Chapter 65: Incitement Failure_1

Wen Zhi had not slackened her investigation in the time she worked as a teacher, at least her identity was quite effective in this village. Plus, since she hadn't caused any trouble for such a long time, the villagers had come to trust her a great deal.

Initially, there had been no progress, which left her feeling increasingly despondent, much like a headless fly not knowing where to start looking.

There was a moment when she considered giving up, but then she thought of the children and women who had been trafficked, and that if she did nothing, more people would be trafficked here or to other rural villages.

They were meant to have different lives, yet here they were, doomed to spend the rest of their lives in such a remote and impoverished village—a truly sorrowful fate.

Wen Zhi took several deep breaths to compose herself, and after psyching herself up for a while, she continued her investigation in secret.