007, The Genius Calculator, Setting Up a Street Stall_1

Feng Family estate.

Feng Ziheng stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, with the window half-open, the early summer breeze, warm and hot, blew in, lifting the hanging ink-colored curtains.

The cellphone was still in his hand; after speaking, he didn't wait for a response, so Feng Ziheng furrowed his brows and glanced at the phone screen.

He had answered the call ten seconds ago, the number seemed familiar, yet he hadn't paid attention to it until he carefully checked at this moment, and that flicker of familiarity was activated.

Was it her?

Just then, Chu Liangxia, who had been contemplating for a while, finally spoke up, "I'm sorry, is this Feng Zichen's phone?"

Her voice was somewhat warm and soft, slow, accompanied by the summer breeze.


Feng Ziheng responded simply with a word.

"Uh," Liangxia hesitated and then asked, "Where is he?"

"He's taking a shower."

"At this time?" Liangxia's tone was noticeably surprised.


Feng Ziheng did not reply, tilting his head slightly to glance in the direction of the bathroom.

Since he didn't speak, Chu Liangxia didn't say anything either.

In the pause, Chu Liangxia, who was curled up under the covers, had a sudden moment of clarity in her mind and her thoughts quickly churned.

If she didn't analyze it wrong, then the person on the other end of the phone was undoubtedly Feng Ziheng.

Although she had never been to the Feng Family before, Chu Liangxia had a preliminary understanding of them. There were three grandsons in the Feng Family; two had joined the military, one the eldest grandson, Feng Ziheng, and the other his cousin, Feng Fan. The other was the young master that she met yesterday, Feng Zichen.

At this time, in Feng Zichen's room, answering his phone, and with such a cold attitude...

Although there were other possibilities, Chu Liangxia preferred to believe it was him.

Bad attitude, cross it off, might as well mark it as a black spot.

"What's the matter?"

After a while, Feng Ziheng, who hadn't heard her speak, asked coldly.

"Er..." Liangxia hesitated.

"I'll relay the message for you."

"That's not necessary, I'll call him again this afternoon," said Liangxia quickly, pausing before adding, "Goodbye."

Then, she hung up the phone.

Feng Ziheng lowered his eyelids, staring at the "Call ended" on the phone screen, his austere eyebrows lightly furrowed.

"Brother, whose call was that?"

Feng Zichen walked out of the bathroom, just wrapping a towel around himself.

The droplets of water on his body were not yet dried, trailing down his slightly pale body; his wet hair slightly disheveled. He roughly wiped it, and droplets fell along his hair onto his body.

Just one look, and Feng Ziheng frowned with disdain.

Feng Zichen immediately sensed something was amiss, shouting indignantly, "Bro? Are you jealous of my eight-pack abs?"


The disdain in Feng Ziheng's expression deepened by another shade.

Feng Zichen glared, his heart taking a million points of damage.


So what if you've trained in the military? The muscles he built in the gym are also genuine, right?!

You shouldn't look down on your own brother like this!

"What were the Chu Family's conditions for breaking off the engagement?" he asked, placing his cellphone on the table, his voice slightly cool.

"Oh, the conditions were proposed by Liangxia; she said it was to ensure her job," Feng Zichen replied before realizing something was off, curving his lip playfully, "The call just now, it wasn't from her, was it?"

Realizing this, Feng Zichen walked over and picked up his phone to check the call history.

"Add a note to it." Glancing at him, Feng Ziheng commanded.

"Oh, forgot..."

After the reminder, Feng Zichen then remembered.

Yesterday, Feng Zichen thought Chu Liangxia was quite amusing, which is why he forcibly took her phone number, but after getting it, he didn't really care. If it hadn't been for Chu Liangxia's call, a playboy like Feng Zichen might have forgotten her in just a few days.

"Add a surname."

Feng Zichen had just finished writing "Liangxia," when he heard that commanding voice ring out once more.

"Why?" Feng Zichen asked, puzzled.


The cool breeze swept towards him as Ziheng spoke in all seriousness.

Helplessly spreading his hands, Feng Zichen complied, "Alright, I'll add it!"

What choice did he have? He was such a brother-con that even his phone's wallpaper was a photo of his older brother in military uniform!

Whatever the older brother said, that was it!

"Go check, Chu Liangxia's job," Ziheng ordered in his usual tone.

"That's not right..." Feng Zichen looked at him teasingly and said with a grin, "Bro, you never paid this much attention to your former fiancée's affairs before the engagement was called off, did you?"

"Thank her for not marrying me," Ziheng replied coolly, his tone enigmatic.


Feng Zichen's eyes widened, and he found himself at a loss for words.

His upright and principled brother, was he usually... this sharp-tongued?



After rolling around in her blanket twice, Chu Liangxia finally accepted the sad reality that she had accidentally struck up a conversation with Ziheng only after the engagement had been called off.

After coming to terms with this cruel truth, Chu Liangxia turned off her phone, tossed it aside, and went to embrace another reality—she was "very sleepy."

This sleep, undisturbed, lasted until four in the afternoon, when Chu Liangxia finally crawled out of bed.

Having missed lunch, she wasn't in a hurry to fill her stomach. Instead, she took half an hour to tidy up her dress, then packed the props she needed for her stall in the evening into a travel bag. Before leaving, she even deliberately pulled out a pair of black-framed glasses from her vanity drawer to wear.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Chu Liangxia arrived on time at the street outside Hengdian.

Hengdian, frequented by tourists and celebrities alike, bustles every evening.

Every Friday, Chu Liangxia would set up her stall here.

An enjoyable hobby that also made her a small profit, it was quite a bit more rewarding than her exhausting regular job.

"Hey, you're here!"

As soon as Chu Liangxia reached her regular spot, the young man selling barbecue next door waved at her with a cheerful smile.

"Ten skewers of lamb," Chu Liangxia said, while unfolding her bag and speaking to the young man.

"Coming right up!" The young man replied briskly.

After taking out a folding stool, Chu Liangxia seemed to remember something and called out to the young man, "Have Uncle Liu do it personally."

The young man, who had just taken out the skewers, blinked disappointedly, "Alright then."

"You got this."

Chu Liangxia gave him a meaningful look.

She had been setting up her stall here for over three months, and the young man, Liu Yu, was Uncle Liu's son. Roughly her age and fresh out of college, he had only been working there for a month. Once, he had made lamb skewers for her himself. They tasted fairly decent, but they couldn't compare to Uncle Liu's skill.

However, Liu Yu was rather handsome, with sharp features, delicate eyebrows and eyes, and a clean look. Standing over one meter eighty and dressed in simple casual wear, he stood out in the noisy street, attracting attention.

Since he started helping out, the number of female customers at the barbecue stall had more than tripled.

"Here, your lamb skewers."

The ethically dubious heartthrob, Liu Yu, swooped in and snatched up the skewers his father had prepared for someone else, quickly bringing them to Chu Liangxia.

Chu Liangxia, who had just taken out an Eight Trigrams Diagram from her bag, said, "The money's in the bag, help yourself."

"No need," Liu Yu squatted beside her, "my treat."

"Make your own change."

Chu Liangxia said without lifting her head as she tossed the bag over.

Liu Yu had no choice but to catch it.

He didn't hurry to get the money but shifted closer to Chu Liangxia. "I want to ask you something."


Chu Liangxia continued to retrieve various small props from her bag.

"Just this afternoon," Liu Yu hesitated before continuing, "a director came looking for me, asking me to play a cameo in his movie."

Upon hearing this, Chu Liangxia paused in her movements.