Chapter 17 No Longer Enduring_1

He Hanjin's face was set as he hung up the phone, a faint hint of anger evident in his eyes. He then made his way to the He Family Old House.

At that moment, Grandpa He was having a cheerful conversation with an old friend on the phone, his laughter robust. As He Hanjin entered the living room, he was greeted by Grandpa He's hearty chuckles.

To He Hanjin, however, this laughter was grating to the ears.

He deliberately made his footsteps heard so that Grandpa He would notice him.

Upon hearing the noise, Grandpa He turned to look and, seeing it was He Hanjin, his eyes flickered briefly, apparently not too surprised by his appearance.

"I'll call you back later, I've got something to take care of now," Grandpa He said into the phone.

After hanging up, Grandpa He faced He Hanjin with a stern expression, "What brings you back this time?"

"The stuff about Wen Zhi online was released by your order."

It wasn't a question, but an assertion.