Chapter 67 Tragic Outcome_1

The commotion had grown so large that the villagers could not ignore it; they emerged from their homes one by one, some having barely thrown on a coat before they stood a short distance away to watch.

The onlookers encircled the actor He Hanjin and Wen Zhi, and though they said nothing, their eyes spoke volumes.

He Hanjin ignored them, pretending as if he saw nothing and tried to take Wen Zhi and leave.

Seeing him so composed, Wen Zhi couldn't help but admire him somewhat, knowing well that she could not have reacted in such a manner.

"They're all looking at us..." Wen Zhi whispered as a reminder.

"Ignore them."

He Hanjin was determined to take her away.

Just then, Wang Dazhu, who lived at the farthest end of the village, heard the noise and squeezed through the crowd to see what He Hanjin was up to, frowning immediately upon seeing his actions.

"What are you doing, old Xie?"

"It's none of your business," He Hanjin said coldly.