
we lost her

We reached the office and i went straight to the office..I knocked and she replied from inside that come in.

I entered but she was talking on the phone when she saw me she told the other person they will talk later and she hanged up.

her;hey why were you busy calling my phone like you were being rushed to ICU??

"did you talk to this woman on phone?"

her; yes why?

"just wanted to make sure you are aware i didn't carry any money from her"

her;wait what??

"you said you talked with her on phone,"

her; yes i did,but what do you mean you did not carry any money from her??

"then what did you agree on?"

her; kid stop beating around the bush..what the hell are you trying to say??

" she told me you two talked and agreed she will deposit on the company's account."

her; what!! noo..she just called to confirm with me if her delivery is on the way...

"if you picked up my calls maybe i would have gone back inside and talked to her cause I was still there."