013, remember to bring your brain when you go out_1

Her gaze lingered on those words for three seconds before Chu Liangxia turned off her phone.

After setting the time on the bedside alarm clock, Chu Liangxia drew the curtains closed and rolled back into bed, closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.

At eleven o'clock, Chu Liangxia was woken up by her alarm clock. She got out of bed, picked out a white t-shirt and denim shorts from the wardrobe, tied her hair into a ponytail, and got ready to step out for some grocery shopping in a simple and fresh manner.

But as soon as she stepped downstairs, she was intercepted by a BMW.

Chu Liangxia glanced at the familiar BMW, attempting to walk around it to leave, but the BMW's owner had gotten out of the car an preemptively blocked her path.

"What a coincidence."

Feng Zichen stood in front of her, greeting her with a smile.

"Quite the coincidence," Chu Liangxia said through a forced smile.

"Where are you headed?" Feng Zichen asked amicably, as if he couldn't detect the subtext in Chu Liangxia's words.


"Let me give you a ride," Feng Zichen offered with apparent sincerity.

"No need, I enjoy walking," Chu Liangxia politely declined.

"Take your time then."

Feng Zichen's eyes narrowed, his smile inscrutable.

Chu Liangxia cast him a suspicious look, but seeing that he was willing to let her go, she shook off the thought and walked around him to leave.

Under the scorching sun, Chu Liangxia didn't bother with sunscreen or an umbrella, relying on her genetically gifted complexion to stride confidently into the blazing sun.

Leaning against his car, Feng Zichen touched his chin, observing Chu Liangxia's long legs with a slight smile.

He'd wait for half an hour... possibly.


Chu Liangxia had a fairly lax daily routine, but with Lang Lin living at her place, she planned to stick to school meal times and prepare lunch between 12 and 1 o'clock. Therefore, she didn't linger in the supermarket, picking up just a few common ingredients before heading back home.

Unexpectedly, the BMW was still parked outside, blocking her way.

"We meet again." From afar, Feng Zichen greeted her with a smile.

As Chu Liangxia approached, before she had a chance to speak, she saw Feng Zichen eying the groceries in her hand and he said as a matter of fact, "You owe me a meal."

Chu Liangxia thought it over carefully and realized that she indeed owed him a favor.

The kindness both brothers had shown her by offering her a ride seemed about equal.

After contemplating, Chu Liangxia said, "Park your car properly and come with me."


The triumphant Feng Zichen nodded in satisfaction.

After watching Feng Zichen park his car, Chu Liangxia lead him upstairs.

By chance, just as they entered, they saw Lang Lin coming out to get water during a study break.

On seeing the two of them, Lang Lin stopped in his tracks.

"And who is this?" With raised eyebrows and a hint of curiosity, Feng Zichen asked with a smile.

"My brother, Lang Lin," Chu Liangxia explained casually.

"Hello," Feng Zichen greeted Lang Lin offhandedly.

Lang Lin glanced at him but didn't engage.

Feng Zichen didn't mind, but his puzzlement only grew stronger.

When the Feng Family planned to break off the engagement with the Chu Family, they had thoroughly investigated both the Feng Family and the Lang Family. The Lang Family had already cut ties with Lang Xiyuan, with Lang Xiyuan living with Lang Lin, who usually ignored Chu Liangxia, only seeking her out when in need.

It was unclear what had happened at Lang Xiyuan's to make this brother and sister end up living together.

Lang Lin returned to his room after getting his water, and Chu Liangxia gave Feng Zichen a pair of slippers before heading to the kitchen. Feng Zichen, having changed his shoes, sat on the couch like a lord of the manor and, finding it boring, started walking around the living room.

However, this strolling turned out to be more revealing than expected.

The ashtray on the coffee table could be forced into an argument as decoration, but men's cigarettes, designer lighters, a few ties and suits hanging on the balcony, and even the worn large-sized men's slippers near the entrance shoe cabinet...

Once suspicion had taken root, Feng Zichen, like a detective, started to spot traces of an adult man's presence everywhere.

Could it be—

Chu Liangxia was truly being taken care of?

This speculation surfaced in his mind, and Feng Zichen's expression turned sour.

Given Chu Liangxia's economic condition and Lang Lin's age, so many expensive male products have absolutely nothing to do with them.

The only explanation could be that a wealthy tycoon frequently stayed over.

Aside from Chu Liangxia being kept, Feng Zichen could think of no other explanation.

Moreover, if he remembered correctly, Chu Liangxia had admitted it herself.

"Dinner's ready."

As she put the dishes on the table, Chu Liangxia called out while untying her apron.

Her voice was not loud, but the two people inside and outside the door could both hear her clearly.

The dishes were simple, three dishes and one soup: braised pork, stir-fried cabbage, braised fish, plus a potato and spare ribs soup.

When Chu Liangxia brought the three bowls of rice to the table, she noticed an odd atmosphere between the two diners.

They weren't speaking, expressions cold, and although the lack of interaction could at most create an awkward and stiff atmosphere, unjustifiably, it felt as though swords were drawn and bows were tense.

"Let's eat."

Handing them the rice, Chu Liangxia took her own seat, picked up her chopsticks and prompted.

Without waiting for them, Chu Liangxia started eating right away.

Lang Lin hunched over his meal, treating the two as if they were air.

But Feng Zichen ate tastelessly, unable to enjoy the food. Chu Liangxia's cooking was excellent, and even he, accustomed to gourmet chefs, could find no fault, but the thought of Chu Liangxia being kept made him unable to feel happy.

His brother's green hat was firmly in place…

The thought alone was bitterly sad.

And Chu Liangxia was still so nonchalant, not denying the fact that she was kept, reaching an unparalleled level of shamelessness; he couldn't even think of a way to express his brother's indignation.

After the meal, Feng Zichen left with a gloomy look on his face; Lang Lin handed Chu Liangxia a stack of money.

"Where did this money come from?"

Chu Liangxia didn't take it, asking coldly.

"Borrowed," Lang Lin said, frowning slightly, not really wanting to dive into that topic.

After a moment's thought, Chu Liangxia explained, "Lang Lin, I asked you to stay of my own free will, not because your mother forced it."

Lang Lin's frown deepened.

Ever since he was sensible, he had been prejudiced against this sister, mostly because of what his mother said.

The Lang Family had labeled her as ignorant, uncultured, capricious, malicious, selfish; they said her character was poor, which is why she wasn't favored in the Chu Family.

Lang Lin hadn't completely believed it, but these assessments had more or less affected his opinion of Chu Liangxia.

But now—

Things felt entirely different.

She was confident and composed, her actions orderly; thinking about it, no matter how many times she was summoned over issues with the Lang Family, she never seemed to panic, always handling matters with a cool head.

"If you want something in particular for dinner, let me know in advance."

Chu Liangxia stood up to clear the tableware.

Lang Lin stood still, watching her tidy the table before she moved to the kitchen to wash dishes. Her figure lacked the hectic pace he had seen with his mother, possessing only a peaceful and unhurried calm.


No sooner had he stepped downstairs than Feng Zichen made a phone call to Feng Ziheng.

"Brother, Chu Liangxia is really being kept," Feng Zichen said, a trace of anger rising between his brows.


A single indifferent word, as if he didn't really care about the matter.

"Bro, about your green hat..."

"How did you find out?" Feng Ziheng interrupted the bizarre assertion.

"I took her home the day before yesterday, she admitted it herself. Just now at her place, I found a lot of male products, all pretty high-end," Feng Zichen analyzed.

"She let you in?" Feng Ziheng asked calmly.


"Next time you go out, remember to take your brain with you." With a cold reminder, Feng Ziheng hung up the phone.