Chapter 3 Beware of Great Misfortune (3)_1

Chu Yunxiao slammed the table, his brows furrowed fiercely, his eyes ablaze with fury as he glared at Chu Liangxia.

"Oh, the family has suffered a great loss?"

A sneer curled at the corner of her lips, Chu Liangxia threw out a chilly remark.

The Feng Family was a military family, but there were those involved in commerce too, substantial in wealth; they were one of the top distinguished families in Beijing. Unlike the declining Chu Family, they needed to cling to the Feng family's powerful coattails to stand firm in the capital.

However, the broken engagement should have had little effect on her, other than losing some face.

Without the Chu Family's protection, she would still survive.

In the six months since leaving home, she had not received any favors from the Chu Family.

"Liangxia, after all, this is your home."

Lou Ruhui tried to persuade her with an affectionate earnestness, finding it difficult to persuade Chu Liangxia.

Chu Liangxia slightly tilted her head and looked at that hypocritical face, her eyebrows instantly knitting together.


The last person who wanted her in this home was probably the woman before her.


She really had the nerve to say it.

"Chu Liangxia, don't think for a second that if you leave home, I can't do anything about you!" Suppressing the rage in his heart, Chu Yunxiao watched her with cold eyes, threatening, "Tomorrow, I will arrange for you to meet with someone from the Feng Family. No matter what means you use, you must salvage this engagement! Otherwise—"

He paused briefly, his gaze growing more fierce, "your job too, don't even think about keeping it!"

Chu Liangxia's expression turned icy cold.

A moment later, a mocking smile curled up her lips.

For the sake of company interests, to force his daughter like this, he truly was worthy of being her father.

Her hands placed casually on the couch clenched slightly, her knuckles white with strain, and a hint of scorn flashed in her half-lowered eyes.

"Dad, you truly are my father." She chuckled softly as she spoke, raising her hand to tear off the towel and throw it on the sofa, "I'll go tomorrow, and I hope you don't regret it."

Her gentle tone became decisively sharp at the end.

She made her way to the staircase.

Behind her, Chu Yunxiao was visibly angry, while Lou Ruhui wore a chilling cold expression.


Chu Liangxia returned to her room.

The door to her room was open as Aunt Chen finished tidying up and walked out.

"Miss, your room has been tidied," Aunt Chen said with affection, caring for her, "Take a bath first, don't let yourself catch a cold whatever you do."


A smile tugged at the corner of her lips as Chu Liangxia nodded.

"You haven't had dinner yet, right? I'll make you some hot porridge, your favorite lotus seed porridge."

As she spoke, Aunt Chen looked at her worriedly before leaving.

Chu Liangxia entered.

Heeding Aunt Chen's words not to mistreat her body, she grabbed a set of pajamas and headed straight for the bathroom.

After soaking in a hot bath and blow-drying her hair until it was half-dry, Chu Liangxia walked around the room. Eventually, she picked up her cellphone and requested leave from her supervisor, citing "father's death" as her reason.

The supervisor agreed hastily.

Putting down her phone, Chu Liangxia collapsed onto her bed, feeling listless.

With her head to the side, her eyes half-open, her gaze swept over her surroundings inch by inch.

After four months away, no one had touched her room; everything was in its place, yet, for some reason, a sense of alienation crept in.

Her heart felt unbearably choked up.

After a moment, her gaze fell on the drawer to the right of her vanity table.

Her eyes moved slightly.

After mulling it over, Chu Liangxia ruffled her messy hair and, barefooted, jumped onto the smooth floor.

Stretching lazily, she went straight to the drawer.

Opening the drawer, she took out the only three coins inside.


Half an hour later.

Chu Liangxia sat on the floor, her back against the wardrobe, flipping the three coins up and down in her hand.

Tossing them in turn, again and again.

After three attempts, seeing the identical results each time, Chu Liangxia's face involuntarily showed signs of change.

The fingers holding the coins began to tremble unconsciously.

Great misfortune.

The prediction wasn't for her, but for Feng Ziheng, with whom she was engaged.

After a long while.

Chu Liangxia exhaled.

Picking up the phone by her side, she sent out a message.

"Third Master, send me Feng Ziheng's phone number."

Shortly afterward, a string of numbers returned.

Concise, not a word more.

With her left hand propping up her chin, Chu Liangxia regarded the string of phone numbers, her eyes flickering. After much hesitation, she finally saved it.

She hastily composed a message, deliberated for a long time, and ultimately sent it.

Finally, she powered off the phone and tossed it aside.


A black military vehicle stopped outside the Feng Family mansion.

The heavy rain had just ceased.

A man in military uniform stepped out from inside the vehicle.

Army service uniform, the color of spruce green, seemed even more profound beneath the veil of night. The two bars and three stars on his shoulders glinted in the dim light as if they were forged from blood and sweat.

The man stood tall and straight, like an unyielding pine.

His features were sharp, his eyes piercing, his nose prominent, and his handsome face chiseled. Even his presence felt edgy, exuding an aloof and tenacious air.

As he was about to step inside, his phone vibrated.

He paused, took out his phone, glanced at the lit screen, then opened the latest message.

A message from a stranger.

[You are predicted great misfortune. Take heed.

—Fortune Teller]

The man frowned.

At that moment, a refined young man emerged from inside the door.

"Brother, why aren't you coming in?" Seeing the man, the young man immediately approached him and greeted, "The whole family is waiting for you."

As he spoke, he made his way to the man's side.

Noticing the man was holding his phone, he glanced at the screen out of reflex.

Catching sight of the words "Fortune Teller," he couldn't help but pause before teasing with a laugh, "Who is this? Even scam messages are more professional than this, not even leaving a link?"

The man gave him a look that carried a hint of intimidation.

The young man immediately shut his mouth and subdued his smile.

With a raise of his hand, the man tossed the phone to him.

The young man caught it quickly.

"Came across someone sticking up small ads on the street."

"Then?" the young man asked, puzzled.

"Add the number to the list tomorrow," the man said nonchalantly.
