Chapter 159: Lost_1

He Wenyan stood behind Grandpa He, gently massaging his shoulders, "Grandpa, look, Chenxuan has already changed a lot, if things still aren't working out, why not give him another chance."

"The tonic he bought is from some pretty good brands, not just some slipshod stuff, showing that he really is sincerely concerned, that he truly can't bear to part with me."

As she spoke, He Wenyan withdrew her hand, walked over to the tonics Shen Chenxuan had bought, and opened one of the boxes.

Her intention was to have Grandpa He take a good sniff, but although the tonic shouldn't have had a very strong odor, when He Wenyan smelled it, she found the scent quite strong, causing her to immediately frown.

She thought perhaps the seller had cheated Shen Chenxuan.

"This stuff is spoiled," He Wenyan said.

Upon hearing this, Grandpa He snorted coldly, his already low opinion of Shen Chenxuan sinking further.

If one couldn't even purchase goods properly, what else could they possibly do?