Chapter 237: The Sudden Blind Date_1


The two hurriedly cleaned up the aftermath, sweetly nestled together, savoring the beautiful feelings that lingered.

"Let's go pick wild fruit, there are some really delicious wild fruits on this mountain, and mushrooms too," Yu Lan suddenly suggested.

"Sure, it's still early," Li Qing said with a smile.

He had noticed that Yu Lan had been slightly off lately, constantly emphasizing that she was his woman.

As if she was afraid Li Qing would abandon her.

This made Li Qing feel somewhat uneasy.

He felt he should spend as much time with her as possible.

But before they could set off, Wu Xingxing's call suddenly came through.

Li Qing quickly held his breath.

The sound of Yu Lan's phone was very low, Li Qing tried to listen to what Wu Xingxing was saying, but he could only hear voices without being able to discern the words.

After hanging up, Yu Lan said, "Xingxing is going to your sister-in-law's house for dinner, she asked if I want to go too?"