I Hear Nebraska's Nice

I Hear Nebraska's Nice

It was breakfast the next morning when Glenn dropped the bomb on everyone. He stands up and walks over to the tent closest to the barn, ignoring Maggie on her front porch shaking her head, silently begging him not to do this. Once he was where he wanted to be he clears his throat, hoping to draw out some of the Alpha strength he had experienced yesterday with Maggie and the Walker.


Uh guys?" So much for that plan, Glenn's voice cracked. Once he got everyone's attention he looks at them. When his eyes catch Shane's, Glenn looks to his Alpha hoping he could help. Rick nods his support and Glenn belts it out quick before he loses his nerve, "The barns full of Walkers."

Everyone has the same reaction; still, silent, then running to the barn. Glenn watches Maggie's head fall to her hands and he sends out a silent apology before taking off after the Flock. Carol was holding Carl back from the door while Shane looked inside through a crack in the wood.

"Rick!" He bellows, walking back to the group, "You cannot tell me you're ok with this."

"I'm not."

"But you didn't feel the need to tell any of us about this either huh?"

"Glenn." Rick turns to his Packmate, "How did you find out about this?"

"Oh, for the love of-"

Snarling, Rick got real close to Shane's neck and snapped his teeth at his throat. Glenn starts whining loudly, realizing how much trouble he was in for not telling Rick first, then the group. His Alpha pulls away from Shane and goes over to him.

Glenn held nothing back, "Me and Maggie were going to do it again and she said I could pick the place. It was at that dinner after Daryl got shot, two days ago. She didn't see where we were meeting until it was too late, and I'd already seen them. I told Dale yesterday while you guys were training with the guns cause Dale's the Elder and Peacekeeper and I thought he could talk to Hershel, but then Maggie swore me to secrecy, but it was eating at me and.... I'm sorry Alpha. I'm so sorry, Rick."

A fight breaks out between everyone and Shane on whether to leave. Sophia was brought up again by Carol, who had been getting updates on the search from both Rick and Daryl. Shane turns around on the Omega and goes to town, "Alright listen I know everyone wants to think positively but I think it's time to start thinking realistically. Your daughter is dead, and they are looking for a Walker at best."

"SHANE! -"

"You're wrong!" Carl runs between the two Alphas, walkie in hand. "I put one of these in Daryl's bag before he left so we could talk to him. That's why I needed them before, we've been checking the rang on them. Stiles has Sophia with him right now."

"Then why ain't they in camp little man?"

"Sophia is presenting. She could go into heat and there are seven Alphas here. How many of them are on Suppressants?" Carl was growing a mouth on him, Rick realized. He would be maturing soon. Carl turns the radio on and starts trying to reach stiles.

"Man, Fort Benning. It's still an option." Shane ignores the pup and turns on Rick.

"We're not leaving without Sophia." Shane throws a punch at Rick and the Alpha returns the favor. The two Packs start to separate their Alphas, ignoring the black eyes, growling and flashing teeth. Rick backs off when Glenn grabs the back of his neck and yanks, dragging him almost to the ground. Gaining his footing Rick scents Glenn in thanks and turns to Shane, who was being held back by his Mate.

"I'll talk to Hershel. Let me figure this out."


"If we are going to stay, if we're going to clear this barn, I have to talk him into it. THIS IS HIS LAND! And we need to stay here!"

"Why can't we just leave? Huh?!"

"Cause Sophia's not with us yet, three of our people are injured and Lori might be pregnant." The Beta woman snaps her head to Rick while the group falls silent.

"What?" Shane breathes.

"You have no right and no business telling-" Rick cuts Lori off before she could make herself the victim again. "You made it my business, and Hershel's, when you sent Glenn and Maggie into town to get you abortion pills and they got attacked. So yeah I think I do have the right."

"Glenn you weren't supposed to say anything to anyone." Lori bares her teeth at the Alpha. Glenn takes a step forward and snarls, "I don't keep stuff like that from my Alpha, without a GOOD reason. You're not even a reason to-"

"Glenn." Rick pulls the younger man back.

Everyone just stares at each other, panting. Dale finds the in he needs to make peace and goes with it, "Hershel sees those things as people- sick people- his wife, his stepson."

"And you have to convince Maggie too." Glenn steps in. "Hershel's handing Prime title to her at some point today. He'll be Elder by nightfall, but I would get them both to agree or present it to the two of them together and let them figure it out cause if we go to Maggie now, after Hershel has already said his piece on it; you could have us kicked out before noon, turning them on each other like that."

Shane does a perimeter check while he calms down, the rest of the group goes back to camp. Carl holds the walkie on the way back and tries to get a hold of Stiles.

"Stiles pick up. Is Sophia ok?" Carol was sticking close to him in case something came on the radio.

"Hey pup. She's ok, just taking the next dose of Suppressants." Carol sobs, causing the Packs to gather around.

"Carol's with me, can we talk to Sophia?"

"Hang on." Stiles made a noise on the other end and Rick takes the walkie and gives it to Carol, rubbing her shoulder.

"Just call for her, let her hear your voice."

Carol nods and takes a shaky breath. "Sophia? Baby, it's mommy. Are you ok?"

"Momma!" Sophia's sweet voice comes through and Carol breaks down, clutching the walkie to her chest and crooning into it. Sophia chirps and purrs back and Andrea and Dale help her to a seat, Carl following close by incase Stiles needs anything from them. After an hour of them comforting each other Carol addresses Stiles. "When are you bring her back?"

"Later today, once we get her heat down enough. We'll be back by dinner at the latest."

"Thank you." Carol wipes tears from her eyes while Sophia talks about Stiles showing her how to knot snares to catch rabbits. Carl just smiles and pats himself on the back for thinking about the walkies.


Stiles was rubbing Sophia's back while she talked to her mom and Carl. He had spent most of last night scenting the pup and helping her build her nest up in one of the bedroom closets. They had dragged the mattress back upstairs and set up on the floor, taking all the clothing and sheets they could find and laying them just so. Building a nest wasn't something Stiles had done since his mother died but it came back to him easily.

After she finished talking to the Packs, it was almost dark. Sophia was buried under the blankets and pillows, rubbing her head against the hunter's leg, purring. Seeking comfort and body contact, as all heats demanded, Stiles let her while he soothed the cramps with a back rub.

The Suppressant had kicked in making the pup sleepy. Stiles figured he'd let her rest a bit, then it would be time to move. Sophia had been drilling Stiles for all the details and gossip around camp, and he told her what he knew. It was calm, peaceful. Of course, it had to be ruined.

The sounds of men laughing was near silent, meaning they were miles away. It still sent the older Omega into defensive mode. Looking at the little pup, Stiles gently moves her head to the side and stands up. Moving around the room, he starts to throw all the clothes he could from the nest into some duffle bag they found in the closet.

"Mr. Grimes?" Sophia mewled "What's going on?"

"Time to head to camp. Going to see your mama. And the others." Sophia perks up and helps pack up the nest, leaving nothing but the mattress. Stiles grabs a second bag and throws all the food in the kitchen and medicine from the bathroom into it. Helping Sophia stand up and walk outside he rubs them both down with Scent Dampener to hide their smell if the men came this way. Daryl throws both bags over his chest and lifts Sophia onto his back, the little pup already out like a light.

The walk back to camp was quiet and Walker free. Breaking the tree line, Stiles almost expected the group to be waiting for them. Instead, he found Shane handing out guns and leading the Flock to the barn; all the Packs including Hershel's. Glenn had told Stiles and Sophia about the barn already on the walkies, he knew they were going to clean out the Walkers. Cursing, the Omega moves Sophia to the RV and lays her down on the pull-out bed still opened. Placing the bags down as well he shakes the pup awake.

"Make your nest and stay here. They're cleaning out the barn of Walkers and you can't go running off. Promise me. Make your nest, stay inside, and it will all be over soon. Then your mom and you will spend however long you want scenting each other and sleeping. Ok?"

"Ok Stiles." Sophia scents the hunter lightly and the Omega lays his winged jacket over her shoulders, the teeth marks branding it forever.

Sophia had taken the jacket back on the highway, claiming to be cold. It had saved her on her way back. The hole under the tree Rick had left her under hadn't been as Walker free as they had hoped, and one had bitten down on her left shoulder. It couldn't bite through the jean and leather though it had left an indent. Sophia had run the first chance she got and had gotten lost until she found the farm house. Every day she wandered a little, trying to find them. Until Stiles had found her. She had hugged him and refuse to let go, telling him he had saved her, his hoodie were magic. Stiles would forever be grateful to Merle for leaving that jacket with him.

Gunshots had Stiles on his feet in seconds, looking out the window. Rick and Hershel were holding Walkers on poles, trying to lead them to the barn. Shane and the Packs surrounded them, the mad Alpha shooting the one Hershel was holding. Stiles was out the door, locking it so Sophia didn't bolt, and sprinting down the yard as the female Walker went down with a head shot, ignoring the pain from his wound.

"-enough looking for a pup that's gone! Enough living by Walkers! Enough-"

Stiles slams into Shane knocking the Alpha onto his side. The others stay out of the way as Shane gets back up and bares his teeth at the Beta bitch that had attacked him. How dare it come between him and the Packs- his Packs that Rick had stolen from him and Hershel refused to hand over to him. Sizing him up, Shane goes for the arrow wound, knowing it would cripple him. The redneck Beta goes down with a yelp and then the other Beta and wanna be Alpha were there, pushing Shane away and baring teeth with black eyes. They wait for Rick's signal as their Alpha to deal with the threat. Stiles stayed on the ground, holding his side that was bleeding again until Carol helps him up.

"This ends right here, right now!" Shane runs to the barn door and starts tearing away the locks and chains. Rick screams at Hershel to take the snare pole holding the second Walker, but the Elder refuses to move. Maggie holds her father and makes sure her Pack was behind her, as was Carl who was clinging with Carol behind all of them.

Shane takes a few steps back and pulls out his gun, shooting the Walkers as they come out, Andrea right next to him. Glenn and T-Dog wait for Maggie's sobbing head nod to join, and consent from Rick before they start pulling the trigger. Stiles gets a nod from both as well and joins them, Glenn handing him a rifle. Shane turns around and shoots the Walker Rick holds, the look in his eyes making it clear he was challenging Rick as the Prime Alpha. Rick stays behind them, refusing to join in the slaughter. Once the last one goes down, Shane looks at Rick, awaiting the Alpha's decision. The barn door moves again, and everyone gets ready.

Small light up sneakers trip over the Walkers on the ground, white socks with yellow flowers stained a reddish brown with dried blood. Khaki shorts covered in dirt. A green shirt with a rainbow and faded Care Bears on it, the side ripped opened showing the nasty bite underneath. Shortish blonde hair in a messy and barely held together braid, the butterfly clip holding back the little girl's bangs.

It wasn't a girl any of them had known but the resemblance to Sophia was astonishing; the two might have been sisters if not twins. It hit them too close to home.

"Sophia?" Carol was walking fast towards the Walker to get a closer look. Stiles pulls her back, down to the ground with him and croons low in her ear. "It's not her. Sophia's safe in the RV. I promise."

Rick, who hadn't shot any of the Walkers that had come out took it upon himself to kill this one. Stiles helps Carol to her feet, dragging her and Carl away to the RV. These two, crying, followed. They needed to see Sophia was alive and well, right that second. Stiles unlocks the RV door and pushes them inside, closing it behind him. Sophia was on the bed, more clothes and sheets wrapped around her. She must have raided the laundry. Carol was sobbing, waiting.

Sophia lifts her head. "Mama? Carl? Why are you crying?"

Carol throws herself at her pup, crooning through her tears. Sophia purrs, letting out a few of her own as the warmth of her mother seeps into her. Carl joins them on the other side and curls an arm around Sophia's waist, letting his face fall into her hair and scenting her. Carol pulls both of them to her moving them towards the wall in an instinctual act of protection of pups. Stiles watches from the door, keeping one eye on them and another on the Packs; Rick was making Shane the Gamma in front of them all.


The group watches as Stiles drags the sobbing Omega and pup to the RV, no one was saying anything. They watch Hershel's Pack- Maggie's Pack, break down over everyone that had been in the barn. Beth pulls away from Jimmy, her Alpha to be, and go to the pile of Walkers. Rick tries to hold her back, knowing it wasn't safe yet, but she pulls away and keeps going. She stops at one of the Walkers, her mother, and pushes another Walker off her. Pulling the Walker's head into her lap she sobs.

The Walker growls and grabs her head, refusing to let go. She starts screaming and Rick's Pack moves, Rick dragging her back to Maggie as Glenn holds the Walter's arms, drawing its attention. T-Dog kicks its head and shoulders to get it off Beth completely. Andrea grabs a sickle and stabs the brain.

Hershel and his family leave, trying to calm Beth down. Shane pushes the whole time, trying to understand why they would put the Walkers in the barn and how. When he grabs at Hershel, Maggie smacks him in the face, leaving three bloody claw like marks on his cheek.

"Don't touch him." she snarls, "Haven't you done enough?"

"I want you off my land. Now." The Greene's follow Hershel into the house, Glenn flashes teeth and black eyes at Shane before trying to follow. Maggie stops him, both standing at the door. Maggie wanted justice, Rick could see that. Shane had crossed a line, now he would deal with the Prime. Shane had been warned before.

Rick grabs Shane by the skin on the back of his neck and threw him off the porch to the ground. Shane got back up to his knees before Rick was standing over him. Pushing the man back to his hands, Rick sat on the other Alpha, making sure not to put his full weight down. Rick kept his teeth bare and growled anytime Shane moved, proving his place above Shane. Making the Alpha into a Gamma would sever all Pack bounds except Shane's link to Rick.

When Shane realized what Rick was doing he bucked up, attempting to throw the Alpha off. Rick reaches down and bites Shane's scruff, immobilizing him. Rick stays on the same spot until he deems it enough time. Then, without letting go with his teeth, he moves off allowing Maggie to assert her dominance as well. She sits on his back and pushes down, making Shane and Rick lower to their stomachs to hold their positions, taking dominance from both of them. She scratches at Shane's glands, causing a chain reaction of snarls from him and Rick. When she deems herself Alpha enough, she returns to stand by the door.

Rick beckons Glenn over, who sits down once they make it back up to their knees who also scratches at the glands, right next to Maggie's. When he finishes Glenn doesn't return to Maggie's side but goes to get the three from the RV. T-Dog takes his turn, then they wait. When no one else comes to claim position over the new Gamma, Rick bites harder and release his pheromones along with everyone else's into the glands, forcing them to take everyone's scents. As the smell of Alpha disappears from Shane, his body relaxes. He whines and laps at Rick's arm to release him and when his Prime makes no move to do so, he reacts in violence. Twisting to break Rick's hold, the Prime holds tight and pushes the man down, moving back over him to cover him head to toe. Snarling and growling for the Gamma to give up, Shane lets the tension bleed from him. They wait until Glenn comes back with Carol and Carl. The others gather around the Omega woman, listening to the news about Sophia. Glenn ushers Carl over to where his father was holding down Shane, the pup looking in confusion, then recognition.

Pups that hadn't matured weren't allowed to claim dominance over matured Pack members because it was an instinct to harm anyone who forced a claim over you. Any pup that tried could be critically harmed or killed. If Carl claimed dominance over Shane, he COULD have a target on his back from the Gamma, but if he didn't, Shane would go after Carl to get back at Rick. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. When Daryl looks at Rick, a silent question in the Alpha's eye, Daryl shakes his head. The Alpha could claim his dominance over the new Gamma later.

Carl kneels across from his dad, looking determined. Daryl stands over him, watching. Rick looks to him, pleading him to understand. With a single nod he knows Daryl understands why he's doing this. Shane looks at Carl as if the pup was his; that would protect him from the backlash to a certain degree. The claim would fill in those blank areas. This way Shane wouldn't ever be able to harm the pup. Carl waits for Rick to move off Shane before he reaches over to brace himself on the Gamma's shoulder, Rick helping by forcing the man lower. Shane keeps his eyes closed as Rick's heir takes his place, the boys nails scraping the Gamma's glands. Shane bucks once to dislodge him, but a second pair of teeth; small, needle like, puppy teeth, holds him. Rick backs away a little, watching his son dominate his god father with despair. Carl was too young, but Rick also burned with a guilty pride. His pup, his heir that would inherit the Flock once he came of age and Rick passed it down to him, was strong and fearless when it came to the living. Carl got down from Shane's back, but tilts his head in confusion. Rick goes to stop him, but Carl was already pumping pheromones into Shane's system. The Gamma goes limp, his head held up by Carl's teeth alone. Whining to be released, Shane laps at Carl's arm, the same way he had with Rick. The Prime tense, snarling with his teeth at the Gamma, praying he didn't twist away. Carl bites harder with a growl, and Shane stops. After a beat of silence, the pup releases Shane, backing away with his head high but still guarding his throat. An instinctual Alpha move to gage his Pack's mood. Carl was looking more and more like an Alpha each day and Rick wondered if he was always going to be one, or if the world was changing him into one to survive.

Shane gets to his feet but keeps his head down. "I'm sorry."

Maggie nods and heads inside with a touch to Glenn's arm. The Alpha pats her hand then lets her go in without him, wanting to see how this new ranking would fall out. Daryl pats Carl on the shoulder and lets him go back to Carol. Then he walks up to his Alpha and the new Gamma. Shane took a small step back, behind Rick with his head down. The Omega could smell the Packs on him but only the Packs. Gamma's had no scent, yet they smelled the strongest. Shane no longer smelled of gun polish and wet grass; of a catnip kind of crazy. He smelled of the others and nothing else. He would be dealing with withdrawal of smell, hearing and sight; his sense becoming like that of a Beta as the pheromones pumping through his system, caused his glands to deteriorate a little. Like your lungs do when you smoke, or your liver when you drink. They would have to watch him because Rick and Carl had both claimed him for the Packs. So many hormones in his glands could make him more dangerous.

He would be feel the breaking of his Mating bond with Lori and the bond of his pup within her as well. Gammas couldn't Mate without a strong connection or hormone therapy, like Betas did. Lori as his Mate was never a strong bond to him, so he would feel himself lose her as well. The man's world was crumbling down on him. Daryl almost felt sorry for him. Andrea on the other hand, was pissed.

"What the hell is the matter with you?!" She turns on Rick, "Do you not understand what you have done? All of us that were with him are Pack-less now thanks to you.

Stiles didn't like how andrea assumed she was better than them.

"You could join his Pack, or Maggie's." Stiles grunts. He turns to Rick, "Sophia's in the RV. She's nervous about coming out right now though. We got here while Shane was passing out guns, then she saw the barn shooting and the little girl. She needs to stay in there right now with her mama."

"Why don't you let us see her? Make sure she's ok?" Shane pipes up with a glance at Rick.

"No Alphas, no Betas. Right now I only want me, Carl and her mother to have access. At least until the Suppressants calm her down." Stiles says.

"Wait, so no Alphas or Betas can see her, but you can? What does that make you again, exactly? What Suppressants do you have her on? All our medicine was confiscated by Hershel. What... did you have to drug her to get her to come back here with you cause you're nothing but a-" Stiles lunges at the blonde Beta, but Rick catches him and holds him back.

"SHE'S IN HEAT AND THEY'RE MY SUPPRESSANTS!" Stiles bellows, drawing the attention of everyone in the camp as well as the farm house. Maggie and Patricia come out to see what the fighting was about. Rick lets go of Stiles before he can shove him off but stands between him and Andrea. Stiles digs into his pocket and pulls out a pill bottle. Tossing it to the Beta, he demands she read the label out to everyone.

"Super Strength Omega Heat Suppressants- 1600mg take once a day with food during heat to reduce effects. Prescribed to Stiles Grimes Payed for by Rick Grimes. Next Refill Jan. 1st, 2011. That's this next January." Andrea turns wide eyes at Stiles, as well as everyone else that didn't know. The hunter has never acted like an Omega; most thought he was an Alpha using Suppressants to claim Beta status to stay with the Packs without causing tension because of the number of Alphas there already. Those that did know were gaging the Omegas reactions, looking for a tell of his emotional state. Stiles, the Traditional wary Omega, had just outed himself to two Traditional Packs.

"I'm sorry I- I didn't know." Andrea stutters, "If I had I wouldn't of-"

"Wouldn't what?" Stiles snaps, marching up to her and taking the bottle from her. He shook it in her face. "Hershel lets me keep these because I'm an Omega and they're prescribed to me. We have to measure it out differently, cut them up, for anyone else to take them. Sophia's was taking over the counter ones, but those only help so much. Right now, she's only taken a fourth of a pill and it's knocking her ass to sleep. I had them on me while I was looking for her in case I found her in heat, which I did."

Stiles pockets the pills with a growl, "What? Now that you know I can be bred, suddenly I different? Gonna make me wash clothes with Carol and Lori? Gonna treat me special cause I can pop out kids now? FUCK YOU!" Rick pulls Stiles away from the Beta he had crowded into the porch fence.

"Enough!" Rick moves the enraged Omega away and sets him down. He waits until Stiles looks him in the eye before addressing his son, "Sophia's safe in the RV?"


"Good. Here's what I want you to do." Rick turns to face him, blocking the sight of the others from Stiles so he'll only focus on Rick. "Either go stay with Sophia, make sure she's got everything she needs, or go find something to calm yourself down. We have an Omega in heat, an Omega that's in over protection mode so even if someone tried to approach Sophia Carol would chase them away, and Beth is in distress after the barn. They're all looking at you to be their rock, the calm Omega, the Theta. You break and what's going to happen to them?"

Stiles looks back to the RV, the tension draining from him. Rick keeps going while he has everyone's attention. "Take your bow; go hunting. The woods calm you down, the hunting will give you something to focus on. I bet Sophia will be looking forward to eating a warm meal. Squirrel or opossum, she likes that."

"You're still gonna let me hunt?" Stiles huffs, hiding how nervous he was at the answer, "Everyone knows now."

"I don't think it's safe for him to be out there."

"I agree with Dale, if he's an Omega then-"

"IT'S NOT YOUR CALL!" Rick snarls at Dale and Andrea, "You had no problem letting him hunt when you thought he was a Beta, you damn well better not have a problem with it now. It's my Pack, I'm the Prime. You both made your feelings about my leadership known, now back off."

Turning back to the Omega, Rick calms his voice, not wanting to antagonize the hunter but also not wanting him to think Rick was pacifying him either. "I can't make you do or not do anything. I'm your Alpha, not your jailer."

"Ok. I'll go hunt."

"Ok. I want you to take the walkie and some extra batteries. If you haven't calmed down by nightfall, you can camp out in the house you found Sophia. Just check in with us; I want you back in camp or in the other house before dark. Don't risk yourself; we just got Sophia back, we don't need to lose you too." Rick clasps Stiles on the shoulder once he agrees to the Prime's terms, sending him off with a good luck. Stiles was happy his dad was treating him the same as before.

Glenn follows the hunter, having stiles list off anything he thought Sophia might need if they made another run into town soon.

"Why the hell are you asking me?"

"Cause you're the Theta." Glenn shrugged like it was obvious.

Shane watches the Omega walk away. Grimes was an Omega, an UNCLAIMED Omega. The Gamma licks his lips and lets his eyes follow the hunter with a new light, a new hunger. There had been an Omega for him to own in the Packs the whole time, but he had taken a claimed Beta who had been pupped by another Alpha's. Stiles being unclaimed, and not a Breeder, means the Omega hadn't been taken before. A virgin Omega, and he was passed the age for Shane to NOT be considered a pedophile when he takes him. Shane licks his lips again, before following the others to clean up around the barn. The Omega would give him strong pups, and a strong Mate. He would have to bid his time, but soon....


While Stiles was hunting in wolf form, the Packs cleaned up the Walkers. Maggie had helped them out by pointing out which ones were their loved ones, and which were just Walkers that had been found before heading back inside. Shane waits for someone to tell him what to do, his new ranking not allowing him to do much else. When Rick sends him to get the truck to move the other Walker bodies, the Gamma sprints away so everyone doesn't see him finally break. His best friend, his brother, had Gamified him. They start digging two graves for Shawn and Annette, pilling the others up to burn. Lori stood over the others, watching as they dig the holes. Glenn was inside with the Greene's, trying to reason with Maggie about staying a little longer. T-Dog stops digging and watches her, the others stopping at the exchange as well. Getting out of the hole, T-Dog thrusts the shovel in her hands and pushes her towards the graves. "Either help dig or make yourself useful somewhere else. I tired of your higher than us attitude. Choose."

Lori drops the shovel with a scowl, wiping her hands on her jeans like she had touched something nasty, "I'm pregnant, I can't be doing manual labor and shit."

"Bullshit." T-Dog scowls, "I'm still recovering from blood poisoning, Shane's adjusting to Gamma status and his glands changing, Maggie identified the bodies and Jimmy's out here digging and it's their family we're burying. Find another excuse or leave. I ain't working if you're just going to stare at me."

Lori left them to their work and heads over to the RV, going to check on Sophia and Carol. When the Beta went to open the door, the lock caught on the rim. Banging on the door, she waits for Carol to open it for her. The older Omega lifts the screen on the window to see who was outside and huffs slightly when she sees the Beta.

"How's she doing?" Lori asks.

"Fine, just fine. If you see stiles tell him I want to thank him for the heat kit he got her. It's been helpful."

"Open the door? I want to see her."


"What? No? I just want to see her, make sure she's alright."

"She's in heat Lori." Carol sighs, "She'll be fine. But I don't want anyone in here right now." The woman closes the window before Lori could make a remark, leaving the Beta woman unsure as to what she was supposed to do now.


Beth had collapsed from the shock of the barn and Hershel was nowhere to be found. Maggie was in full control of the Greene Pack, so she let the others in to help. Glenn never strayed too far from the other Alpha's side, which Rick found almost cute. The little Alpha had a crush on the farmer's daughter. Rick pulls Maggie off to the side while Glenn goes to get the truck, the two were heading into town to grab Hershel from the old tavern after they found his flask on his dresser.

"I hope you understand what's going to happen." He tells the new Prime.

"What do you mean?"

"Glenn. Your dad wants us gone, if he leaves he can't court you and I know he does." Rick chuckles, "It's kind of obvious, his intentions for you. But if ya'll decide to go through with it, he'll either have to leave my Pack to stay here, or the two have to join together. I want you to talk to Glenn, and Hershel, and decide. The faster you do that, the less it will hurt if you have to tell him goodbye."

He pats her on the shoulder and heads out. Glenn and Rick make it to the town, talking about Glenn's family and Maggie. After what Rick had said to her, Maggie had followed them outside and kissed Glenn, telling him she loved him. Glenn had panicked and didn't say it back.

"I've never had someone say that to me before ya know? Except my dad, but she's my dad. And my papa. My brother and sisters would say it sometimes too, but.... With Maggie it's different."

They make it to the bar and find Hershel before it gets dark. It takes the Alphas a while to come to an agreement and make their way outside. Close to the door, it swings open and two Betas walk in, guns ready. Rick shoves Hershel and Glenn behind him, one hand on his own gun, ready to protect his Flock.

"Well I'll be damned. They're alive." The skinnier one breathes. Rick removes his hand from his gun once the others holsters their pistols and the bigger one shoulders the rifle. Glenn and Hershel move back to the bar and Rick allows them to pass him to sit down. Glenn pours the two a drink while they talk about their trip from Philadelphia and had joined up with a Herd. Rick lets Glenn and Hershel talk to them, saying something only when it seemed that the others were digging. Rick could tell they were fishing for information about them, their group, and the area because they kept looking at each other. They were watching how Rick's group was reacting to questions and digging when they seemed uncomfortable. When the two Betas, Tony and Dave, started asking about the members of the group, Glenn and Hershel stopped entertaining them, looking to Rick as the Prime for help.

"So.... you guys held up somewhere? A farm?" Dave asked. Rick watched as the man tensed only his hand around his gun, the rest of him relaxed. This was someone who was used to getting answers through threats, holding people at gunpoint to get them to talk. These men couldn't come to the farm, not when they had pups, Omegas, and an unstable Gamma. The Betas Pack would outnumber Rick's Flock three to one, and it was only Alphas and Betas.

"So, what do you guys have? Alphas, obviously. Betas?" Tony waits a second, the fatter Beta had just relieved himself on the wall like a wolf claiming territory.

"Omegas?" Dave laughs breathless, licking his lips and sending his Packmate a fanged smile. Rick let out a rumble and sent his pheromones out, the pure Alpha scent mixed his displeasure had the two Betas, shivering and Baring their necks until they could get a grip. Glenn and Hershel felt only comfort and reassurance. The two Alphas relaxed, Rick would take care of them.

"So that's a yes." Dave bites his lip. "They claimed?"

"Enough." Rick stands up, sending the two Betas scrambling back. "We're done here."

"Hey, come on, Rick. Let us join up with you and yours. Me and my Pack, we'll pull our own weight. Make it worth it." Dave tries to save face.

"No." Dave's smile drops. "You're not allowed on our land. You and your's will have to move on."

Dave sighs and looks at Tony, who gives the barest of nods. "I'm sorry we couldn't come to an agreement then. But see.... We need what you have."

Rick shoots both of them, headshots and two to the chest, before either of them could aim their own guns, getting a little blood on his face. Glenn comes over with a wet rag, smelling of cheap beer and mildew, and wipes it away from his Alpha's face. He purrs at Rick and scents him lightly, happy his Prime had saved the Flock, even at the cost of two lives. Human lives.

Rick looked at Hershel, praying for him to understand why he did what he did. He seemed shocked, scared of Rick for shooting those two, even in self-defense. But he nodded; he understood it was necessary to keep his girls and the others safe