Chapter 297 Why Not Look for Me_1

Faced with the Mo Family's instructions, Mo Lingtian didn't know how to respond for a moment.

Wen Mian was right beside him.

The woman's ears perked up, and she immediately caught what the Mo Family members were saying.

Subconsciously, the woman drew in a breath of cold air, her gaze flickering before settling again.

"This isn't very appropriate."

Seeing the hesitant look in Mo Lingtian's eyes, Wen Mian could pretty much guess what these people had said.

"Not appropriate? How is it not? Isn't Wen Mian your girlfriend? Let me tell you, I must see you two return together today."

Her tone brooked no opposition, making Mo Lingtian feel frightened.

Yet Wen Mian suddenly gripped Mo Lingtian's wrist, and murmured a suggestion:

"I can go back with you."

Her initiative took Mo Lingtian by complete surprise.

Their relationship hadn't developed to that stage after all.

Yet she was willing to help him out by speaking up.