Chapter 418: Stop being temperamental, what are you trying to prove?_1

6 PM.

Yu Chiyin's head CT results came out, confirming a slight concussion that required two days of good rest.

As always, dinner was plain porridge with a few small dishes, accompanied by a nutritious soup.

The skills of the canteen chef were incomparable to Lu Fengxuan's. The tasteless porridge and bland soup made it unappetizing at first glance.

Yu Chiyin had no desire to eat at all. After she finished eating, he instructed Long Qi to clear the food from the table.

Long Qi hesitated, looking toward Lu Fengxuan, hoping she would persuade him.

"You go ahead and leave, Long Qi," Lu Fengxuan picked up the untouched bowl of porridge from the table and sat next to the bed.

Seeing her personally feed him, Long Qi was relieved and left, bowing out.

With the lady present, the young master would surely be obedient.

Once the door was shut, Lu Fengxuan blew on the porridge to cool it and held it to Yu Chiyin's lips, "Open your mouth. Eat."