064, Remember the kindness, repay it another day_1

Chu Liangxia's previous WeChat name was Chuchu, which was an alias she used for other business endeavors.


She had logged into WeChat on Zizhuo Xi's phone, and Zizhuo Xi knew her password. When she returned from her trip, she suddenly discovered that Zizhuo Xi had logged into her account, re-added both Zizhuo Xi and Ling Xichen as friends, and incidentally changed her nickname.

Chu Liangxia had recently gotten used to being called "Chu King" by Zizhuo Xi, so she didn't change it back.

Unexpectedly, when Feng Ziheng brought it up, Chu Liangxia instantly felt an awkward embarrassment.


Taking her phone, Chu Liangxia stiffly uttered two words, and then got straight out of the car.

Soon after, Jian Bin, holding several bags, got out of the car and followed her with a smile.

"Miss Chu, these are for you," Jian Bin said as he handed the bags to Chu Liangxia.

"Thank you."

Chu Liangxia smiled at him and then took the bags.