Chapter 378 The Opportunity to Misbehave

A single sentence alerted He Hanjin to a hint of something amiss.

The smile that had been on his face vanished instantly, replaced by a serious expression.

"What exactly happened?"

Wen Zhi originally didn't want He Hanjin to worry too much. While she hesitated, Yan Xi appeared on the camera screen.

"Wen Zhi had an allergic reaction."

"I wasn't aware of the change in chefs, and she accidentally consumed an ingredient that she's allergic to. I've already given her antihistamine, but it hasn't taken effect yet."

Wen Zhi subtly pushed Yan Xi, signaling her to stop talking.

Yan Xi understood what she meant but still didn't plan on following Wen Zhi's wishes.

"I know you don't want him to worry, but just look at yourself now. You don't look like someone with a mild allergy. If it weren't for wanting to observe for a while longer, I would have taken you to the hospital already."

Yan Xi snatched Wen Zhi's phone and aimed the camera directly at her.