Chapter 309: Creating a Company

Bai Yuewan had been running between work and the hospital for some time, growing increasingly weary from the long hours.

She certainly needed some time to relax.

After giving it some thought, Bai Yuewan simply decided to visit a shopping mall.

Once she had made up her mind, Bai Yuewan headed there.

Upon entering the mall, it didn't take long before she ran into a familiar face.

"Miss He," Bai Yuewan greeted proactively.

He Wenyan was looking around the shops when she suddenly heard someone calling her. She turned and saw Bai Yuewan, and a friendly smile immediately appeared on her face.

"Miss Bai, do you have time to shop today?"

"Yes, I've been so busy lately, and even tightly wound nerves need some time to unwind."

He Wenyan nodded continuously upon hearing this.

That made sense.

Since they had bumped into each other, they had no intention of going their separate ways. They simply walked together, chatting from time to time.