Chapter 204 Absolute Danger_1

Has the sun risen in the west?

No, it should be said that he had some other purpose for bringing me back home.

Bai Yuewan's thoughts paused for a moment before she spoke, "My throat hasn't recovered yet."

She had made herself clear enough.

That day when she was being choked, deep marks had been left on her neck, and her vocal cords had also suffered not a little harm, causing her voice to still have a somewhat hoarse quality to it.

Wang Wan naturally could hear it, and seeing her veiled rejection, his expression darkened.

He didn't care at all whether this woman's throat was healed or not. Now that Wang Yi had already found support through He Hanjin, if he didn't act soon, it would be too late!

With this in mind, Wang Wan's tone became slightly heavier, "Then you should talk less, or come up with some excuse to put them off. I will come to the Bai Family to pick you up tonight."

This was not a discussion, but a notification.

After saying this, he hung up the phone directly.