Chapter 97 Interception_1

Wen Mian was never one to lose her temper at Pei Qingqing.

Yet her tone had been a bit too harsh, leaving Wen Mian feeling uncomfortable.

The burning gazes of the front desk staff suddenly fell upon Wen Mian.

But as if completely unaffected, Wen Mian continued to argue with Pei Qingqing.

The stalemate was obvious, and passing employees couldn't help but stop and watch for a while.

At the same time, the voices discussing Wen Mian grew louder.

"Isn't that Wen Mian? Why has she come to the company, there must be something important happening?"

"Wen Mian has never shown up before, today is really strange. Hey, look, Miss Pei keeps stopping Wen Mian from entering, do these two have some kind of conflict?"

Wen Mian felt a chill down her spine, her scalp numbing reflexively for a moment.

But Pei Qingqing had no intention of letting her off the hook.

Since Wen Mian wouldn't back down, Pei Qingqing wouldn't give in either.