Chapter 77 New Endorsement_1

Upon hearing the news, Wen Zhi didn't have much of a reaction.

She had already lost all feelings for Shen Chenxuan, so even upon hearing about his marriage, she felt no extra emotion.

"Is that so? Well, congratulations then. You've always wanted to marry He Wenyan, haven't you? Now you've achieved your goal," Wen Zhi said, pausing as if something had just occurred to her, "If you expect a wedding gift from me, forget it. I don't have the time to attend your wedding."

Shen Chenxuan had been closely watching Wen Zhi's every move, and seeing that she wasn't showing much emotion, he naturally felt a bit uncomfortable.

However, upon hearing the latter part of her statement, his expression relaxed a bit.

In his view, Wen Zhi's reluctance to attend his wedding was because she still harbored feelings for him and did not want to see him marry another woman.

Thinking this, he felt somewhat comforted.