Chapter 232 Misunderstanding_1

That was just a money tree, yet she had the audacity to demand double its price!

After hearing this, the police could only look to Bai Yuewan and ask, "Do you accept this demand? We suggest you do, as you were the proactive wrongdoer. If the matter isn't settled privately, things could get a bit complicated; you'll have to go through court procedures later on."

Bai Yuewan certainly didn't want the hassle. Her hands at her sides clenched and then relaxed, and, with reluctance, she eventually had to agree.

"I accept!"

After the mediation, the police also left.

When it was just the two of them left, He Hanjin was even less courteous and outright told her to leave, "From now on, the He Family doesn't welcome you here."

"You'd better leave on your own before I call security."

Bai Yuewan was furious but helpless, and could only slink away in defeat.

After leaving the He Family, she thought it over and then turned to visit Wang Wan in the hospital.