Chapter 84 Restoring Memory_1

After leaving, Wen Zhi's mind kept going over the words Bai Yuewan had just spoken.

Did her existence really affect He Hanjin, so should she leave?

Initially, she was very resistant to any contact with him, but now she felt a reluctant attachment.

Wen Zhi's thoughts were somewhat chaotic at the moment, and she was somewhat distracted.

She wandered the streets alone, occasionally bumping into passersby because she wasn't paying attention to the people around her.

Some good-tempered passersby simply gave Wen Zhi a look and said nothing more, but inevitably, there were some with bad tempers who would start cursing after being bumped into.

"How can you walk without looking? You're not blind, so why are you so lacking in manners? The world really does contain all sorts of people!"

"You're really arrogant, aren't you? I bet you've never been hit before! Don't you even know to say sorry when you bump into someone?"