Chapter 241 Really Cares_1

It was obvious.

When Pei Zhiyao had finished speaking, his father's face indeed fell.

An unidentified emotion brewed in father Pei's eyes.

On one hand, he felt reassured by Pei Zhiyao's obedience, but on the other hand, he felt it was a pity that he couldn't grasp any leverage over Wen Mian.

At that moment, Pei Qingqing upstairs witnessed the entire scene unfold.

"What are you talking about?"

The sound came, and Pei Zhiyao happened to look up at the right time.

Pei Qingqing looked strangely, especially after hearing the conversation between the two, her emotions were especially evident.

"Dad, do you not believe what brother said?"

She walked down slowly, her gaze burning into father Pei.

Seeing his father's distrustful look, Pei Qingqing was somewhat dissatisfied.

"We are family, we should communicate promptly about any matter, brother has already told you the situation, but you like this… it seems like you don't trust what he said, right?"