
the group came in the back way but we're greeted just as any new guests to pass through tournaments gates. After being frisked Gareth led the four of them out to the Courtyard towards the grill. Immediately the atmosphere felt wrong, there was something unnatural about the behavior of the community... The people were laughing enjoying themselves so why was everything so silent?

Rick try not to think too much of it instead the seven of them follow Garth to their sleeping quarters

"sun goes down in a few hours so we suggest you get a settle in" the guard said as he left them to their own devices.

"don't this place seem a bit off to you "Stiles whisper as he laid out his and Daryl bed for the night

",it does I don't want to jump to conclusions and ruin our chances here if there's nothing going on... "Rick responded

"so what are we going to do?" Michonne asked she placed her bed in by rick the alpha didn't have a mate so he thought it would be comfort to him

"surveillance we sneak about and see if there's anything suspicious if there's not then we got no issues!" Stiles said and the others nodded in agreement and laid down to rest sleep can quickly for the seven of them were survivors. Quicker than epidemics has swept through the prison soon enough all seven were fast asleep. There was the first of the. Quicker than epidemics has swept through the prison soon enough all seven were fast asleep. There was the first of the the 7 to wake up the sun wasn't up yet the Canton was dead silent taking his crossbow and hanging it on his shoulder he quickly walk from the sleeping quarters to the courtyard slowly he crept into the main building where, once inside he hid in the shadows following the dark hallway , he came to a door that said , hunters , cooks only , so he open it , once he was inside what shock him was the meat was made from animal , but they had a horse trough in the middle of the room and laying over it was a bout 3 men , throats slit open as the blood was brain from them , Stiles was sick at the sight , he had to tell his Dad, making his way back he open the door and went to a wide awake rick , michionne, Jacob, Seth and leah where Talking.

" DAD!" Stiles said as he look at him" we got a problem "

" what is it ?" rick ask standing up to make sure his son wasn't hurt.

" the meat isn't animal. it HUMAN."Stiles growled " they are hunting humans and eating them, their drain people of their blood as we speak."

the doors brust open and three men walk in Gareth being one of them

" put them in car A , it clear out mostly." Gareth said

Gareth and the other preceded to knock the 6 unconscious.....


Stiles pov

when i woken my brother was in the corner, when i look around i came face to face with others in my pack , glenn , Maggie , Tara, Bob, Sasha and a couple of new face i learn the name of are Abraham he is an alpha then there is Eugene he is an omega , then there is Rosita she is a beta .

Maggie and glenn quickly explains to Daryl and Rick that Abraham, Eugene and Rosita helped save their lives, dad gave the okay and preceded to yell that these people have messed with the wrong people , and others agreed with dad.

dad made a plan that we could make do with the thing on us as weapons and Maggie and glenn starts so pull wood from the frames of the car and start sharping them with Maggie's chain necklace , as Darryl was put on watch i shifted to my wolf form ready to attack who ever opens the door.

when the people come together some of us the yell for us to get against the walls , so when no one did the open the sun roof and threw a can in , Abraham yells shit and telling us to try and not breath in , but when the scent from the can becomes to much and the need for air is strong we are forces to breath, and when we do , we start to fall.......................


when i come to again there is dad , Glenn, Bob and Daryl are missing , people are starting to wake up when they spot the ones missing the get riled up , Maggie telling people to keep at it.


third person pov

Stopping her weapon-making work, Sasha demands to know what the cure is in case things go south. Eugene doesn't need to answer, his traveling companion Rosita says, defending him, but Sasha won't give up.

"I was part of a 10-person team at the human genome project that weaponized diseases to fight weaponized diseases. Pathogenic microorganisms with pathogenic microorganisms. Fire with fire. Interdepartmental drinks were had, relationships made, information shared. I am keenly aware of all the details behind fail-safe delivery systems to kill every living person on this planet," Eugene explains. "I believe with a little tweaking on the terminals in D.C., we can flip the script. Take out every last dead one of 'em. Fire with fire." Before anyone can process what Eugene said, it's Rick to the rescue. The train car now open, it's time to fight. And they do. Tara, Rosita and Sasha look particularly fierce, taking down walkers left and right. Super fighter Michonne has wooden shanks back to back for an impressive double sided walker killing weapon. Rick takes aim at the Terminans, killing several and hitting Gareth in the shoulder, before Rick's pack makes a break for the fence.

rick looks to Maggie yelled for them to help Stiles and carl over...

Daryl kiss Stiles and push him over the fence and look to Carl the pup look around the let the alpha and his father push him over the fence to once the two alphas where the only one on the other side the both jump the fence. they start to make their way though the woods. with Abraham asking why they were still near the on fire Terminus...

but then they stop.

"Right here," Daryl says, pointing out the spot Stiles and him buried the guns and supplies in,

"Go along the fences. Use the rifles. Take out the rest of them," Rick insists. "They don't get to live." His words surprise everyone. "Rick, we got out. It's over," Glenn says. "It's not over 'til they're all dead," Rick states. Leader of his own trio, Abraham, is not impressed. "I'm not d**king around with this crap. We just made it out," the redhead spits out. Maggie won't budge either. Just then, there's a rustling in the woods. It's Carol. Fittingly, it's Daryl who sees her first. Running to her, they embrace. He lifts up her tiny frame, hugging her close. The moment hits Rick hard too, and he starts to smile, while Daryl backs up and gets misty-eyed. "Did you do that?" Rick asks. Carol nods. Cradling her head as he embraces her, Rick says simply, "Thank you." through Tears! But there's more. "You have to come with me," Carol says, leading everyone to the shack.


mean while

Tyreese holds Martin hostage while Carol heads to Terminus to rescue their friends, Ajax and Judith is sleeping, when he hears something outside he goes to look his back to this hostage, In a moment's distraction Martin grabbed Judith. he places his hand over judith's neck threating to snap the little baby's neck.

" outside now?" he screams at Tyreese." NOW OR I"LL BREAK HER NECK!"

take small step backward Tyreese bumps the door looking for the handle. when a grunt and growls and hiss can be heard from the outside walker. Tyreese gulp loudly as he step out side into the waiting arms but before they could take a chunk out of his flesh he stab the waiting walker and walk around to the window that was big enough for him to go though he watch Martin let go of Judith before walking to the door to see if Tyreese was dead and thats when he shrike back, Tyreese severely beat him before killing him.


as carol leads the way they get to the little house, Tyreese walks out holding Ajax and Judith close. Overwhelmed and elated, Rick drops his gun and charges toward his baby girl. Carol smiles. Grabbing his baby, Rick hugs her close. Carl runs to his father and baby sister. While Stiles runs to his son and take him from Tyreese with a thank you.Daryl runs to his mate and take their son from Stiles so stiles can go to his sister...

Spotting Tyreese, Sasha runs over and jumps on her brother, tears streaming down her face. Standing back She check her brother for bites or scartches.

Abraham and Rosita and Eugene stands back and watches the pack grieve for the packmates they lost , after a while rick pulls Stiles aside to makes a decision. "We need to go," he tells the group. "Yeah, but where?" Stiles asks. "Somewhere far away from there," Rick says.

Abraham and Rosita exchange a look (clearly about Eugene and the Washington mission). "We'll talk to him," the redhead tells his companion. while they wait for the prime alpha to make a move.

they move silently threw out the woods trying to not bring unwanted attactaion to themself , but the theta could not shake the feeling of being watch and he walk closer to Dad only to whisper to his alpha.


mean while

gabriel wanted to take a walk he had no need for the weapons , he believe that the words of god would keep the small delta male safe , he was a delta , that meant that he had no secondary gender , but could shift into a wolf , he was a man that was made to follow an alpha if he ever found one that he trusted enough, but poor gabriel , didn't have a pack , he was alone wolf and believe that he could make it on his own , so he venture a lot farther then he did the last time he went out, and that cause his some problems , he was sitting in the road to take a break when three to four geeks came out of the woods , gabriel preferred to call the zombies geeks, he jump at the sound of the geeks and yelp when one went to grab him, jumping up he walk until he found a boulder high off the ground , he leap onto it. he had to send the night there because the geeks wouldn't leave , if anything there where more by sun rise and apond hearing voices gabriel called out for help hoping that this people could help.

Ricks group stop walking when they heard someone calling for help, and carl being the Alpha that felt the need to go saving everything that he see went running forward rick almost able to stop the golden hearted Alpha , they came to a boulder and found fourteen walker trying to get to the man on top of it , Stiles handing Ajax to his mate and rush to follow the three alphas into motion , rick stabbing the closes to him as Maggie and Abraham grab the ones going to them and putting a knife into their brains, Stiles was still in his half form claws and fang on display , he new he didn't feel safe with all the walker that could ambush his pack , he preferred to be able to fight anything that decide his pack and mate his cub was to make a great meal , once Stiles put down the last walker , he look to his dad and grab up his cub that Daryl hand to him, they watch the man as he made his way down the boulder, once down gabriel went to say something to the alpha but end up vomiting all over the ground beside a walker.

gabriel stand straight again ,

" thank you."

Rick felt the need to searched gabriel

gabriel then tells them that he has a church nearby, rick and daryl shared a look the rick look to the delta ,

" how many walker have you killed?" rick questions

" none !" gabriel said it was true the delta have never killed one.

"why?" rick ask

" i dont need to , the word of god is the only thing that i need to kept them away?" gabriel saids

" didnt seem to work!" daryl hufffs

" i ask for help and he sent you to help!" gabriel said

" how many people have you killed" rick pops the finally question

" none!" gabriel says almost sounding affended by being ask that.

" why"

" never would harm anyone !"

with that he aloud the delta priest to lead them to the church , gabriel keep talking about the world before and the world that it had became , he said this was a test of faith to god and only the worthly would live in this world.

once to the church Rick looks to his pup's before walking to the delta he demands the keys saying he wants to take a look around to make sure it is safe for the alpha to bring his pack or kids into a place they don't know well.

once rick whistles it is deem clear for the pack to move on in , they instantly start to make a baby area for the two surviving cubs to run around with out getting hurt. Stiles and carl is arguing over the fact that they can't always trust people and this draws the two into there wolf form they stare at each other, but it goes un notices as the two growl's and black fur collides with light russet fur.

gabriel watch the two fight he take notices as the blacken wolf towers over his younger Alpha brother , the multi color wolf fur is turning a shade of red and it began to look bad so gabriel calls out for an alpha to break the fighting pups up .

when rick hears gabriel he run out to see a furious omega advancing on his younger Alpha brother blood and saliva dripping from his mouth , two other join Rick in trying to seperate the two , Daryl shifts and look to his mate and when Stiles meets his eyes be backs down but not before throwing a warning growl to his younger brother, once the two settle down they shift back and look at the face around them , gabriel , Scared that the two would cause him problems.

once Rick had pick people to go on a run the leave , but rick not trusting gabriel made him come along the run leaving , Stiles , carl , and a couple others in the church.....