105, I kicked the Best Actor Jing Yingdi seven times

Everyone knows that Lang Xiyuan hasn't filmed for a long time, and even if she does make an occasional cameo, those are just minor roles, not very important ones.

Moreover, Lang Xiyuan's mental health isn't good, and she often loses control of her emotions in public, becoming very irritable. A few months ago, she was even involved in a "physical assault" scandal, and since then, basically no one has even approached her for the minor roles.

Unexpectedly, Grandpa Jing did the exact opposite.

He not only gave her an important role but also offered a frighteningly high pay.

If the astronomical figure were to leak out, everyone would think Grandpa Jing had a screw loose.

Even though Wu Wei knew what had happened, he still felt that someone like Jing Tianchen was crazy to do so much for a girl who already had a husband, and he really should get his head checked.

However, to avoid losing his job, he decided to keep his mouth shut and pretend to know nothing.
