091, The girl has a broken heart, my heart aches [First update]_3

Which girl doesn't love snacking?

If she didn't have to worry about maintaining her figure for her celebrity status, Zizhuo would definitely outdo Chu Liangxia in the snacking department.

She can usually only snack with Chu Liangxia.

"This is for my daughter, eat less of it."

Ling Xize took a seat on the couch and then leisurely warned Zizhuo.


Zizhuo shot him a glare and then lowered her head to snack, completely ignoring him.

Meanwhile, Chu Liangxia, carrying a bag of cake ingredients, went to the kitchen to make a cake for Zizhuo.


They always love to eat something sweet.

Aside from her love for food, Chu Liangxia also enjoyed sitting around.

She particularly relished eating food she cooked herself.

However, after living with Feng Ziheng for so long, she seemed to have gotten used to the food he made, which unfortunately fostered a bit of laziness in her.

"Chu Wang, do you need help?"