now excuse us."

They made their way outside, past stunned guards and civilians, who watched them as they walked past. Some of them called out.

"Hey, S-1! Tell them to let us inside!"

"Yeah! I've been here all day!"

"Where's Fujii? I want an autograph!"

"What about that Dachii kid? Is he inside?"

"They sure do talk a lot," Luca remarked. "I see why they're out here."

Hikaru and Hana ran ahead, navigating cars, people, and objects as they finally reached the gate of the capital. When the others caught up to them, Marachii stopped Hikari.

"Um, where is it that you live? Is it far?"

She shook her head. "Nope. Me and Akari used to play in the same park. It should be a few streets away."

Luca scoffed. "That means it's a two-hour walk. Climb on, everyone."

He shifted into his Hydra form, and Marachii and Hikari climbed on his back. Hikaru and Hana watched him apprehensively.

"It's safe you guys," Hikari reassured. "Climb up!"

"But that thing looks so big!" Hikaru pointed out.

"And scary!" Hana added.

"It's less scary when you're on its back," she stated. "Here, I'll show you!"

She pulled her siblings onto the back of the Hydra, and they nervously sat behind her. Saori patted the top of Luca's center head. "Fly, dragon! Fly!"

The head stared back at her, unimpressed. Hikari shook her head. "Please take us along, Luca."

They walked through the gate, past terrified guards, and she began pointing him in the direction of her house.

Meanwhile, inside the Ball Room…

Fujii finally opened his eyes only to find Aoki glaring at him with her arms folded. "Eh? What happened? My head is spinning…"

Aoki put her hands on her hips. "Well, half of your squad disappeared while you had your hangover, but besides that, nothing much, I suppose."

Fuji scratched his head. "Really? I don't remember that."

Aoki slapped her forehead. "We should go get Dachii. I don't like this place, and I definitely don't want that large man-dwarf and his sister grilling him."

"Great idea!" Fujii agreed. "Give me thirty more minutes to fix my nagging headache and I'll help you!"

He put his head back down on the table, and Aoki rolled her eyes before heading to the Garden.

Inside the Garden…

When Aoki entered the Garden, she noticed the large, expansive rows of flowers and the elegant trees in the background. She also saw a large fountain in the center.

"Great. More rich people stuff."

She took another step forward, only to be met by Atomu, who coldly analyzed her.



"Why are you here?"

"Why else? Not for you, that's for sure."

"So, what brings you into our Garden? It's a Garden, not a battleground."

"Where's my friend?"


"Don't play with me."

"Ahh, Dachii," Atomu chuckled. "He's by the pond. He's started acting a bit strange ever since we took him here."

"I would too," Aoki remarked. "This place irks me."

"Everything does," Atomu scoffed. "Follow me."

He led her to the quiet pond in the corner, where Akari was watching as Dachii splashed the water in his face.

"Dachii, are you sure you're okay? We can head back inside if this place is making you uncomfortable—-!"

"I'm fine," he replied, bland as ever. "I need some water."

She watched him, a bit concerned, but she relented. Once Atomu approached, she prepared to open her mouth, but she noticed Aoki behind him.


She immediately rounded on her brother. "Why did you lead her here? She'll cut down our beautiful garden!"

"Girl, I don't have any interest in your garden, believe me," Aoki shot back.

"Good. I don't want you to. Really you shouldn't even be in my house, but I'll make exceptions for bloodthirsty brutes, since you are good at what you do, I guess."

While they both glared at each other, Dachii pulled his face out of the water, almost like breaking free from a trance. Atomu knelt beside him.

"Your friends are at each other's throats again, I best believe it's time to head inside and show you the…other parts of our humble abode."

"You mean the rest of the castle…?" Dachii inquired. "Why?"

"Mother's way of allowing you to feel…welcome," Atomu responded. "Her treat."

"If you say so," Dachii remarked.

Both of them stood up, and Akari and Aoki stopped fighting and turned towards them.

"Are we done here, Atomu?" Akari asked.

He nodded.

"Good. Then let's go."

"Go where?" Aoki asked.

"None of your business."

"Say that again."

"Hmm? Do I need to say it louder?"

Atomu leaned in to whisper into Dachii's ears. "How long have they been doing this?"

"Too long…" Dachii muttered.

Just then, he heard the loud stomps of a large man behind him, and he whirled around to find Alarax standing behind him.

"Dachii Jones."

"Alarax," Dachii recognized.

Akari, Aoki, and Atomu immediately got into defensive stances, preparing to use their powers. Alarax laughed, and his sister immediately jumped in front of him, her hands up.

"Wait, wait! We don't wanna fight!"

"Well, your prince here sure seems like he wants one," Akari spat. "Just because I'm in heels doesn't mean I won't blast his face off."

Alarax scoffed. "I'm not here to fight. I just wanted to see the kid they've been shoving down our throats all ceremony. You know, the one that destroyed my home."

"Well, you've seen him," Atomu pointed out. "If that's all, you can go."

"Pushy, aren't you," Alarax said. "Well, well. I guess you can't help it. It is in your nature, after all. But the day is still young, and we'll have plenty of time to talk later, Dachii. I'll be back when your friends aren't sniffing around you like a pack of stray dogs."

While the other three watched Alarax threateningly, Dachii simply shrugged. "Okay."

Alarax chuckled and walked right through a patch of flowers, enraging Akari. "Okay. As soon as this party is over, I will KILL HIM."

"I will help," Aoki added.

They turned their attention to Throme, who nervously smiled. "Sorry, he's still a bit mad from our last encounter. But here, Dachii! We've brought you a gift!"

She handed him a necklace made of leaves and vines. "Crafted by the best in our village!"

He took it. "Thanks…"

"Throme, you coming?" Alarax called out.

"Yeah, wait up!"

While she hurried off behind her brother, Akari took the necklace and chucked it into the pond. "Don't wear that."

"Okay," Dachii said.

A bell rang in the Ball Room, catching everyone's attention. Xar could be heard inside. "Attention, everyone. The Generals have arrived."

"Right on time," Atomu stated. "The rest of the tour can wait. We should greet them."

Inside the Ball Room…

Xar stood back on stage, and once he did, the curtains opened to reveal five exquisitely dressed generals, all flanked by their Vice-Generals.

"Here they are! Give them a round of applause!" Xar announced. "Starting with Himeka Hisatomi!"

She stepped forward, blowing kisses to the crowd. Kanai had to adjust her dress while she did so, causing Himeka to turn red.

"Give another round for Nakada Kiku!"

Nakada stepped forward, waving politely to the crowd. Oyakawa did so as well.

"And how about an especially large one for an especially large man, Kumagai Shinjii!"

Shinjii took a step so hard the ground shook, and the clap he did nearly burst everyone's eardrums. Ken shook his head.

"He might not want it, but do it anyway. Give a round for Kaneko Toru!"

Toru stepped forward, looking as stale and strict as ever. Noriko basically cowered behind him.

"And of course, give a round of applause for Naito Kei! Quiet, but equally as deadly."

Naito stepped forward, barely even bothering to clap. Yūsuke stood by her, as still as a doorknob.

Once Dachii and the others entered the room, Xar immediately pointed to Atomu and Fujii. "Can I have our S-1 and S-3 Generals come on stage please?"

"Crap, I didn't bring my Vice-General," Atomu realized.

"Mashimo?" Akari questioned. "Where is he?"

"He's been on hiatus. I've let him get the necessary time to…adjust."

"Oh, right."

Atomu closed his eyes. "I'll have to do it without him. Hopefully, no one notices."

Aoki began walking over to the bar. "I'll grab Fujii."

Once both Atomu and Fujii were on stage, with Aoki standing behind Fujii, Xar called for everyone's attention. "Since this Masquerade is meant to be the greatest in history, we wanted to present a special event for each and all of you. Atomu, would you like the elaborate?"

"Gladly. It's called the Hunt. You'll branch off into separate teams, the Hunters, and the Hunted. Each of you will be led by one of our Generals here, excluding me. There will be six teams. Five of them will be the hunters, hunting your prey. And the sixth will be the hunted, avoiding the hunters until time runs out."

Vashka approached the stage, her orcs not far behind. "How will we know who is who, say you? What will we be hunting?"

"Simple," Atomu answered. "You'll be hunting Dachii."

The entire Ball Room turned towards Dachii, who barely registered them.

"Yay," Dachii thought."

"Shall we begin?" Atomu announced.

As all eyes focused on him, Dachii could swear there was a figure standing in front of him, a figure that looked oddly like Morino.

"Hahaha," Morino laughed. "Prey."
