Chapter 229 Got Covered in Dust_1

"Are these words useless now?"

Bai Yuewan bit her lower lip, naturally unwilling to just leave like that.

She hadn't yet had the chance to flaunt herself in front of He Hanjin, how could she leave with her nose in the dust?

Thinking this, Bai Yuewan took advantage of the receptionist's momentary inattention. Just as the elevator doors were about to close, she dashed inside.

"Hey! Security! Hurry! Stop her!"

The receptionist, noticing that Bai Yuewan's clothes were clearly expensive, hadn't expected such a scene, and was obviously caught off guard.

By the time she came to her senses, the elevator doors had already closed.

Seeing that waiting for the elevator was already too late, the security guard simply went up the stairs.

However, the floor where He Hanjin was located was quite high, and it would still take a considerable amount of time to reach him compared to the speed of the elevator.