Chapter 46 Yu Lan's Intentions_1

Li Qing was currently in a somewhat reactive state and hastily put down the sprayer with a bit of embarrassment, "It just so happens to be out of water."

Wu Xingxing kept her head down without speaking, while Li Qing touched his nose, also not knowing what to say, clearly feeling awkward.

It wasn't until the arrival of Yu Lan and Hu Wei that the awkward atmosphere between the two was somewhat relieved.

Hu Pangpang, who had returned, possibly felt a little sorry and took the initiative to take over Li Qing's work.

Seeing that Hu Pangpang had taken over for Li Qing, who was carrying water, Wu Xingxing also let go and sat down on the hillside with Li Qing.

Hu Wei still wanted to have Yu Lan help, but she flatly refused and sat down next to Li Qing.

Perhaps because of the recent collision with Li Qing, Wu Xingxing was somewhat shy. After sitting for a moment, she found an excuse to pick flowers and ran off.

For a while, only Li Qing and Yu Lan were left.