035, Express friendliness to neighbors [Activity]_1

Feng Zichen mournfully went to tease Ergouzi with some dog food after losing the opportunity to capture the beauty's heart.

Chu Liangxia's limbs were stiff, watching Feng Ziheng apply medicine to her.


He seemed quite skilled at it.

His hands were nice to look at, long and slender, with well-defined knuckles, but his palms had calluses.

His fingers deftly applied the medicine to her, the professionalism obvious at a glance. The bruise on her arm was a bit painful, but not as bad as she had imagined.

Contrary to her expectations, his touch was very light and gentle.

Chu Liangxia slightly turned her head to look at him. He was focused, with lowered eyebrows and demure eyes. The light above his head cast a warm glow on his face, inexplicably making him seem very tender.

Human beings have always yearned for beauty, and Chu Liangxia, having normal aesthetic standards, began to openly scrutinize him.

This man was truly handsome.