Chapter 275: Having Another Plan

Director Li picked up a golf club and tested the weight in his hands, finding it suitable, he then looked at Mr. He with a cheerful smile, "Mr. He, we must have a delightful game this time."

He Hanjin also smiled before responding, "Director Li, this time it's not me you'll be playing against, but him."

"It's always good to inject some fresh blood."

Director Li glanced at Wang Yi standing by.

He clearly understood the deeper meaning behind He Hanjin's words; it was nothing but an attempt to give Wang Yi some pointers.


When had He Hanjin's judgment become so poor? To think he would choose a bastard who couldn't be seen in the light.

He didn't have much hope for Wang Yi, feeling it was just a waste of time.

Yet, with He Hanjin present, he couldn't just show displeasure and leave.

Director Li looked towards Wang Yi, his tone becoming somewhat colder, "Can you play?"

"I know a little, Director Li, please be gentle," Wang Yi said modestly.