Chapter 40: Partner_1

The two were at a standoff, and President Dong was not budging either.

Time ticked away second by second until Wen Mian finally hung her head in defeat.

"Forget it, I can't find it anyway, and it's almost time for my class. I... I'd better go back to teaching."

Apart from quickly leaving the office, Wen Mian could think of no other solution.

Back in the classroom, Wen Mian quickly changed clothes and prepared for class.

To demonstrate for the children, Wen Mian performed a complete set of moves.

Her movements were fluid like drifting clouds and flowing water, flawless and leaving no room for criticism.

Even the other children in the classroom clapped for Wen Mian, spontaneously praising her.

"That was so beautiful!"

"I want to be as pretty as the teacher!"

Wen Mian stopped smiling and walked over to Mo Yuyan.

The child took hold of Wen Mian's hand, looking up at her with big, blinking eyes.

A crisp voice rang in her ears.

"I want to be as amazing as you."