
you started it naughty girl

I quickly rushed in my room to see who is this "she"waiting for me...I opened the door and i couldn't believe my eyes.

"what are you doing here?"

she came to give me a hug but i pushed away her hands and asked her again,

"why are you in my room??"

her; your mom told me to wait for you from here...come on give me a hug don't be rude.

"why are you here...just answer me."

her; well am here to stay for some days...(while smiling)


her; Jeez come on....why are you treating me like a stranger!!...be nice.

"cause i don't trust you...the last time you came here you created chaos so i don't want anything to do with you...how long are you planning to stay??"

her; two three weeks (making herself comfortable on the bed)

"whaatt!!!??? that's long...why are you here...what happened??"

her;I have some issues back at home.

"but i believe you have some friends...so why didn't you just go to one of your friend's house??"