105, I kicked the Best Actor Jing Yingdi once

[Captain, sister-in-law said she won't stay at the crew's quarters tonight because a friend is picking her up to stay elsewhere—I don't know if it's a man or a woman. Do you want me to keep an eye on it?]

No sooner had the text been sent than a new message came back.


Just one word.

But Yin Kui, who had been following Feng Ziheng for a long time, smirked with a sneer.

Heh heh.

The captain is indeed covertly lecherous, always keeping an eye on sister-in-law.

Satisfied with his dark curiosity, Yin Kui contentedly put his phone away.

He hadn't been standing there long when he saw a young man approaching, looking at him and then at the door, seemingly uncertain.

Eventually, Yin Kui's sharp gaze swept over and met the young man's puzzled look.

When Liu Yu's eyes met Yin Kui's, it felt as if something had seized his heart, a pressure so indescribable it crashed down on him and made his heart tremble slightly.

He was actually a bit nervous.