010, _1

Chu Liangxia's thoughts were adrift, and she hadn't noticed her surroundings until the harsh glare of the lights made it difficult to keep her eyes open. It was then that she realized the predicament she was in.

Not wanting to block the path and commit such an indecent act, Chu Liangxia regained her clarity and averted her gaze, quickening her pace as she walked onto the street.

Unbeknownst to her, the owner of the car she had just passed by slightly knitted his brows, watching her figure disappear.

After a moment, Feng Ziheng glanced at the time before driving his car toward the highway…

Chu Liangxia had intended to hail a cab, but her luck was not on her side.

Even though there were few taxis around at this hour, she had stood by the roadside for quite some time without success in flagging one down.

As she considered whether to walk to the intersection up ahead to try her luck, a black Panamera stopped in front of her. The car seemed familiar to Chu Liangxia, but she didn't think too much of it. Just as she was about to step back, she saw the passenger door slowly slide open.

"Get in."

The two words, cold and clear, were spoken in a pleasant and magnetic voice that sounded somewhat familiar.

Chu Liangxia focused her gaze and could only see the man's side profile; the car's interior light was off. The faint light from outside cast a hazy glow on him.

At first glance, he looked familiar, but after taking a few more looks and associating the voice she heard, an incredible answer came to mind.

Feng Ziheng?

"Get in."

Turning to look at her, Feng Ziheng gazed at her and enunciated each word deliberately.

After a moment's hesitation, Chu Liangxia's thoughts raced, but her actions did not stop. She opened the door and sat down, taking her hefty travel bag with her.

"Where to?" Feng Ziheng asked with a cold tone, his voice utterly flat.

"Central Hospital." Sensing his gaze still on her, Chu Liangxia tried to answer as calmly as possible.

When he withdrew his gaze, Feng Ziheng reminded her, "Buckle up your seat belt."


Chu Liangxia swiftly fastened her seat belt.

Yet, it wasn't until the car started moving that Chu Liangxia, who had boarded in a daze, realized the critical issue—

Why was Feng Ziheng giving her a ride?

Was it because he recognized her, or was it simply out of kindness?

Although they had an arranged engagement, Chu Liangxia was certain of one thing: Feng Ziheng had never met her.

Feng Ziheng was six years her senior. When she was in elementary school and still too young, naturally their families did not think it necessary for the two to become acquainted; during her middle and high school years, Feng Ziheng had joined the military academy and entered the army, reportedly coming home only once a year; in college, Feng Ziheng was assigned to special forces, his leaves became even rarer, seemingly returning only once every few years, to the extent that even after their engagement was called off, Chu Liangxia had never met him.

For an engaged couple of such a long time to have never met was indeed strange.

Therefore, considering Feng Ziheng's "soldier" status, Chu Liangxia was more inclined to believe the second possibility.

It was probably professional habit, accustomed to serving the people and helping the masses.

With this illogical reasoning, Chu Liangxia forced a "satisfactory" explanation, twisting it into a model of good deeds and expressing her respect for military heroes in her heart.

"Hero, what's your name?"

In the silence of the car, Chu Liangxia, in an attempt to avoid the awkwardness between her and the driver, forced a conversation.

Feng Ziheng responded calmly.


Speechless, Chu Liangxia turned to look at him.

It was impressive that he could maintain such a serious demeanor.

"Thank you, Uncle Lei," Chu Liangxia said, going along with his pretense, and added, "It's been tough on you."

A barely perceptible look swept over her way, filled with a lethal force.

Having thanked him, Chu Liangxia realized this man was not easy to get along with and decided not to make unnecessary conversation.

Now that she knew his identity, the pretense of unfamiliarity was tiring.

It was just—

Thinking of his identity only made Chu Liangxia feel more embarrassed.

Fortunately, Lang Lin's call came again, redirecting Chu Liangxia's attention to the matter at hand.

However, after answering the call, Chu Liangxia realized that this call only added to her troubles.

Lang Lin was here to ask for money, again.

Lang Xiyuan had been depressed for four or five years already. She used to have a considerable amount of savings, and with her status, any job she picked up paid well. But no matter how much money she had, she could blow it all due to her extravagant spending habits. Naturally, Lang Lin didn't have any extra funds, let alone the ability to cover Lang Xiyuan's surgery costs.

Before Chu Liangxia got in the car, she had transferred a sum to Lang Lin for the surgery, which was her savings from half a year's work.

But, there were other minor expenses that needed money.

After transferring the second sum of money, Chu Liangxia received a message from the bank.

Balance: 59.30.

Seeing this number, Chu Liangxia's eyelids slightly drooped.

At least there was something to be thankful for.

Even though she didn't have money on her, she wouldn't have to sleep on the streets.

She tossed her phone into her pocket and leaned back, wanting to rest her eyes and calm down, but then she heard a buzzing sound. When she weakly opened her eyelids to look, she realized it was Feng Ziheng's phone ringing.

She clearly saw Feng Ziheng glance at his phone, yet after that brief look, he stopped paying attention and let it keep ringing.

Clearly, the caller was persistent, dialing several times in a row.

Chu Liangxia kept her eyes closed but was curious about who could make this man so indifferent. So, from time to time, she peeked at Feng Ziheng.

Finally, on the tenth call, Feng Ziheng finally picked up.

"Get back on your own." he said.

As soon as the call connected, before Shan Xian could speak, Feng Ziheng spoke mercilessly, delivering a harsh blow.

"I'm only twenty minutes late, where are you—" Shan Xian began.

But before Shan Xian could finish, Feng Ziheng hung up the call.

He turned off his phone and tossed it aside.

This blunt behavior suddenly lifted the spirits of Chu Liangxia, who was next to him, worrying about living expenses.

Watching someone else being pushed around could be entertaining, after all.

Trying to compose herself, Chu Liangxia curved her lips and called out to Feng Ziheng, "Uncle Lei—"

Sensing his warning gaze, Chu Liangxia eyed his profile and continued to chat, "Lei big brother, what do you do for a living?"

"A good person," Feng Ziheng said indifferently.

"Full-time?" Chu Liangxia asked with a raised eyebrow, clearly interested.


"Doesn't make money?"

"It does."

"How?" Chu Liangxia persisted.

Feng Ziheng didn't answer, staring straight ahead, not even sparing her a glance.

"How much?" Chu Liangxia tried a different question.

"Not much," Feng Ziheng answered almost dismissively.

"Enough for food and clothing?"


Hesitating for a moment, Chu Liangxia suddenly asked, "Do you have a girlfriend yet?"

As soon as the words left her mouth, Chu Liangxia felt her center of gravity thrust backward, and after a moment of tension, she realized that Feng Ziheng had slammed on the brakes.

Chu Liangxia turned her head and met Feng Ziheng's piercing dark eyes.

With a military background, he naturally exuded a tough air, but at that moment, in Chu Liangxia's eyes, it translated into an intangible threat.

Objectively speaking, this handsome and good-looking man was quite frightening when silent.

"Chu Liangxia, do you always talk this much?" Feng Ziheng said, his tone steady, each word hitting Chu Liangxia's ears.

Instantly, Chu Liangxia felt a twinge in her heart.

Test successful—

He definitely knew her!