082, You are becoming more and more unruly! [One more update]_2

"Sure," Feng Ziheng confirmed, then reminded her, "Next time, call me."


Liangxia verbally agreed, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.


When they returned to Shuiyunjian, it had already grown dark.

Both were adept at cooking, so they stopped by the supermarket to pick up some groceries, planning to cook at home.

Chu Liangxia rarely cooked with Feng Ziheng. After all, they each had their own ideas about how to cook, especially when it came to how to do it and controlling the heat, and it was easy to have disagreements.

On the other hand, although they were a couple in name, their feelings were clearly not that simple. Cooking with Feng Ziheng felt a bit awkward.


Chu Liangxia left the cooking task to Feng Ziheng.

After washing the vegetables for Feng Ziheng in the kitchen, Liangxia retreated having accomplished her task and took the opportunity to bring some clothes over from across the street.

The weather had gradually turned cold.