Chapter 257: Cry with me later, I'll still willingly straighten you out_1

Lu Fengxuan tried to hold back, but her temper rose and she couldn't restrain herself, hurling the red string directly at his chest.

The little thing was light and weightless, so it didn't hurt even when it hit.

Yu Chiyin didn't dodge, letting her throw it to vent her anger, and was just about to bend down to pick up the Red Bean String when she pounced on him, flailing and beating wildly against his body.

As she hit him, she gritted her teeth and cursed, "Bastard, I told you to keep quiet, I told you to shut up!!"

This damn man just deserves a beating!!!

"Lu Fengxuan," said Yu Chiyin, feeling utterly bewildered as he seized her slender wrist and raised it, his brows slightly furrowed as he looked at her:

"What's all this fuss about?"

Seeing anger on her face, he was even more puzzled. Angry about what? Why should she be angry?

Shouldn't he be the one who had the right to be angry?