Chapter 410: Overwhelming Pressure

This remark made Bai Yuewan's face turn even uglier.

"What do you mean I would wag my tail and follow someone? It's as if you're saying I have no limits when it comes to He Hanjin."

"I am going to be your fiancée in the future, don't you think it's hurtful to say such things?"

"If you're afraid of being hurt, then don't do things that would wrong me," Wang Wan sneered coldly.

"When have I ever wronged you?"

Seeing Bai Yuewan's bewildered face, Wang Wan leaned in closer and whispered, "Emotional infidelity is still infidelity."

Hearing this, Bai Yuewan suddenly felt it was rather laughable.

She was emotionally unfaithful?

Before he lost his memory, he was physically unfaithful outright, sleeping with countless women. Now he had the nerve to criticize her.

Bai Yuewan was not one to be bullied. Seeing that he was not hiding his true nature anymore, she sized Wang Wan up and down with a look of disdain in her eyes.