Chapter 68: Who is this brash young boy daring to stir trouble right under the Tai Sui's nose?_1

After dinner, Lu Fengxuan asked the butler to take care of the two little ones.

Intending to read and review, she hugged her book and plunged into the small study on the second floor, locking the door behind her.

On the other end, Fatty and Victory were on the verge of going insane.

All the computers at their base had been infected with a virus, the alarm was blaring incessantly, but they were completely helpless.

"Boss is online!" Victory shouted, and on hearing that, Fatty dashed over at once.

Lu Fengxuan's face appeared on the screen.

Fatty, nearly in tears with excitement, said, "Boss, you're finally here. We're about to lose our lives to Yishen; it's like a nightmare. Please, do something to save us."

Lu Fengxuan raised an eyebrow and asked, "What happened? Explain clearly."

"To put it simply, your Yishen showed his power and hacked all of our base's computers. Victory and I have used all of our skills, but we can't crack Yishen's firewall at all."