116, Are you still not allowed to stay out all night? [First watch]_2

No wonder Chu Liangxia chose to ask them both out today.

In the past, she could go to Shuiyunjian and Xixiang Villa with Ling Xize or Chu Liangxia whenever they wanted.

No one would mind.

Now, ever since Chu Liangxia married Feng Ziheng, she and Ling Xize rarely visited Shuiyunjian.

Because no one would enter the rooms they were familiar with anymore.

Without Chu Liangxia, everything lost its meaning.

In fact, no matter who among the three of them got married, the rhythm of their previous life was bound to be disrupted.

That was to be expected.

Thinking thus, Zizhuo Xi ran downstairs and headed straight for the kitchen, poking her head in the doorway, "Yo, need help?"

"Wash some fruit."

Chu Liangxia, who was cooking, replied without even looking up.


Zizhuo Xi quickly agreed.

Taking several kinds of fruit out of the fridge, Zizhuo Xi, who couldn't take care of herself, for the first time washed the fruit meticulously.