
okay put me down

I was woken up by the ringtone of my phone and i just searched for it without opening my eyes and answered it.


man; can you please come to the company...am sorry if i woke you up cause you really sound sleepy and it seems like i woke you up.

ohhh shit its Peyton's dad...i quickly sat up.

"no sir its fine...actually i was about to wake up."

boss; okay...i know this is not the usual time you report to work but since we are preparing you for that position i would like you to accompany me to some meeting so that you a pick a leaf.

"okay sir let me get ready....so where should i find you?? like is the meeting going to be held at the company??"

boss; yes and am about to reach there....so when you reach you come straight to my office am going to be waiting for you...see you soon.

After hanging up i pecked babe who was still sleeping like a baby and jumped from bed then rushed to the bathroom.

When i came back she was awake.